Quote Originally Posted by XiaoPang View Post
Blacks succeed in many sport, because they are the most strong, but most dumb. Whites are half smart and half strong and Asians are weak, and smartest. We Chinese believe that God is fair. Chinese need the most smart martial, whites can use boxing and blacks can win by attacking like ape. Why do people use Chinese boxing for exercise? They should learn blacks wushu for strong. Taiji man looks fat, best body has Africa fight. I learn Chinese wushu whole life and I'm fat because my family is successful , now I will learn Africa martial to be sexy. Putting together Chinese martial and black jungle force is toppest like black face Zhang Fei.

Dude, you are winning the most stupid, ignorant, racist, oblivious, moron prize in the world! IN THE WORLD.

Now get lost you racist scum. Go educate yourself, travel and free yourself from your stupidity and lack of common knowledge.