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Thread: Rupert Murdoch hacks into phones of private citizens and bribes police

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    36th Chamber

    Rupert Murdoch hacks into phones of private citizens and bribes police

    The long-simmering scandal over the paper's hacking into voicemails of private citizens took a gruesome turn over the past week, when new reports indicated that staffers with the tabloid accessed the voicemail of a murdered teenage girl and families of the July 7, 2005 subway and bus bombings in London.

    The UK Guardian reported Tuesday that News reporters targeted Milly Dowler, the 13-year-old who went missing in 2002 and was later found dead. (According to the Guardian, News of the World reporters deleted messages on Dowler's phone to "free up space," giving her family the false hope she might still be alive.)

    But the news has gotten even worse for Murdoch--with reports that the paper may have engineered payoffs to police authorities. Vanity Fair reported that Andy Coulson, the paper's editor from 2003 to 2006, admitted that "he condoned payments from members of his staff at the News of the World to Scotland Yard," according to e-mails the company has handed over to the police.
    He most honors my style who learns under it to destroy the teacher. -- Walt Whitman

    Quote Originally Posted by David Jamieson View Post
    As a mod, I don't have to explain myself to you.

  2. #2
    Right! The guy is a Billionaire, with thousands of employees, and he is responsible for the conduct of each and everyone of them.

    I guess Obama is guilty of every crime commited by Americans, since he has become president, and every other President is responsible or every crime commited while they were President.

  3. #3
    i didnt know rupert owned that paper... apparently its one of the best selling junk rags in UK history, maybe the world... crazy... also i heard they are very reliable with the fact checking... that like 99.9% of what they print is actually true... but the issue isnt about the truth or lies, its about invasions of privacy... paparazzi are out of control too... ever see prince willies reaction to them??? aw man you can see and feel the hate in that kid... in his mind they killed his mum...

    hacking phones and email is wrong any way you look at it...

    personally, i dont think its anyones biz if jenny aniston wants to stick carrots up her ass or hugh grant sleeps with ten women a night... if he wants that to be kept secret then its wrong to publish this no matter how you find out, but especially when the info is obtained thru illegal means... and it happens alot... the most common crime by them is trespassing... i find it very sad that a guy can break the law and be rewarded for it by people that actually have the nerve to call themselves journalists...

    IMO these papers are a massive problem and are a huge component in the downfall of western society as a whole...

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