Hello, newbie perspective here...

I've recently started training in JKD. I have a real interest and respect for Wing Chun and it's some of the most enjoyable parts of my workouts. However, I see WC as a very valuable part of a bigger system of fighting (JKD or whatever one wants to call it) rather than the complete system itself. There are vital skills, concepts, and tools (e.g. pak sao, forward pressure, economy of motion) that one can use from WC during a real fight and/or full contact event; so looking for instances of people successfully using elements of WC during a fight seems more logical to me than looking for folks using exclusively WC during a fight.

One of the most profound posts I've read here recently was when Phil Redmond stated something to the effect of him being a Martial Artist who specializes in Wing Chun rather than being strictly a WC man. I really like this philosophy.

Just because one doesn't see a plethora of videos on YouTube of fighters effectively using nothing but Wing Chun during full contact fights doesn't equate, in my mind anyways, to WC lacking practicality in today's world. It simply speaks to the wisdom of using some of the tools of WC, which have withstood the test of time, as one means to an end rather than the only means to an end.