If you say sung means nothing, then you do not understand how to use it. If you are tense, your reaction time is slower. Even if its slower by a milisecond, the other person will arive first. To test this put your arm against someone like in a single hand push hands position. It works better if thier faster than you, and thier not as sung. Without warning, try to bring your hand down in a circle motion and touch your opponents belly. If you are tense they will be able to feel it and follow you, or block and strike. If you are sung, they wont notice you moved your hand until you've already connected.

You say that words mean nothing, this is true. But were on an internet forum. If we cant explain what were doing in words, then no one will learn anything.

Power comes from body structure. In the style I learned, we first, have proper, low stances, to develop the legs, then we go higher. we SINK so anything coming in can be redirected to earth. If you want me to elaborate I can suggest a couple training exercise. we use full body movement, so when the striking surface arrives, our whole body arrives. Power comes from the ground, to the waist, out to the striking surface. waist generates power, and dantien generates power. We also expand and contract, but any Chen Taijiquan stylist knows, you do not have to contract much to generate great power. Elusive power for Qinna defense also comes from simple body mechanics. Speed we train by being sung. For more "external" strikes, we tense only at the point of impact. we strike vital points so a lot of power is not needed, but we train so every motion is backed by our bodies and by earth. our fajing is a whip like motion, using what people are now calling "short Jin". Our long jin is short jin with larger movements, knowledge of the opponents weaknesses, stepping through, and more Yi. Qi plays into the equation but I wont discuss that since its highly doubted here, as its not necessary to hurt someone. Anyone have any questions I dont mind elaborating, after Friday I wont be on here for a while though. Back to my regular schedule and more training