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Thread: Pakistan

  1. #46
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Augusta, GA
    Quote Originally Posted by Syn7 View Post
    are you telling me that you have never heard of muslim hardliners in their cells around the world blending into secular life??? they even have all those tapes and manuals saying its cool to drink and party to blend in with the criminal elements for "fund raising" and to blend in with corporates and the like, again for fund raising...

    wow, you sure have a great handle on this whole thing, dont ya... lol

    thats not new info... they arent retarded, they know if you walk around in robes mad dogging everyone who isnt muslim that you're gonna get yourself caught...

    if a CIA operative spends 20 years in mecca, dressed in robes and going to mosque, connecting with his community then does something to out himself and flee... do you think it would be reasonable to say "he didnt drink or look at women, he went to mosque, he was a good muslim, theres no way he could be an american" ??? sounds stupid right???

    the faith allows you to blend in for jihad... and even goes as far as saying you can lie and partake in non muslim affairs in order to blend in for the purposes of jihad...

    and strip clubs and drugs and alcahol are commonplace in american criminal underworld as well as the american corporate world...
    And contrary to popular belief, just like christians, muslims also have their vices, be it porn, alcohol, etc. I'm married to someone who grew up in a muslim household. Like any other society, they make rules against it, and then do it on the sly.

    If you have this utopian view of how they live, pure as snow and innocent as a baby deer, then you might want to break away from the computer and actually go out and interact with them.

    We're all human. We do human stuff.
    The weakest of all weak things is a virtue that has not been tested in the fire.
    ~ Mark Twain

    Everyone has a plan until they’ve been hit.
    ~ Joe Lewis

    A warrior may choose pacifism; others are condemned to it.
    ~ Author unknown

    "You don't feel lonely.Because you have a lively monkey"

    "Ninja can HURT the Spartan, but the Spartan can KILL the Ninja"

  2. #47
    Quote Originally Posted by Syn7 View Post
    are you telling me that you have never heard of muslim hardliners in their cells around the world blending into secular life??? they even have all those tapes and manuals saying its cool to drink and party to blend in with the criminal elements for "fund raising" and to blend in with corporates and the like, again for fund raising...
    That is BS. And what about the fact that they were middle class? What about the fact that one of them was said to be into drugs?

    What about the London 7/7, Islamic "fanatic" and "terrorist" who popped into Mc Donalds for a meal, shortly before aparently "blowing himself off"? Was he participating in a "last minute pretending exercise"? LOL

    Such stories are usually planted. Just like the stories of white blond American born Anglo Saxons who are supposed to be Bin Laden supporters. All of this just to justify a cross board attack on the rights of US citizens, because hey, "your blond Germanic neighbor could be an Al Quaeda "terrorist"!!!!

    You guys fall for everything the official control system throws at you!!!!!

    WAKE UP!

    Quote Originally Posted by Syn7 View Post
    wow, you sure have a great handle on this whole thing, dont ya... lol
    Apparently, I do have a great handle on this whole thing. You are the ones who are naive and gullible....

    Quote Originally Posted by Syn7 View Post
    thats not new info... they arent retarded, they know if you walk around in robes mad dogging everyone who isnt muslim that you're gonna get yourself caught...
    I have news for you. MOST muslims do not dress in robes and curse people as they walk in the streets. In fact they are better behaved than the average Westerner!

    You might only guess that they were muslims by identifying their race, say if they look like Middle Easterns, but then there are a lot of Christians and other none muslims who live in the Middle East.

    Quote Originally Posted by Syn7 View Post
    if a CIA operative spends 20 years in mecca, dressed in robes and going to mosque, connecting with his community then does something to out himself and flee... do you think it would be reasonable to say "he didnt drink or look at women, he went to mosque, he was a good muslim, theres no way he could be an american" ??? sounds stupid right???
    Wrong example. Mecca is not a multi cultrural melting pot. The US is!

    You would have to go through a lot of trouble to stick out like sore thumb in most major US cities.

    Quote Originally Posted by Syn7 View Post
    the faith allows you to blend in for jihad... and even goes as far as saying you can lie and partake in non muslim affairs in order to blend in for the purposes of jihad...
    And it also says that you need to be middle class Arabe kids, whose parents had no idea what the kids were supposed to be involved in. Usually, the MO of a RELIGIOUS FANATIC is one that includes him giving everyone headaches about his beliefs.....yet even their parents did not know that they were such "fanatics"......LOL

    Also, at the end of the day, all they had to do to "blend" in the US,was to wear stupid bermuda pants, and colorful clothing and walk in the streets in a loud mouthed manner. LOL!

    Sorry, your theory does not stick.

    Quote Originally Posted by Syn7 View Post
    and strip clubs and drugs and alcahol are commonplace in american criminal underworld as well as the american corporate world...
    Look again, first of all don't tell me about the criminal underworld, I have had up to my ears with them! LOL!

    Secondly and again. All these guys had to do was behave like moderate muslim US citizens, many of whom would not even be recognizable as muslims.

    It just doesn't stick......sorry!

    The fact is that Al Qaeda is an invention of the US and British Intelligence (and others) services.

    9-11 WAS a (so common that there is even a name for it) false flag operation. the gullible will always believe the lies until they are the ones who are taken in by the same authorities that they so gullibly believed!

    The 7/7 London bombings were an inside job too.

    Let me also remind you that on both occasions, the authorities were "rehearsing" for the exact same attacks on the same locations.

    A perfect cover, wouldn't you say, to plant some patsies and tell them that they were participating in a "top secret" military/intelligence exercise?

    Incidentally, it would be really difficult to get REAL Islamic fanatic to participate in such exercises, for obvious reasons...!!!

    Anyway, all of this would certainly be a very easy task for the most powerful intelligence agencies on the face of this planet!

    Also, interestingly, Drake who has always jumped in to "debunk" anything that he deems to be against the official version of events, somehow missed your above theory. I would have thought that he would have been the first to come up with this "cloke and dagger"
    Last edited by Hardwork108; 05-14-2011 at 11:06 PM.

  3. #48
    Quote Originally Posted by Drake View Post
    And contrary to popular belief, just like christians, muslims also have their vices, be it porn, alcohol, etc. I'm married to someone who grew up in a muslim household. Like any other society, they make rules against it, and then do it on the sly

    NOT the FANATICS, they don't, and not ELEVEN of them, for gods sake!!!!

    People, who were apparently so FANATIC, that they were willing to take their own lives!!!!!!!!

    I wonder how many of those suicide bombers in baghdad and the Gaza Strip are alcohol drinking, strip club frequenting, Middle Class Arab kids.....

    I will be greatly surprised if you find me eleven of them in the whole of Gaza, Iraq, Afghanistan and Iran, put together!!!! LOL!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Drake View Post
    If you have this utopian view of how they live, pure as snow and innocent as a baby deer, then you might want to break away from the computer and actually go out and interact with them.
    I have done better than that, I have lived in a muslim country. Most of them are normal people and yes they have their vices, because just like Christianity, Islam is a fantasy religion, created by the same people who created Christianity, as a control mechanism - among other things.

    Quote Originally Posted by Drake View Post
    We're all human. We do human stuff.
    Poor reasoning and excuse.

    The only fanatic muslims who "sin" are the ones who are pretending to be believers. I believe that we would all agree that people who blow themselves up are not pretending anymore!! LOL!

    Time to see the big picture, boys!!!

    So, what goes?
    Last edited by Hardwork108; 05-15-2011 at 01:10 PM.

  4. #49
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Augusta, GA
    The weakest of all weak things is a virtue that has not been tested in the fire.
    ~ Mark Twain

    Everyone has a plan until they’ve been hit.
    ~ Joe Lewis

    A warrior may choose pacifism; others are condemned to it.
    ~ Author unknown

    "You don't feel lonely.Because you have a lively monkey"

    "Ninja can HURT the Spartan, but the Spartan can KILL the Ninja"

  5. #50
    Quote Originally Posted by Drake View Post
    You are trying to link what I say to wack jobs who may believe that the titanic was sunk by underwater creatures, or those bird brains who believe the impossible theory of two planes bringing down 3 buildings, but it won't work!

  6. #51
    you mean you really dont see how it is possible for a building to weaken when two significantly larger towers right beside it come crashing down?

    wow... ok...

    anyways... pakistan... cut off all foreign aid... cut 100% of federally funded aid to any and all nations for that matter... bring your troops home, fortify your borders, shut the immigration door for good(or until its needed again) and use the money you save for better social programs at home... use all american money on americans... all americans, not just the ones who already do pretty well...

    i feel that way about canada too... shut the door, you can leave and come back if you are a citizen, otherwise too bad for you... stop ALL foreign aid and spend that money at home on canadians... as long as people suffer here, we have no biz spending money elsewhere... places like congo, haiti etc etc, its just not our problem... leave that up to privates to fund donations... make north america great again... if we keep going the way we are going we will end up just like the places our ancestors fled from...

  7. #52
    Quote Originally Posted by Syn7 View Post
    you mean you really dont see how it is possible for a building to weaken when two significantly larger towers right beside it come crashing down?

    wow... ok...
    A weakened building is one thing, but a "weakened" building collapsing into its own footsteps is another. You need trained engineers who carefully plan and execute the collapse by placing the right explosives on the right areas of the builiding and then detonating them in the right sequence.

    The same logic works for the two main Towers. You may be able to argue that one building collapsed like that and just call it a fluke, but I doubt that even that argument would hold water for too long. However, when yo have 3 buildings do that, two of them "because of" being hit by planes, while the third one was not hit by anything, then serious questions are in order.

    Quote Originally Posted by Syn7 View Post
    anyways... pakistan... cut off all foreign aid... cut 100% of federally funded aid to any and all nations for that matter...
    Do you realize that most of the aid you are talking about is a disguised way of medling in the affairs of othe countries. Do you really think that any US leader, let alone the elements that control them, give a **** about helping people in Pakistan, or some countries in Africa or Latin America.

    I mean they don't give a **** about their own citizens, let alone those of far away lands. Foreign aid is usually a tool of diplomacy and espionage!

    Quote Originally Posted by Syn7 View Post
    bring your troops home,
    If they bring the troops home, then they will be unable to increase their sphere of influence, which includes forcing upon other nations their own socio economic control system.

    It will also stop them from being able to steal the natural resources of given countries, as well as destroying their infrastructures, so that companies belonging to those same elites who own the government can come in to rebuild it, while their banks drown the given country in debts in order to pay for all the reconstruction. Great scam, if you ask me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Syn7 View Post
    fortify your borders, shut the immigration door for good(or until its needed again)
    The phenomenon of the open door immigration doors in many Western countries is not an accident. It is planned to help errod national identities enough for the masses to accept regional unions, such as the one you see in the European Community.

    Quote Originally Posted by Syn7 View Post
    and use the money you save for better social programs at home... use all american money on americans... all americans, not just the ones who already do pretty well...
    As I stated before, the people who run America and other Western countries, do not give a **** about the ordinary citizens, that includes the ones who are doing "pretty well", who are mainly the middle class, and whose standard of living is being assaulted on, as we speak.

    Quote Originally Posted by Syn7 View Post
    i feel that way about canada too... shut the door, you can leave and come back if you are a citizen, otherwise too bad for you... stop ALL foreign aid and spend that money at home on canadians... as long as people suffer here, we have no biz spending money elsewhere... places like congo, haiti etc etc, its just not our problem... leave that up to privates to fund donations... make north america great again... if we keep going the way we are going we will end up just like the places our ancestors fled from...
    I hate to say it, but Canada is being ran by the same people who are running the US. That is why whatever NWO policy that you see being implemented in the US and Europe, will sooner or later find its way to Canada.

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