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Thread: Shaolin diet, vegetarianism and stuff

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  1. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by rett View Post
    I'm sort of half-heartedly trying to be. Munching that tofu. Occasionally a slice of bacon or five slides down the hatch though. Dang, I'm a bad perso... mmmm.

    For Hendrik: I've done 30 days Buddhist vegetarian food + full celibate + neigong about 1 1/2 to 2 hours early every morning (getting up about 4 or 5) plus regular training in the day. This once a year for the last four years. Afterwards I feel great. Healthy and strong.

    So put it together... thats 120 days


    No one is perfect. Me neither.

    nope that is not 120 days. but it is ok because not everyone is the same and not everyone's goal is the same.

    if you seriously wants to cultivate Qi in Dan tian, the 100 days straight cannot be avoid. because one needs to transform the Qi holding ability of the body.

    when the body got energetic, any sexy stuffs which one doesnt pay attention before will be ampliying 100X and thus it is easy to get wet dream. also, one will feel invincible when the energy is filling up so anger will be easily evoke because now the Ego has lots of energy it never has before to command.

    So, that is vegitarian, without the vegitarian diet, man, one is one's worst enemy.

    As in the Shurangama sutra, it is not just the Killing mind cause one problem, it is also what one eat, so, it is a problematic thinking the mind is everything. Nope, the food influence one, the emotion influence one, as much or even more then the mind.

    One for the bad things now as bad as Meat is softdrink. That disrupted the body and mind. So, to be serious, the ancient art might not work for today's practice anymore if the food is not keep as nature as possible.

    also, dont eat to much the so called Chinese vegetarian food, those are filling with toxic with lots of process carb, oil and sugar and salt. True vegitarian is balance whole food such as those in Fresh Choice restorant.

    I am not trying to be an A$$ but just to tell you everything has its cause and effect and consequence. since you put your mind in training Shao Lin, then might as well develop some real kung fu with a little extra precaution in your life. instead of wasting your effort just because a certain small stuffs.
    Last edited by Hendrik; 07-18-2011 at 11:06 AM.

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