Quote Originally Posted by Lucas View Post
How was lunch?
I went with pizza. I'll save the nachos for some other day.

Quote Originally Posted by Lucas View Post
blame all the people that spoil early traditionalists minds with modern this modern that, and also all the anti-tma guys that are badmouthing traditional practices up to their dying breath. we are not a dying breed, but we are beeing weeded out something fierce in the face of unshakable contempt. the only positive result? more swords for me!!!!
I don't think modern wushu or MMA are the spoiling factors. I think it's really just traditionalists not putting their money where their mouth is. The problem is it won't be more swords for you because overall, there are less traditional swords available. A few years ago, there was some progress in traditional swords. The fittings were getting better and good blades could be found easily. Now, the trend is backsliding. There's still some nice fittings, but the blades are taking a serious downturn in quality.

Quote Originally Posted by David Jamieson View Post
Frank, you throw weird ass parties mang. lol
It's S.F. I used to live there too. Too much sea air and sourdough affects the mind in perverse ways.