"GDA - WTF is with the severed head in your sidebar!? Please explain!"
after all my posts you really feel that you need an expalnation for a lil ol disemobied head?
yeah man
no man
you little wonder little wonder you
"GDA - WTF is with the severed head in your sidebar!? Please explain!"
after all my posts you really feel that you need an expalnation for a lil ol disemobied head?
where's my beer?
You can see if she want to practice throws...
"Never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake."
--- Napoleon
"MonkeySlap is a brutal b@stard." -- SevenStar
"Forgive them Lord, they know not what MS2 can do." -- MasterKiller
"You're not gonna win a debate (or a fight) with MST. Resistance is futile." - Seven Star
Good luck SevenStar! It's really cool to have someone you can really train with. You can improve so much just doing simple stuff with a person who knows what there doing. your wife must be a pretty cool lady! right on man!
I am nothing.
Ford, Nah, she's not asian. Her school moved - somewhere outside of boston I believe.
i'm nobody...i'm nobody. i'm a tramp, a bum, a hobo... a boxcar and a jug of wine... but i'm a straight razor if you get to close to me.
-Charles Manson
I will punch, kick, choke, throw or joint manipulate any nationality equally without predjudice.
- Shonie Carter
For Muay Thai, it's one of two places around here. Boston Muay Thai (formerly fairtax muay thai) & Sityodtong Muay Thai. If she went to sityodtong, then perhaps I'd know her.
Ford if you were talking about BSS, us then the girl you are talking about graduated and moved back home. But we have three new ones that will be fighting this year.
"Information is power"
i am a l33t h4x0r yes, i dont overdo my l33t sp34k.
oldschool 13375p34k.
glad to see we'r on the same page diego.
Free thinkers are dangerous!
but i have not a clue what you be on
fairtex? Isn't that alex gong's school? If she was there, she could probably kick my asre, or at least give me a run for my money.
i'm nobody...i'm nobody. i'm a tramp, a bum, a hobo... a boxcar and a jug of wine... but i'm a straight razor if you get to close to me.
-Charles Manson
I will punch, kick, choke, throw or joint manipulate any nationality equally without predjudice.
- Shonie Carter
Fairtex is in CA, the Boston school was a Franchise School Gong's.
"Information is power"
Then we pretty much are on the same level if you dont understand me diego because half the time i dont know wtf your on about
Free thinkers are dangerous!
as long as thiers common courtasy i dont see whats the problem.
H4x0r is for script kiddies
Thats great sevenstar I great to practice with a hot chick also, But the best part is she's my girlfriend so boinking is included with a hard workout
Mr. Sevenstar, this is Mrs. Waterdragon. I have the pleasure of reading your story to my husband. I don't think you should be afraid of me telling your wife. If by any chance, she would to get upset she would probably talk to that girl and have her kick your ass!!
I have no idea what WD is talking about.--Royal Dragon