Quote Originally Posted by rett View Post
I know close-on zilch about xingyi. Can someone tell me what I'm seeing? Some of my initial questions are stuff like, one thing that strikes me immediately is that there's something very ego-free about it. It's not theatrical or show-offy. That appeals to me a lot. Is the guy performing extra slow or clearly as a teacher might do if letting a student film him to take the clip home as a reference for practice?


Well...you're seeing the linking fist sequence which is a popular intermediate form.

I don't think I've ever seen the form performed in this way.

The movements themselves have some good "snap" to them, but they are very tight. I don't think there is a full extension of any movement during the entire performance.

I believe that this is a guy who specializes in delivering power from a close range - as his form seems to suggest.

Here's more of a 'wushu' version of the form:


Train Hard,
Josh Skinner