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Thread: Tiger Claw Foundation Events

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    And in today's Sing Tao Daily

    Click for pic

    ( 本報記者江智慧紐域報道 )

    中國國家體育總局健身氣功管理中心副主任呂實明率領中國健身氣功專家一行八人來到灣區進行文化交流,是中國 官方首度組織代表團來到美西訪問。該代表團希望將中國傳統養身文化介紹給灣區民眾,並將與Ohlone社區 大學合作,培訓氣功教練,在灣區推廣氣功。

      呂實明表示,氣功是中國傳統文化之一,也是適用於今日繁忙社會的養身法。因為氣功不只鍛練身體,而且修 練天地人合一的整體觀,具備「預防」的健康觀念,從日常養生修煉,預防疾病發生。他說,2001年至200 3年,中國氣功協會將多套氣功彙整組織成適合現代人鍛鍊的功法,分別是六字訣、八段錦、易筋經、五禽戲。之 後追蹤發現,長期鍛練氣功,可以幫助中老年人提高平衡力、改善心血管機能。

       少林真功主席徐德正也表示,氣功可以改善睡眠品質,修養人格。功夫雜誌主編簡琪則說,由於地球自然環境改變 ,加上經濟蕭條,人們開始尋求另類療法,越來越多人對健身氣功感興趣。

      昨日氣功專家包括武漢體育學院教授石愛橋、北京體育大學博士楊玉冰等人,在Ohlone社區大學紐域校 區示範適合現代人的氣功功法。民眾可參加免費氣功教學活動,時間地點如下:10月9日晚7時30分在聖荷西 少林功夫館(408-505-8809)、10月10日在三藩市(415-664-3168)。
    And the babelfish version...

    い petal fragrance \ blows fei X

    (セ kitchen li liver moss looked that technique z braves fei 笵)

    い the petal petal produces the sound of something being struck or falling to the ground ▅ to bear ы amine ō fragrance \ to hate 瞶 い み eight D ヴ the f turtle 瞯 to braise い petal amine ō fragrance \ to produce @ ︽KH ㄓ soot W postscript 秈 ︽ゅ て ユ 瑈 A 琌 い petal ﹛よ Han Zhuangzhang to touch the N xu only sparkling jade-like stone whish ﹁砐 to do obeisance C Jiangxi N xu to encircle ticket beautiful N い petal stomach senate gun ō ゅ て ざ remnant 芖 postscript チ Bohai Sea A hat N 籔 Ohlone to learn j stable X@A freshwater mussel crazy fragrance \ to execute 絤 the Ab 芖 postscript sacrificially but actually to collapse approximately fragrance \ C

    @@ the f turtle depends **** dividing watercourses A fragrance \ 琌 い petal stomach senate ゅ て ぇ @A] 琌 続 ノ the chi Dan cui cΓ avaricious|Trench iō 猭 C] likes fragrance \ ぃ the u range 絤 ō sound of something being struck or falling to the ground AτB seizing m ぱ the aHX@ trench bolt shrub mentioned in ancient texts [A ㄣ saying that u 箇 ňv shouted numerous d 芠 ├A 眖 ら 盽 gun ネ pursues swings A 箇 ň 痚 痜 祇 ネ CL arc A2001~2003~A い the petal fragrance \ midge|盢 h 甅 fragrance \ 稪 Ju Canglu THETA 続 X 瞷 NH range bell twelfth branch \ 猭 A だ O 琌 せ r 砕 BK jade 繟 B bao 竒 B き 竀 fence C ぇ mist l radish 祇 瞷 A pokes range 絤 fragrance \ AiH sacrificial U い ρ~H towering amiable キ OBэ to み﹀ to hate knack oh C

    @@ ぶ 狶 痷 \ the D 畊 畗 fine white silk タ] depends **** dividing watercourses A fragrance \ iHэ government official to hang to He 痸珇 taking advantage of A clumsy iH aunt C \ ひ steamed bread 粁 D 絪 capture 礨 玥 arc A パ crab a 瞴 zhang the M э runs A [the W 竒 flower bud to beat the soldier AH deep pool} ﹍ 碝 - t to trace urges 猭 A 禫 ㄓ 禫 hH decyl amine ō fragrance \ 稰 to chop session of C

    what @@ 琎 ら fragrance does \ produce] 珹 猌 簙 the sound of something being struck or falling to the ground ▅ stable 皘 to execute ホ稲 jue B_ㄊ sound of something being struck or falling to the ground ▅j stable crazy h law ド B list HAbOhlone not to learn the j stable to brave sacrificially biao to gaze knee lotus d 続 X 瞷 NH cold fragrance \ \ 猭 the C チ Bohai Sea i to execute [K 禣 fragrance \ the stable “to save A ˇ a 翴 pU:10 る 9 ら side 730 だ b 竧 to tremble ﹁ぶ 狶 \ ひ 繻 (408-505-8809)B10 る 10 ら bT each カ (415-664-3168)C
    Man I looooooooovve babelfish!
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Somewhere on the Northen Hemisphere of the planet Terra.
    Well... this is what I got using Omniglot. Not as funny a Babelfish's, and far more jumbled up. But I think it works:

    Chinese Qi Gong visited (this reporter Jiang intelligence reports New Domain) China State Sport General Administration of Qi Gong Fitness Center is Lu Ming, deputy director of the Chinese Health Qigong experts, led by eight people who came to the Bay Area to conduct cultural exchanges, China is the official representative of the organization for the first time Mission came to visit the United States and the West. The delegation hoped that the traditional Chinese culture, Yang Shen introduced to the Bay Area people, and with the Ohlone community University cooperation for the training of coaches qigong, in the Bay Area to promote qigong. Lu Ming is said that qigong is one of China's traditional culture is also applicable to today's busy society, Yang Shen law. Qi Gong is not only because of physical exercise and practice of people-in-one of the world as a whole concept, a 'preventive' health concepts from the day-to-day self-health, disease prevention. He said that in 2001 to 200 3, Qi Gong Association of China will be more than the entire Department of qigong organizations fit into the modern training exercises, which are 6 feet in this respect, Ba Duan Jin, Yi Jinjing, five poultry show. After follow-up found that long-term Qi Gong exercise can help improve the balance force in the elderly, to improve cardiovascular function. Shaolin Gong Zhen Xu is also the Chairman said that qigong can improve sleep quality, personality cultivation. Chien-chi, martial arts magazine editor-in-chief said that due to changes in the Earth's natural environment , Coupled with an economic slump, people have begun to seek alternative therapies, more and more people interested in qigong for health. Qigong experts yesterday, including Wuhan Institute of Physical Education, Professor Stone Love Bridge, Beijing University of Physical Education, Dr. Bing Yang and others, Ohlone Community College in New Haven campus domain model for the modern qigong exercises. People can be free to participate in teaching qigong, the time and place are as follows: Oct. 9 on the evening 7:30 in San Jose, Shaolin Kung Fu Museum (408-505-8809), on October 10 in San Francisco (415-664 -- 3168).


    "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."
    --- Mohandas Ghandi

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Omniglot isn't bad at all. Thanks!

    I still like babelfish better. It's so abstract.

    There was a nice color photo in today's local paper, the Argus.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Well, here's a long overdue ttt

    I haven't been keeping up with this thread obviously. We've done a ton of stuff since 2008 - see here (and that's just the general org, you have to go into the separate Friends section to get the rest).

    I've been spearheading our latest project. Throughout 2010, the Year of the Tiger, the Tiger Claw Foundation will be supporting WildAid’s efforts to protect wild tigers.

    Tiger Claw’s Championship II and Shark City Nationals are holding a special showcase competition for the WildAid Tiger Champion. For details, click here. Tiger Claw’s Championship II and Shark City Nationals are June 12, 2010 in San Jose, CA.

    For more on WildAid, click here.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Los Angeles
    I thought you were referring to my first kung fu style Fu Jow Pai....
    Sifu Phillip Redmond
    Traditional Wing Chun Academy NYC/L.A.


  6. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    More on WildAid

    Check out their contest.
    Year of the Tiger Shirt Design Contest

    WildAid is excited to host its first shirt design contest to highlight the world’s biggest cat – the tiger! Since 2010 is also the Year of the Tiger in the Chinese Zodiac we are having not one, but TWO design contests, with TWO winners! We can’t wait to see what you come up with! Spread the word! Entries due by April 11, 2010

    Contest 1: One-color design

    Contest 2: Up to four-color design

    Two Grand Prize Winners will each receive:

    $150 Gift certificate to the Apple store

    $150 Ultra Flip Video Camera

    $250 of David Babaii for WildAid hair care products

    $100 of WildAid branded gear

    A subscription to National Geographic Magazine for a year

    Download design templates and WildAid logos here

    Design Guidelines

    * Your design needs to be about or inspired by tigers.
    * Your design can be text, images, or a combination of both.
    * Your design must contain either/both:

    WildAid (in impact font) in any font/design

    * Your design can either be just the front of the shirt, or front AND back
    * You may submit as many designs as you would like, to either contest, though please submit each separately.
    * Your design must be original, and created by you. By submitting a design you are claiming all rights over submitted artwork.
    * Include a brief description (less than 500 words) about your design, what tigers mean to you, and why you think tigers are important.
    * All entries require full contact details upon submission: full name, address, email and phone number. This is very important! Entries without full contact information and description will be disqualified!
    * Entries must be submitted electronically in PDF format.
    * Submit all entries to by midnight April 11, 2010

    Design Specifications

    * You may create your design in way you choose, but you must submit a PDF.
    * Specify shirt color. Available shirt colors are: black or white.
    * Printable area for both front and back is a maximum 12” x 12” square.
    * Your submission must PDF file no larger than 5MB. If you win we will ask you for a high resolution file.

    Design Tips, Information & Inspiration

    * 2010 is the Year of the Tiger in the Chinese Zodiac
    * Tigers are the world’s biggest cat, with adult males weighing between 450-700lbs
    * Each tiger has a unique stripe pattern, similar to a human fingerprint
    * Wild tigers can be found in 13 countries: Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Russia, Thailand and Vietnam.
    * There are less than 3,500 tigers left in the wild, and 10,000 in tiger farms across Asia.
    * Threats to tigers include overpopulation, habitat loss, and poaching.
    * Tigers are poached for their body parts which are sold on the black market for use in traditional medicine and decoration.
    * WildAid slogans include:

    When the Buying Stops, the Killing Can Too

    Conservation Through Communication

    Join the Wildlife Revolution


    * Design must relate to the tiger theme. This doesn’t mean that other animals cannot be included, but it is advisable to feature the tiger.
    * Creativity and innovation is highly encouraged!
    * Tiger supporters all over the world will want to wear your shirt. Keep your international audience of all ages in mind when designing.
    * Entries will be judged by the staff of WildAid
    * Winners will be announced Apr. 29 2010

    Submission Agreement

    * All ages are welcome to submit designs! If you are under 18 please obtain parental consent and have them submit your design on your behalf.
    * Any submitted design becomes the property of WildAid; by submitting your design you agree that your design can be used by WildAid.
    * Each contest, one-color and four-color, will have one winner.
    * We reserve the right to make adjustments to the winning design.
    * These and other rules are elaborated in the legal agreement below.
    * By submitting you are agreeing to all contest rules.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Refreshing Lives: Martial Arts Classes for Underprivileged Youths

    The Tiger Claw Foundation is supporting Refreshing Lives: Martial Arts Classes for Underprivileged Youths. The one-year program provides scholarships for 3 underprivileged children to learn the Martial Art of Kung Fu. The training includes self defense exercises, forms, and Lion Dancing (traditional Kung Fu folk dance). The program is open to residents of the Ventura County, Chatsworth, and Porter Ranch areas whose households meet the State Poverty Threshold as established by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and are U.S. citizens, ages10-12. The deadline for applying is January 28, 2011 or once a maximum of 200 applications have been received.

    Additional information, as well as application forms can be found at: Additional information, as well as application forms can be found at:
    Held at through 2011 at Tiger Crane Kung Fu in Simi Valley, CA. This program is provided thanks to a grant from the Pepsi Refresh Project.

    In cooperation with and
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    More on Refresh

    I know a few other martial artists that applied for this grant. I'm glad one succeeded.
    Tiger Crane Kung Fu gets Pepsi Refresh Project grant
    Program bringsmartial arts to kids inlow-income families

    * By Jake Finch
    * Ventura County Star
    * Posted February 1, 2011 at 9:07 p.m.

    Kurtis Fujita prides himself for running a martial arts school that balks against the mainstream.

    At Tiger Crane Kung Fu in Simi Valley, the emphasis of Fujita's instruction isn't racking up the cost through endless belt testing, but exposing people to the beauty and athleticism of kung fu.

    But what about the kids who could benefit from martial arts whose families are struggling financially?

    "I thought it would be a really good idea to extend what we do at this school," Fujita said.

    So the Simi Valley resident took to the Internet and applied for a Pepsi Refresh Project grant, which awarded him $5,000 in October to offer scholarships to low-income children wanting to learn martial arts.

    He produced an informational video that can be seen at Fujita's grant is the first awarded to a Ventura County program out of 9,100 grants awarded since the project's start.

    "We're kicking off the second year of the project," said Amanda Ehrman, Fujita's grant manager with GOOD, the company Pepsi uses to facilitate its grant program.

    Now in its second year, the Pepsi Refresh Project awards $1.3 million each month to 32 recipients. Grants range from $5,000 to $250,000 and cover health, arts and culture, food and shelter, the planet, neighborhood and education. Anyone or any organization can apply for the grants, which are approved by online voters through the website

    "The mission of the Pepsi Refresh Project is to reach out to communities big and small," said Shelley Kiernan, spokeswoman for GOOD.

    "(Fujita) is definitely the crystallization of the intent of the Pepsi Refresh project," Kiernan said.

    The program Fujita proposed will take three children, ages 10 to 12, from qualified low-income families (determined through an application following the federal poverty level formula) and teach them the traditional Chinese lion dance, usually performed on Chinese New Year.

    The lion dance combines kung fu and Chinese folk dance movements. There were no lions in ancient China, and there are several stories about how it originated, but the one that Fujita follows tells of an emperor who dreamed of a lion walking through the forest. His advisers told him the lion was a good omen and represented good fortune. The emperor never had a bad dream again.

    The yearlong program targets older children because the equipment for the lion dance is heavy, Fujita said.

    "In martial arts, it can sometimes be an individual practice, but this will bring together the whole school," Fujita said. "It forces everybody to work together as a cohesive whole."

    An application for the scholarships can be downloaded from The application is listed under the "media" button. Deadline is Feb. 11.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    WILDAID & Ascended Masters Fundraiser

    New updates for the Tiger Claw Foundation. Fundraiser for ASCENDED MASTERS
    The Tiger Claw Foundation is supporting the project, ASCENDED MASTERS. ASCENDED MASTERS in an independent film project by Shawn Baca, featuring Kikey Castillo and Wushu World Champions Don Hyun Kiolbassa and Ernesto Matamoros. Through, Baca hopes to raise $20,000 to fund the film’s production. For more information on how you can help, visit
    In cooperation with,, and

    In 2010, the Year of the Tiger, the Tiger Claw Foundation pledged to support WildAid in its efforts to preserve wild tigers. For 2011, the Tiger Claw Foundation has renewed that pledge. The Tiger Claw Foundation will continue to present WildAid’s public service announcements on its various platforms throughout the year. Once again, the showcase event at Tiger Claw’s Championship will be a benefit for WildAid - The WildAid Tiger Claw Champion. Tiger Claw’s Championship III will be held on June 4th, 2011, in San Jose, CA.
    In cooperation with ,, and
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    ttt for this weekend

    Foshan - Legend of the Warriors, Modern Day Warriors Unleashed

    The Tiger Claw Foundation is supporting “Foshan - Legend of the Warriors, Modern Day Warriors Unleashed” the 19th Annual Spring Celebration Fundraiser for Citizens For Better Community, held at the Fremont Marriott in Fremont CA on April 23, 2011.

    In cooperation with, and
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Gigi and the billboard

    Here's our associate publisher, Gigi Oh, with one of the billboards promoting the event listed above.

    Here's Head Coach Li Xue of O-Mei Kung Fu Academy in front of the other one.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  12. #27
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Legend of the Warriors

    Here we are at the Marriott, all dressed up.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  13. #28
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Two new events

    The first is this weekend!

    13th World Congress on Qigong/TCM and 12th World Tai Chi and Qigong Day

    The Tiger Claw Foundation is supporting the 13th World Congress on Qigong/TCM and 12th World Tai Chi and Qigong Day, held at Hotel Whitcomb in San Francisco, CA on April 29-30, 2011

    In cooperation with and
    South Coast Martial Arts 2011 Summer Camp


    The Tiger Claw Foundation is supporting the South Coast Martial Arts 2011 Summer Camp, held at South Coast Martial Arts in Costa Mesa, CA on July 25-29, 2011.

    In cooperation with and


    The Tiger Claw Foundation
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  14. #29
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    1st Shaolin Summit

    1st Shaolin Summit

    The Tiger Claw Foundation is supporting the 1st Shaolin Summit, held at the Los Angeles Convention Center in Los Angeles, CA on May 21st, 2011.

    In cooperation with, and
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  15. #30
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    More on South Coast Martial Arts 2011 Summer Camp & 1st Shaolin Summit

    Here's the South Coast Martial Arts 2011 Summer Camp flyers from Philip Sahagun's facebook page

    The 1st Shaolin Summit is being discussed on the SANA thread in the Shaolin forum.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

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