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Thread: The Obama effect hits businesses

  1. #1

    The Obama effect hits businesses

    "Cardinal Fastener & Specialty Co., a Cleveland-based manufacturer of screws and bolts for wind turbines, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection Thursday.

    President Obama visited Cardinal, which is in Bedford Heights near Cleveland, in January 2009 before his inauguration.

    "Renewable energy isn't something pie in the sky," Obama said during a speech at Cardinal. "It's not part of a far-off future. It's happening all across America right now.

    " ... It can create millions of new jobs and entire new industries if we act right now.""

    "Allentown, Pa.— When Barack Obama visited the struggling Allentown Metal Works in December 2009, the factory's industrial landscape and its rugged workers made a perfect backdrop for the president to talk about his efforts to jump-start the economy.

    On Thursday afternoon, its workers gone, its windows boarded up and its lot overgrown with weeds, the century-old building again made a perfect political backdrop.

    This time it offered Republican presidential front-runner Mitt Romney a place to tear into the incumbent Democrat's record on the economy.

    "This president came here and called this a symbol of hope," Romney said, standing before a chain link fence dressed in jeans and a plaid shirt. "It is a symbol of failure, failure of his economic policy. He's out of his depth. When it comes to getting the economy going, it's just not something he understands."

    Obama visited Allentown Metal Works as part of a whirlwind tour of the Lehigh Valley. The debt-addled factory closed in January after years of financial struggles."

    "What infrastructure boom? If there is one, Caterpillar (CAT), whose CEO promised Obama that the stimulus would allow it to keep more employees, isn't seeing one.

    The company just announced another 2,454 layoffs in three states. This is the company's third round of layoffs in just a few months."


  2. #2
    Awesome.. that just shows what a puss He really is. He is going down in History as not only the first black president to ever rule the free world, but also as a total failure at everything. He needs to go back to acorn or any other number of socialist community organizations and do what He does best, Nothing!!

    He is a totals fuking douche bag!!

    Ignorant people voted for this MORON!!

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