Quote Originally Posted by CYMac View Post
Don't say I am a fraud, because I am a porcupine. If you wanna say I am a fraud, then you gotta proof it. I do what I do and I service the public with what I have, if you aren't happy or aren't wanting it, just leave. Those who enjoyed our service (like exorcism and other things) do enjoyed them very much as I see it in 15 years. If you are jealous of people, then it's okay.
I am jealous because as a High Priest Pagan practioner of the ancient method of anal clinch druidism, my wicker man exorcisms have gone to the way side with frauds such as yourself claiming to have "teh real" exorcisms. I challenge you to prove your Taoist Exorcisms can defeat my mighty Pagan rituals. Come on, Chi Boy, put up or shut up. You think you know about exorcisms, you don't know sh**t!!

Dłnan math innearach, mąthair na ciste-mine!!!

I'll see your pansy flute and raise you a real instrument:


Sit on it and twirl you dirty scum!!!!!