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Thread: Practicing Kung Fu undercover and workout rootine, My way!

  1. #1

    Practicing Kung Fu undercover and workout rootine, My way!

    I'll be turning 47 in Aug. I have no Martial Art, Boxing, etc experience, but I do keep a regular work out. .

    My health is in good shape for my age, 152.4 lbs., 5'6" 3/4, 29" Waist. My Goal in the next few months is to loose the little bit of fat in my stomach area and conclude with a six pack by year ends. Sounds crazy.. but trying to get some serious abs structure in my gut is my goal before I turn 48. A six pack, If's just another vision I have before I die to try and make my second half of my life, just as awesome as my first half. I know someone will enjoy it, my wife will appreciate it too.

    Now, for the past 2 months I went from 164lbs. to 152.4, by adjusting my food intake to be less then normal. I bought a soccer ball and my routine consists of the following. Balancing the soccer ball using only my feet, knees, shoulders, head, chest, ankles, and back. I don't touch the ball with my hands until I'm done with the hour long routine.

    I started not knowing how to properly juggle the ball using only the body parts I previously mentioned. But now, I can juggle it for up to 35 hits. I have implemented into it a kicking routine, some round house kicks and I can hit the ball while it's behind me at 6ft. height and in it's falling trajectory. I have also implemented front straight kicks, Mid kicks and low kicks as well as side kicks at all heights. I have been practicing doing the split while the ball is under my foot and I roll it from my heel to my calf and can stand up from the split using only one leg. I have a punching bag that I kick and punch around. I have no training partner, so at the moment it's just a work out for my health, not too much for fighting, but.. I have honed out my kicks to reach any one's head with the quickness. I chose this route because, doesn't a ball and a head look similar in shape.? All I gotta think if I'm ever in a fight is, "Hit The Ball" and if all else fails and my life is in jeopardy, I always carry Glock 23 the Bandido Way... no holster just tucked and hidden. Yes, I practice with it on me and I have a license to do just that.

    So, my training would be similar to what I guess a Kung soccer player would want to do... and also, all that kicking gets you sweating like a SonBiatch!

    I'm thinking and of starting a new sport. Full contact Kung Fu soccer!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    NW Arkansas
    I just wanted to say that abs are made in the kitchen. At 47 i'm betting that you'll have to be on an especially strict diet to get a sixpack.
    It is better to have less thunder in the mouth and more lightning in the hand. - Apache Proverb

  3. #3
    theres a film you might like called shaolin soccer

  4. #4
    I have seen the movie, but it's not the reason why I have chosen a soccer ball to do my kick training. The main reason why there's a ball involved in my roootine, it's simply because of my nosy neighbors. Simply put, I have at all sides of my property, some very nosy women neighbors... that salivate every time they see me outside working on the yard. These women have always been like that.. talking **** about everyone and starting rumors.

    Like I said, I'm 47 years old and needed to start a routine work out. Being, that I have a big home with a big lot and I could easily convert my game-room upstairs into my Gym, but that's not going to happen! So I started my workout in my yard. Now, with said desperate woman around me and their 20sum year old sons acting like little immature roosters. Simply, I needed to hide my ugly beginning Kung Fu training moves. I don't want for people to see me doing all kinds of moves and start speculating as to what I'm doing. Hopefully, when my neighbors see the ball they think nothing more than that, He's out there with the ball again..!!
    Kicking the ball around without moving 4 steps either way, takes some skills. For me, I feel the extended 1.5 hour workout with some fancy foot work controlling the ball, has helped me loose some 10 pounds around my gut. I can already see the difference in how my pants fit around my waist. Stamina, has also increased significantly and as a result my round house kicks at head height have gotten a lot better. I have dialed my foot to the round house kick, to always hit the ball 4 feet from the back of my head when it's on it's falling trajectory. I can lift my own weight with one leg extended horizontally. Most of my training consists of making my legs faster, stronger and flexible... after I have done this for a bit, I will incorporate some Wing Chun moves to my quick striking feet... I have gotten better with the quick front jabbing kick, side low, Med and High kicks, round house kicks.. I will go with my undercover training, until I loose 10 more pounds and my abs are looking better to my nosy neighbors..

  5. #5
    we have a similar dilemma, you and I. But our mileage differs...

    I personally don't like practicing anything remotely martial arts related outside (unless with other practicing partners present), knowing that there are stupid f*ck-heads who may come up to you and say something to the affect, "I could hit you five times before you even do that move right there", or try to fight you. (i've experienced this)

    As of late, i've been practicing at the gym where private practice (that I can't reasonably do on a top-level apartment) can be done.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Pound Town
    its easy to get six pack. do squats.

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