"Top congressional Republicans on Friday used the new dismal jobs report to blast Democrats' push for more tax revenue in the ongoing debt ceiling negotiations, arguing that such a move would derail an already shaky economic recovery.

Federal officials reported Friday that the economy added only 18,000 jobs in June -- far below the number predicted by most economists. Unemployment inched up another tenth of a point to 9.2%.

"Today's report is more evidence that the misguided 'stimulus' spending binge, excessive regulations, and an overwhelming national debt continue to hold back private-sector job creation in our country," said House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio. "A debt limit increase that raises taxes or fails to make serious spending cuts won't pass the House."

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, R-Virginia, said the jobs figures "serve as a warning that as we address the debt limit increase we shouldn't do so in a way that raises taxes and impedes the ability of small businesses to create jobs and get people back to work. ... Let me be clear: Republicans will not agree to tax increases. Period."

President Obama didn't respond to the Republicans, but reiterated his call for a rapid conclusion to the debt ceiling talks."

Source: (complete article)

One thing I'm noticing happens EVERY TIME the unemployment rate goes up, it's always a surprise to the 'experts'.