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Thread: Stupid Canadian Politics...

  1. #76
    Quote Originally Posted by David Jamieson View Post
    oh lord...thick as a post.
    Just back up your assertion. Show where Mr Williams "admitted" he didn't need to come to the US for treatment.

    The only quote of his I saw was in Sanjuro's links. “I did not sign away my right to get the best possible health care for myself when I entered politics.” That doesn't sound like him admitting he didn't have to come here for treatment.

  2. #77
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ-Blue View Post
    Just back up your assertion. Show where Mr Williams "admitted" he didn't need to come to the US for treatment.

    The only quote of his I saw was in Sanjuro's links. “I did not sign away my right to get the best possible health care for myself when I entered politics.” That doesn't sound like him admitting he didn't have to come here for treatment.
    sorry, but you're an idiot and I am just going to treat you as such going forward.
    You are looking for a direct statement that is cut and dried. The actuality is not that, so you can't play some tautological game here. His aids, teh doctors here and his own comments are quite clear that it was not required he go to the states and that he did it by his own volition and it had nothing to do with availbility, doctors skill etc etc. Just Danny being a jerk like usual.
    Last edited by David Jamieson; 05-27-2011 at 05:50 AM.
    Kung Fu is good for you.

  3. #78
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    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ-Blue View Post
    Just back up your assertion. Show where Mr Williams "admitted" he didn't need to come to the US for treatment.

    The only quote of his I saw was in Sanjuro's links. “I did not sign away my right to get the best possible health care for myself when I entered politics.” That doesn't sound like him admitting he didn't have to come here for treatment.
    At best Williams was an idiot, at worse he was making a sad political statement that backfired big time, though it didn't seem to effect him politically at all.
    As the article from the globe and mail ( a very conservative newspaper here) showed, Williams was, it seems, ignorant of the options available to him here.
    They are being kind.
    Williams has always been an ass but his province liked him.
    Psalms 144:1
    Praise be my Lord my Rock,
    He trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle !

  4. #79
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    North, strong and Free
    Not only his province but also the satire comedy shows loved him. Man i miss those shows.....22 min - air farce. At least we still have Mercer.

  5. #80
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ-Blue View Post
    Socialized medicine systems are failing all over the world, not just in Canada.

    And of course people overuse meds up there, the drugs are 'free'. That's another huge problem socialized medicine brings, demand skyrockets. Why not go to the doctor if you are sneezing? If your stomach feels heavy, just go to the hospital. It's 'free' after all. That's why EVERY time it's tried the beaurocrats who set the costs are ALWAYS underestimating the demand which invariably results in lines, waits to see specialists, and death panels.

    So you advocate murdering leaders who you do not agree with when you cant get them out of office using the democratic process?

    wow... who said murder??? you sure make giant leaps in your head there doncha... you sure seem to love the democratic process... yet when the palestinians DEMOCRATICALLY ELECT hamas, you have issue with that... and i bet you even advocate violence against hamas... and you cannot prove to me that hamas isnt reacting to israeli aggression... just like i cant prove israel is only reaction to palestinian aggression... its all so very subjective... and more people have died from american friendly fire and collateral damage than hamas could kill in 100 years... but what? yall the good guys because your electorate is more evolved??? but for the record, yeah, i believe some people dont deserve to live... and thats different than saying they deserve to die... hopefully you gotta handle on that and we can just leave it there...

    anyways, its not just canadiands that have a huge pharma culture... even tho we get alot for free, there is just as much if not more pharma abuse in the states... im sure the american ratio is alot higher than most states with socialized medicine...

    anyways, you have no evidence to support any claims you make... just other peoples opinions that happen to have been published somewhere... not that i go out of my way to find good refrences for socialized medicine, i just dont care... we're fine, and we will be fine... as long as im taken care of im happy... and i am, i hget fat=r more than i deserve... and im cool with that...

  6. #81
    Quote Originally Posted by MasterKiller View Post
    Correct. My father-in-law is a general practicioner. He only charges $35 for an office visit, and as a result he has a very, very large practice. He also has about $2 million in his retirement account.

    You can be successful AND be affordable. Most just know they don't have to reasonable because the demand is so high that people will pay more just to be seen quickly. And it's not just welfare cases that crowd the'd be surprised at how few physicians actually accept medicaid-type patients.
    yeah and im willing to bet your father in law also works harder and has a better set of ethics than the guy down the street who makes 2/3 as much yet sees only 1/10 as many patients...

    also, just to clear it up, in canada you can recieve private health care and pay out of your pocket... you dont have to leave canada for private care with no waiting... canada is spread out pretty thin in some places and its probably just alot easier for some folks to cross the border that is 20 km away rather than going 700 km to the next big city in canada for better healtyh care. especially in ontario and quebec, crossing over for care may be more about logistics and overall cost than it is about better or worse care...

    and for the record, i can walk into the ER here and be seen withing minutes... and i live in the 3rd largest city in canada...

    and southern ontario and quebec are like the as$hole of canada so im sure they wait tons...

    maaaaan im am thankful to be from where im from... i can lay on the beach and bake in the sun and i can snowboard and zipline in the snow then go home for a fresh meal and hit up the urban life downtown later at night then wake up the next day and go fishing or rock climbing... not many places on earth that have all that at once... but if you dont like green and wet, a few months a year in vancouver will be your own personal hell... but i love it... it gives us so much... the only other place ive even come anywhere close to liking as much was the bay area in cali...

  7. #82
    Quote Originally Posted by wolfen View Post
    There is no capitalism in North America, In order to have capitalism , there must be capital to be used by the population.

    In fact 95 percent of the wealth is owned by the top 5 percent and in actual effect 99 percent of the wealth is controlled by the top .01 of the population.

    What the general population has is neither capital nor an economy, it is just the table scraps or a shadow economy. The real economy is owned and used by the power elite.
    The system that has developed in North America is in actuality Economic Fascism.

    The political class are the cultivated mandarins of the elite, massaging the public with lies , taking employment back and forth from political office to corporate boardroom passing laws to favor economic repression. the media and educational processes are owned by the elite and are the tools , of repression exploitation and fascism.

    No Capitalism, no Democracy and really , No America, No Canada , Canada is a cultivated media myth. The TV people aren't real.
    No Canada, No America only Canamerica.

    Hockey is a mass delusion inculcated to make Canadians believe the fiction that they have a country.

    Look at Greyhound Bus - controlled in Texas, owned in Scotland.
    Oh Canada , no - No Canada.

    Dollar, schmallar, All economic theory distributed through the media is confused obfuscation. Neither "Americans" nor "Canadians" have anything to do with their actual economy. Now really, only the top .01 percent are real Citizens, the rest just economic units of stock-market ectoplasm.

    Some things not to think about, won't do you any good anyway.

    "I wouldn't worry about it." - No country for old men.

    hahaha... i like this guy...

    we think somewhat alike, friend...

  8. #83
    Quote Originally Posted by David Jamieson View Post
    You are looking for a direct statement that is cut and dried.
    Which you claimed existed.

    It's ok. We can all see you for what you are, someone who is either a liar or someone who believes and regurgitates propoganda. You've been caught numerous times making allegations and when challenged you often times cannot back up those assertions. But go ahead, keep telling us things like the Federal Reserve is a private corporation. It just shows your grasp, or lack therof, of the issues.

  9. #84
    Quote Originally Posted by Syn7 View Post
    wow... who said murder??? you sure make giant leaps in your head there doncha... you sure seem to love the democratic process...
    The guy who posted this:

    "if i could snuff him out i would..."

    Sounds like someone advocating murder to me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Syn7 View Post
    yet when the palestinians DEMOCRATICALLY ELECT hamas, you have issue with that... and i bet you even advocate violence against hamas...
    The only issue I have is that they elect Hamas, a known terrorist organization, and then expect to be taken seriously when they call for peace. If you want peace, elect leaders who call for peace, not people who call for terrorism. Doesn't Hamas even go so far as saying Israel doesn't even have the right to exist?

    So no, I don't have a problem with the process at all. But I have a problem when people practice it and vote in terrorists and then complain when they aren't taken seriously in the peace procress. You have to accept the consequences of your actions.

    Quote Originally Posted by Syn7 View Post
    and you cannot prove to me that hamas isnt reacting to israeli aggression... just like i cant prove israel is only reaction to palestinian aggression... its all so very subjective...
    Truly you can't be serious. Look at the last few years. Look at who has ALWAYS broken the cease fire agreements. Not once was it Israel. Not once. So while you can't prove Israel has broken the cease fire agreements, I can easily prove their enemies have.

    Quote Originally Posted by Syn7 View Post
    and more people have died from american friendly fire and collateral damage than hamas could kill in 100 years... but what? yall the good guys because your electorate is more evolved???
    People dying by accident is alot different than people being targetted. Do you really need to have that pointed out to you?

    And yes, we are the good guys. It's not because of our electorate. It's because we don't call for innocents to be slaughtered. We aren't calling for hijackings, beheadings, stoning of rape victims, and death to Israel. Our leaders don't address the United Nations while carrying a firearm, theirs do. We don't teach our children that the greatest thing they can do with their lives is strap a bomb on themselves and kill a bunch of Jews, Americans, or any other "infidels".

    Quote Originally Posted by Syn7 View Post
    but for the record, yeah, i believe some people dont deserve to live... and thats different than saying they deserve to die... hopefully you gotta handle on that and we can just leave it there...
    I see your point. But in our culture we make that decision based on a persons actions. If ysomeone commits (and is convicted of) crimes whose punishments include the death penalty, we in effect say they don't deserve to live. While they say people don't deserve to live based on their religion or country of residence.

    Quote Originally Posted by Syn7 View Post
    anyways, you have no evidence to support any claims you make... just other peoples opinions that happen to have been published somewhere...
    What specific claims that are not opinions do you want me to back up? Unlike David, I will do that if asked.

    Of course if you are going to call me to back up assertions, I would hope you are fair about it and ask David to do so as well when it is called for.

    Quote Originally Posted by Syn7 View Post
    not that i go out of my way to find good refrences for socialized medicine, i just dont care... we're fine, and we will be fine...
    Actually your system is a drain on your country's finances. And like just about every other example of socialized medicine it's costing more than it was supposed to cost, and the lines are long enough people are leaving to have life-saving procedures done in other countries.

  10. #85
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    What specific claims that are not opinions do you want me to back up? Unlike David, I will do that if asked.

    Of course if you are going to call me to back up assertions, I would hope you are fair about it and ask David to do so as well when it is called for.
    you're a fucking ass hat 1 bad

    why don't you just shut up and keep your little right wing wing nut diatribes to yourself you dang fool.

    You don't back anything up, deal in absolutes, source from nefarious and dubious right wing publications and stay far away from any opinion that is truthful and yet contrary to your own mixed up and confused outlook on the world, which I attribute to you simply being a belligerent ass hole.

    and now, I'm sick of you and your brand of shit and so you get relegated to the goof pile with hw108.

    you can expect I won't comment on your crap anymore, so maybe you can write something about how happy you are about that. IN the meantime, adios you fukin fat ass brain dead loser. lol

    Kung Fu is good for you.

  11. #86
    Quote Originally Posted by David Jamieson View Post
    you're a fucking ass hat 1 bad
    Yet more name-calling from you. It's to be expected.

    I just won't stop asking you to prove your assertions. Get used to it. Of course we can all see you're once again name-calling in an attempt to get the thread locked so you can once again post lies and not have to prove them.

    Quote Originally Posted by David Jamieson View Post
    why don't you just shut up and keep your little right wing wing nut diatribes to yourself you dang fool.
    Why don't you just back up your assertions?

    Show where Mr Williams "admitted" he didn't need to to come to the US for treatment. You claimed he said it, so finding the quote should be easy. Unless of course you lied and said he said something he didn't actually say.

    Quote Originally Posted by David Jamieson View Post
    You don't back anything up,
    LMFAO!!!! If I listed every source I've linked too, it would be easily over 100. How many have you done. Please, just stop lying.

    Quote Originally Posted by David Jamieson View Post
    deal in absolutes,
    Guilty as charged on that one. Right is right, and lies are lies. And when I say someone said something, I source the article or video of them saying it.

    Quote Originally Posted by David Jamieson View Post
    source from nefarious and dubious right wing publications
    I thought I didn't back anything up? Which is it?

    Quote Originally Posted by David Jamieson View Post
    and stay far away from any opinion that is truthful and yet contrary to your own mixed up and confused outlook on the world, which I attribute to you simply being a belligerent ass hole.
    Man, you REALLY want this thread to be locked so you can once again escape without having to post a source. Can't you debate without name-calling? Aren't you above that?

    Quote Originally Posted by David Jamieson View Post
    you can expect I won't comment on your crap anymore, so maybe you can write something about how happy you are about that. IN the meantime, adios you fukin fat ass brain dead loser. lol
    Just ask MK to lock the thread.

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