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Thread: Babysitter?

  1. #46
    kids are impressionable or moldable like a clay.

    inspiring them or motivating them

    make them have a genuine interest to learn


    kids get bored easily

    so variations and with lots of patiences with them.


    they may not get everything "right" right away

    at least they are learning something "new" and moving along each day


  2. #47
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    this isnt about teaching kids but its funny, my friend has a 5yo boy. sometimes when they come to visit i give him a fair of foam padded nunchaku and a empty cardboard box. he'll beat on that thing until he cant move, its really funny. and it allows us to have grown up talk time while we laugh watching him.
    For whoso comes amongst many shall one day find that no one man is by so far the mightiest of all.

  3. #48
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    West Texas
    teaching kids is the money maker. It takes patience, which I have, but I just cant teach kids. I have 2 kids of my own, and tried to get my 4 year old son interested. The way I was taught is too dificult for my son, and I was taught to teach the way I was taught. If I change the way I was taught, then what I teach would not be as effective as what I was taught.

  4. #49
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    Pound Town
    Quote Originally Posted by tiaji1983 View Post
    The way I was taught is too dificult for my son.
    you asked me to translate "secret wudang poems" which i googled and found on the back of a dvd.

    Honorary African American
    grandmaster instructor of Wombat Combat The Lost Art of Anal Destruction™®LLC .
    Senior Business Director at TEAM ASSHAMMER consulting services ™®LLC

  5. #50
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    West Texas
    I asked you to translate poems for me. I didnt know what they said because I do not read Chinese. A friend that reads Mandarin, but does not know the Martial Characters said some of it looked like secret information about thier internal elixir stuff but wasnt sure. I personally still havent found the information in English on Google. But thanks for the help anyway.

  6. #51
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    My sifu was taught by a wudang teacher that Grand Master Ark Yuey Wong brought over when he was staying with him. He did not provide him poems when he was teaching, he just taught. I was fortunate enough to get in touch with someone who emailed the poems to me and was asking for assistance. I still dont understand what you find so offensive about that. just let it go already. I started my son with the Shaolin Stepping Routine and he didnt want to practice it, he kept complaining about his legs hurting. Hes a 4 year old, so I didnt continue to force him. He'll come around when he's older. for now Ill probably stick him in Karate or something.

  7. #52
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    you insisted i was wrong and you have the secret transmission from some wudang guy who escaped from communist and passed it to some chinatown guy ark wang.

    Quote Originally Posted by tiaji1983 View Post
    I still dont understand what you find so offensive about that.
    you wanted to teach people stuff from the back of a dvd
    Last edited by bawang; 07-03-2011 at 11:36 PM.

    Honorary African American
    grandmaster instructor of Wombat Combat The Lost Art of Anal Destruction™®LLC .
    Senior Business Director at TEAM ASSHAMMER consulting services ™®LLC

  8. #53
    Chinatown has VCD's. That VCD wudang poem is very secret. I wouldn't know because those VCD's are for old people. I go strait for the Japanese porn...the kind that is illegal in Japan, yet available in Chinatown.

  9. #54
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    West Texas
    lol I didnt want to teach anyone anything from the back of a DVD. I was not insisting anything, just hoping you would translate it for me. I was looking for a translation to the information I sent you. when you said you wouldnt translate it, I asked someone else, when they said it would be too much work, I used google translator to see if it could make sense of it. All I got were the names of the forms.

    The text I sent you contained poems for Wudang Taiji 13 movement form, an explanation of Wudang Taiyi Wuxing Boxing (which is probably what my friend was reading because it does talk about cultivation but is far from secret), Wudang Dragon, Wudang Bajiquan, Wudang Baguazhang, Wudang Xuanwu Boxing, The Wudang Xuanwu 2nd Set, Wudang Mysterious Fist, Wudang Dao, Wudang Taiyi Wuxing Narrow Sword (Daoist Sword), Wudang 8 Immortals Boxing, and Wudang 8 Immortals Staff. If all that was on the back of a DVD... Wow... Plus the way Wudang Poems are written, its impossible to learn a form from a poem, and some of that stuff is not even on DVD at this time.

    I dont know how you jumped to such conclusions. Why didnt you just ask me?
    Last edited by tiaji1983; 07-04-2011 at 01:43 AM.

  10. #55 come you aren't allowed around children anymore?

  11. #56
    Join Date
    May 2011
    I don't like teaching kids especially if they are not my own. I have taken on my ex girlfriend's kids her son likes it and at least tries but her 2 daughters they don't always want to be there and would rather mess around. I tell them to do something and they say they don't want to. I told one to do something and she told me she was practicing some other thing that wasn't important at the time. I just tell them to sit down or whatever. It takes away from my time with others who are there to learn. If or when I have a kid I plan to teach them as soon as they are able I want my kids to be able to handle themselves. My friend has 3 daughters and he is very serious about teaching them once they are ready they are learning a bit now. Once they were at a ball game and some guy was trying to get several kids to come with him to go look for bugs when he noticed one was not there he quickly found her and scolded her fairly harshly for it. She was crying about it because he scared her. I sat down with her and told her he only did it because it's true and he cares about her. Some people are just bad they will take you away do horrible things to you and then you will just disappear.

    As a kid I knew things and I was allowed to have knives at a fairly young age I carried one most places because I knew I wasn't physically strong enough to really fight off an adult. My ex girlfriend's oldest daughter now delivers papers in a bad area of town I worry about her at times because she is just to girly. She wants to learn but then has issues with training with me or others when we start getting sweaty. I told her if something happens run don't allow someone to take you anywhere claw their face bite kick and scream. Some local teen raped and sodomized his girlfriend. He then strangled her, snapped her neck, slit her throat, shot her then burned her after that he threw her in my sister in laws parents dumpster. She was going to leave him reportedly because he was seeing some other girl. His mother may have even helped to clean up the blood. People are just ****ed up.

  12. #57
    kids class is tough

    but nothing serious though

    somehow inspire their interests and hopefully life long

    that is most important


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