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Thread: Our Future in Corrupt Lands and Corrupt Times

  1. #1

    Our Future in Corrupt Lands and Corrupt Times

    Here is some food for though as to where the US is being led to and the corruption and disgusting lies that are taking her there:


  2. #2
    best part is at 4:30 when he makes the face when the clip started prematurely...

    alex jones needs to relax... this is why people dont take him seriously... if he is truly into passing his message on he needs to get a handle on his emotions...

    i agree with him about the film, but i still wanna swat him upside the head...

    this reminds me so much of the glenn beck chalkboard clip... fukcing preachers... and the creationist rhettoric from both of them makes me sick... keep your christian bullsh1t outta politics...
    Last edited by Syn7; 02-13-2011 at 01:48 PM.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Syn7 View Post
    best part is at 4:30 when he makes the face when the clip started prematurely...

    alex jones needs to relax... this is why people dont take him seriously... if he is truly into passing his message on he needs to get a handle on his emotions...

    i agree with him about the film, but i still wanna swat him upside the head...

    this reminds me so much of the glenn beck chalkboard clip... fukcing preachers... and the creationist rhettoric from both of them makes me sick... keep your christian bullsh1t outta politics...
    Actually, the Christian rhetoric shows that neither Jones nor Beck (the latter, by a long shot) are fully "awake", as they come across as people who do not want to be herded like sheep, by the socio political scammers, while at the same time and ironically believing in religious mumbo jumbos that were also designed for the same purpose, that is herding people into the oblivion of ignorance, for the most part, anyway.

    Anyway, my money is more on Alex than it can ever be on Beck. Beck works for Rupert Murdock, so his agenda is not all clear yet, nor is his future, that is if he decides to really rock the boat.

    I believe that one needs to go beyond Alex's character traits and see his message. I actually admire him and I like him. He makes a lot of sense if one does not allow oneself to be distracted by a very few irrelevant aspects of his presentations. Also, to be honest, I don't see Jones, preaching any Jesus this, or Jesus that, cr@p.

    While we are on the subject of real life conspiracies, I wonder what happened to the poster Drake. Could it be that he has finally woken up and is now contemplating a change of career????
    Last edited by Hardwork108; 02-13-2011 at 02:53 PM.

  4. #4
    nah... he was pretty vocal till you got here... i dont think you made him leave with your great sense, i think you just annoy him...

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Syn7 View Post
    nah... he was pretty vocal till you got here... i dont think you made him leave with your great sense, i think you just annoy him...
    Sometimes great sense annoys people.....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    San Diego, CA.
    Its unbelievable to me that people actually live in this kind of fear...our gov't is messed up, make that our corrupt political system....they're not coming to take our guns and put foreign troops on our soil. (That's my personal favorite, that and Obama's with the terrorists/a secret muslim/or a foreign national).
    "if its ok for shaolin wuseng to break his vow then its ok for me to sneak behind your house at 3 in the morning and bang your dog if buddha is in your heart then its ok"-Bawang

    "I get what you have said in the past, but we are not intuitive fighters. As instinctive fighters, we can chuck spears and claw and bite. We are not instinctively god at punching or kicking."-Drake

    "Princess? LMAO hammer you are such a pr^t"-Frost

  7. #7
    yeah remember when fox news reffered to obama and his wifes fist bump as a "terrorist fist jab" and then when people complain they just say "hey we are just reporting what we hear people say"... yeah im sure she did hear people talk about obama as a terrorist, in the foxnews green room during break or at the morning meeting when they are told what they can and cant say for the day... i read all those memos that were leaked, and they are pretty bad... they are directly told how to portray the news... one thing they are not is "fair and balanced"... what a joke that is, do they still use that slogan???

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Hebrew Hammer View Post
    Its unbelievable to me that people actually live in this kind of fear...our gov't is messed up, make that our corrupt political system....
    The fact that the US government is "messed up" enough to commit mass murder on far away lands, while using blatant lies to justify their actions; the fact that there are many unanswered questions about the 9-11 "Muslim Terrorist" attacks; The fact that Constitutional American rights are being erroded systematically; the fact that the American economy is being compromised and destroyed at every opportunity; The fact that no one in government seems to care about US casualities and in the illegal wars, so much so that they are even being poisioned by their own "safe" weapons (see-deplated Uranium amo, and god knows what else); and many other FACTS, would suggest that the US government does not have the American citizen's interest at heart!

    Quote Originally Posted by Hebrew Hammer View Post
    they're not coming to take our guns and put foreign troops on our soil.
    Well the logic behind that argument is that a government that is run by mass murders, and has been run so for a long time, decides to "protect" the public from guns....LOL.

    Of course, the same government is run and controlled by Globalists who are planning for a one world government - hence the current tendecy towards regionalism, eg. the EEC, NAFTA, etc.

    So, I guess they forsee a time when more and more people will wake up to their agenda and say no. So, the government's logic would be, "the less weapons in the hands of a revolting public, the better"!

    Quote Originally Posted by Hebrew Hammer View Post
    (That's my personal favorite, that and Obama's with the terrorists/a secet muslim/or a foreign national).
    Obama is nothing of the sort. Obama has the same bosses of his predecessors, that is the powers that control Wall Street, ie. the Private Banking Cartel, who also own the Federal Reserve - which is not a government owned "national" bank, as its name falsley suggests!

    So, that is why he is a different mask on the same face. That is why nothing is changing. That is why the move towards a Global Government is going on full speed. That is why the wars in the Middle East continue, and that there are moves to create more of them.

    All I am trying to say that it is research time, folks, and then wake up time!

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Syn7 View Post
    yeah remember when fox news reffered to obama and his wifes fist bump as a "terrorist fist jab" and then when people complain they just say "hey we are just reporting what we hear people say"... yeah im sure she did hear people talk about obama as a terrorist, in the foxnews green room during break or at the morning meeting when they are told what they can and cant say for the day... i read all those memos that were leaked, and they are pretty bad... they are directly told how to portray the news... one thing they are not is "fair and balanced"... what a joke that is, do they still use that slogan???
    All official and mainstream news channels are controlled and biased. When was the last time we saw a REAL journalist question the going ons in the Bilderberg meetings? When was the last time they questioned the reason for their hyper secrecy? When was the last time a journalist, or enough of them called on G.W.Bush and his gang, to come out and answer for their mass murdering of the Iraqi people? The Afghani people?

    When was the last time a REAL journalist came out and questioned the inconsistencies of the official version of what happened on 9-11? For example, 2 planes hit two buildings, but three buildings collapsed in their footsteps! Who really questions the viability of alcohol drinking, drug taking, lap dancing club frequenting, middle class Arab kids, doing what they supposedly did?

    Which news program ever questioned of the silent removal of Bin Ladin's relatives from the US, immediately post 9-11? Did they ask how a terrorist's passport could have survived the fireball that resulted from the plane crashes?

    Yes, those and many other questions. The fact is that our media is for the most part owned and controlled by the same people who are causing all this grief to the human race, and if anyone from outside this click dares to raise questions such as the ones I mentioned above, then he is labelled a "Conspiracy Theorist", and/or a Tin Hat wearing individual, and that is all that is needed for millions of people to stick their fingers in their ears and go "la,la,la"......

    Very sad, really.....

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