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Thread: That Wiccai Witch Guy

  1. #46
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Georgia, USA
    Evolution Fist,
    It's not so much a regression or a step backward or whatever. This is a lost, for the most part, part of human conciousness that served us in the past, and many believe that it should not be lost. Have you ever heard the phrase "backwards down the path"? It's not going back forever, just retracing one's steps (up the evolutionary ladder) to familiarize oneself with who and what one is, and where one comes from. Such knowledge is necessary to evolve to one's full potential.

    The Internal arts aid us in personal evolution, helping us to achieve our full potential, and that is why mental and analytical facilities seem enhanced...because they are. Generally, people who reach the internal are people with a higher conciousness, who have evolved a bit further than others. (This is on a personal scale.) People who have evolved further can allow themselves to regress at certain times with no fear that they will not come back. People who are not that evolved or are not that "civilized" need not regress at all, though if they do, they are the ones who seem to actually "downgrade."

    Resorting to the reptilian impulse is not a 24/7 thing. It is something we condition ourselves to do to give us a higher chance of survival. It is base, it is ugly, it is savage, brutal and violent...but it is a part of ourselves we cannot deny. You can wear colored contact lenses, but you cannot deny the true color of your eyes. No matter how many different pairs of contacts you wear, they will still be the same color beneath. Some people like to use the mask analogy, saying that if you wear a mask for long enough, it becomes your face. That is true, but beneath the mask, you are still the same, and beneath the human skin you are still an animal.

    The reptilian part of our conciousness is a link to instincts and knowledge that have long been disused. As an example of what I mean, let's say that far in the future industrialization has destroyed much of the landscape and rainfall is harmful to humans, sometimes deadly if they cannot get in out of it. So humans develop enclosures in which they spend almost their entire lives. Eventually, they forget about the poison rain, having spent entire generations inside. Now let's say that four people venture outside on an overcast day, and it begins raining. One person, having not evolved very far, still possesses the instinct to jump back into the enclosure, and promptly does so. Two of the people just stand there like idiots until they realize that the rain is melting their flesh off, and run around not knowing what to do. They die. The fourth person simply pulls out an umbrella as he sees the first drops of rain fall, goes about his business whistling a tune perhaps, and when the rain stops he looks around to see two puddles of ex-humans and one cowering primitive as he furls his umbrella back up. The cowering primitive, though he hasn't lost the life saving instinct, hasn't evolved far beyond it, and never might. The two puddles who were once humans, evolved beyond the instinct and lost contact with it, so much so that they could not draw upon it in a time of need. The fourth, who drew an umbrella, had not lost the instinct, but had evolved beyond it, and yet maintained contact with it so that he could utilize it in time of need without remaining a primitive.

    Have you ever explored the levels of human conciousness through the medium of the Enochian Keys, as in guided meditation? Have you ever played recordings of the Enochian Keys in the background during your practice? If not, might I recommend no's 1, 3, and 8? They are the ones for gathering power. Anyway, sounds like you are headed in a productive direction, and I would suggest definitely researching the Owl more. Sounds like a definite power animal for you. Also, do you use natural incenses, like tobacco, in your rites, or do you use specific scents? Have you tried combining your ritual exploration of the animals with more animalistic scents like musk, patchouli, etc?
    Last edited by Sam Wiley; 01-18-2002 at 11:30 PM.

  2. #47


    As far as the Enochian Keys, yes. But I do not have them to tape; I have them in document. I have a tremendous amount of works on Crowley - you can get most of the text from sacred texts and download it. I have looked into the keys from his works. Key #1... " show yourselves: open the mysteries of your creation...” Key #3...the secret wisdom of your creation. Key #8 "Come away for the crowns of the temple and the coat of him that is, was, and shall be crowned, are divided".

    Granted, I work about 80 Hrs/ week, so I really do lack in study. But time is young and I have years of study and learning ahead of me. I normally read some things and I attempt to absorb some meaning and relationship from it, incorporate what seems to fit for myself and then apply it. I have so much to research. I am still in the infancy of my learning. We all are. I chose Wicca for myself because there was a counterpart to the God - the Goddess. This duality is important to me. I look into all kinds of aspects but I do not accept that 'all male' creator theory. I choose to challenge my ego and accept the female side of he, which is she. I need this in my life or I tend to be too destructive. Balance is key. Trust me, as I have said, I am not your average Wiccan. There are a lot of Wiccans who do not look into the eyes of the shadows OF death and the darker side of reality. Their are Wiccan traditions that only worship the Goddess and those that only worship the god - thats not for me. I do not agree to the type of one-sided opinion of who we are. Now, in terms of the super ego; in Buddhism to think you’re the Buddha is to establish a dangerous and destructive super ego. Well, I make this connection - I am as much God/dess as they are me. One cannot exist without the other. We only keep them 'separate' for reasons perhaps not meant to discuss in this thread.

    Most of the incenses we burn are natural and when we draw the pent over the third eye while entering a rite, we use musk, sandalwood, patchouli etc. When I go to a native sweat lodge, I always bring raw tobacco (if I can get it). When I work with my animals I use scent as a trigger - yes. I also use leather. My 'uniform' consists of the Hung Gar bracelets, belt and shin bracelets. The bracelets are studded with pentacles. I wear a full-length cloak that weighs about 35 lbs at times. I have recently given away my bracelets to my brother-in-law. A token of relinquishing my ego. I have given away almost all of my power symbols to other practitioners for personal reasons. They are powerful gifts. So, for now, I need to focus on making all new bracelets and belts for myself. I make them all by hand as with my drums. I also give them away to personal friends when the time is right. I never harbor tools, but having said that, giving these items away that have gallons of sweat into them - is very emotional - it is like giving you the shirt off my back, literally. This giving of myself is forms of magic and healing for me. But trust me, the people that receive these gifts from me are the most trusted people in my life as they hold some of my power. Enough said about that.

    Sam. You mentioned a couple postings back about some experiences. Are you not going to share them? Too personal? I have read your bio, finally, and I think with your knowledge you have a lot to offer other practitioners that do and will be studying under you. You might want to begin integrating these ideas and methods into your teaching more. Or is it strictly personal? If I teach people how to work with animals I really try to cover almost all of the above. It is vital in my opinion and ultimately I think it is a natural reconnection to MA that few practice and many lost. Learning to kick someone’s butt is easy. Learning how to live a healthy, powerful, magical life is extraordinary.

    Last edited by PhoenixPangaryk; 01-19-2002 at 05:56 PM.

  3. #48


    Where are you educated from? You write very well and have obviously studied a lot of concepts and theories. What was your major? Tell me more about yourself.

  4. #49
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Georgia, USA
    Regarding the experiences I mentioned, sometimes people on this board think I'm crazy enough. I just don't want to make them any more certain. I'll give you one example of an experience that I was told was good even though some people said my method of achieving the result was dangerous. I got hold of an obsidian mirror when I first began my qigong training, which I practiced for about a year before learning any Taiji. I was fond of practicing an exercise that was supposed to balance out tin and yang in the body. It always made me feel great. During one part of this exercise, we gather qi, moving the arms in circles. It is a motion that kind of looks like you are scooping water up with both hands and taking it to your mouth. I usually coupled this with some visualization, imagining actually drawing in qi and filling my dantien with it on the exhale, and then drawing more in and packing it on top of what I had gathered just before. Well, one day I set the mirror up on my altar as one of the centerpieces, and as I was faced the altar during my qigong practice every day anyway, I ended up facing this mirror. The correct way of "gazing" (for lack of a better term here) had me looking right into the mirror. Having used the mirror before for gazing (in which I had seen only a few different faces, but always the same ones) and projection, I decided to experiment as I was facing it anyway. I began my qigong that day with my three circle standing zen exercies, and instead of simply zoning out or visualizing the upper heavenly circulation, I began to draw in energy from the mirror on the i breath and send it out through the mirror on the out breath. I began to see a different face than the ones I had seen previously. And then several at once. After I finished this exercise, I continued on with my qi balancing exercise. But instead of simply imagining the qi I was drawing in coming from the aethyr in general, I visualized it as coming in from this mirror. I was taking in now, but not releasing it. When I finished the exercise, and used a fa-jing movement to close the energy gates of my body back up, I felt really wierd. I could barely walk, I could barely see, breathing was way too EASY.... So I went to my bed and layed down for a moment, trying to close my eyes and regain some normalcy. But it wouldn't go away, and when I opened my eyes, I looked out the window, and I saw the Earth breathing. Huge deep breaths. Everything was moving with Her breaths, and everything was breathing on its own as well. I had a realization that I just can't put into words in its totality, and to say that I saw the Earth that day as a single living sentient organism, with many parts, also alive and sentient, does not do it justice. But from that day on, the way I practice magic and the way I practice qigong both altered. And from that day on, I have had experiences with the internal, that I was later told by my teacher were glimpses into the infinite. I was also told later by my vampiric mentor that what I had done was a kind of cmmunion with the other side, and my sending in and taking out of the mirror of energy had attracted... well, They are another subject entirely. My journey into the internal began that day, and a great many areas of sensitivity, experimentation and exploration opened up before me.

    Anyway, some of the other experiences I have had I am still processing or are not really for discussion here. I do not have any students right now who are knocking on the door of the internal, and so I am not sure if they would understand something like what I have gone through. Maybe one day I'll be able to talk with a student about it.

    I know what you mean about power objects. I have a couple of objects that friends of mine will not touch. They are permanently marked as mine.

    Believe it or not, though, I am pretty much self-educated. I taught myself how to read, how to write (I don't mean letters here, but how to write as in express on paper), and picked the subjects I studied on my own. I have been interested in the dark side since birth as a matter of fact. I can recall one incident when I was about 3 years old where I was telling my little brother about Satan and how sometimes he appears, and my father flipped out, I mean lost it. I have always believed that the dark forces in nature were supporting me. I just didn't know that there was a name for it until I was 9, when I wrote my own Satanic Bible. I had my own rituals with their own structure, my own prayers, and everything. When I was 12, I was given a copy of LaVey's book, and discovered others like myself were out there. In school, I never had to do homework or study to pass a test, as my memory was nearly photographic, and in high school, I never even had to take notes. Literature and history were like reliving past experiences to me. I only did mathematics because I had to to pass, but the concept was always pointless to me. I got kicked out of geometry class for telling the class that the teacher was wrong when she said a right triangle can have only one right angle, and proceeded to demonstrate why two-dimensional geometry would not work in a three-dimensional world, and relayed my own experiments which proved my point. I was told that that kind of thing was not taught in school. It was like the Christian religion's suppression of the discovery of the dodecahedron. Come to think of it, that would explain why the Christians hate Dungeons & Dragons so much; because the dodecahedron is a commonly used object in D&D. Anway, I have never been to college or university because I have never found one that teaches subjects that interest me or that have majors I would really like to explore. For the moment, I am content with studying on my own, and pick up books that interest me on various subjects. Currently, I am reading about Native American traditions and Buddhist beliefs, and am trying to pick up a bit of Xingyi from Sun Lu-tang's book.

  5. #50
    Fascinating thread, fellows- very thought provoking and stimulating. Sam and Phoenix, you sound like very interesting fellows. This thread reminds me a bit of the book Beat Hotel- its about the years William Burroughs, Bryon Gyson (sp?) and others spent living in Europe. At one point they were heavily into scrying- Gyson once spent 36 hours straight staring into a special mirror and all kinds of stuff started happening- I think that's where the 'cut-up' technique started. Also, from this and drugs and other things they were doing, supposedly at this point Burroughs started to appear to others as an actual lizard-man- having the head of a lizard. I was musing about this thread earlier and thinking of other modes of accessing/encouraging the inner animal/primal self- diet and sex came to mind. Diet- eating (safe) raw meat with your hands, etc... Sex- becoming very open, uninhibited, and vocal (not words), especially at the point of orgasm.... As an actor and artist, this and other things are fascinating to me and I experiment with them and other 'ways of being' from time to time.

    Sam, when you wrote words to the effect that you'd been interested in the dark side for many years, what did you mean by that? You don't strike me as being an evil person. Did you mean by 'dark side' what others would consider to be evil but actually is not? How old are you? Has anyone here ever checked out Vampire: The Masquerade in its live role playing game form or any other live role playing games? Sounds like you'd enjoy them. I haven't yet but I'd be interested to check it out- I've read a bit on 'em.

  6. #51
    Thanks for the the experience. That story was good to read. As far as LaVey, I am familiar with him, but I do not follow his teachings. I have done a lot of work that would be in line with the things he delves into, however, just like Crowley, I read over the materials, absorb what applies to me and the research I do and then keep what works and leave the rest for someone else who may like to use it. With Vamperism, I also do not get too deep into their doctrinations. When I was a teenager I called myself a Satanist and I have since removed myself from that distinction. I do respect what your doing, don't get me wrong, its just that I found something 'less' focussed on dark - more towards balance. Wicca, is the name or title that most closely correlates to what I do. I work with both male and female, light and dark forces equaly. A lot of Wiccans say they understand about the dark/light energies, but they 'choose' to only study and practice the 'light' because the dark connotations implicate that the three fold law may apply to them in some negative way. I believe it is up to us to explore and challenge these internal aspects - while harming none. The three fold law in Wicca and Crowley's love under will, do apply. They can be paralelled - if you allow them to be. Crowley's problem is that he did become a bit of a flake factor so most folks in Wicca do not take his works seriously whereas I think he had a lot of important studies that do apply to the internal working we have been discussing. The same as LaVey - he cast a shadow on Wicca that most Wiccans rebelled from and most do not endorse his workings. I think he did some important studies and experiments - most would not dare challenge themselves. I am a challenger. I am not at all afraid to challenge the abiss. I do however, choose to look at things in conjunction with the five elements, God/dess, the four guardians etc. It is all a matter of choice through experience. I have been told to 'need' magic mushrooms to establish this link is a weekness. Well actually, the criminilization of certain things and the lost links we had with natural elements are the weakness that has been hurting our magical growth. One of the most important things I believe in is that all which is asked, is ultimately found within. If you cannot find the answers to the questions you seek, within, you will never find the answers without. Now, if you really believe this, then it is up to you to do the research and work on self discovery. Researching what others have already done is not a weakness - it means we can get to work quicker and further the research.

    Where I live, we are surrounded by mountains and we have the four seasons. I have plans, once the snow melts, to travel to the mountain top for a few days of fasting and animal workings. I look forward to this. Fasting and the use of other tools helps promote the thinning of the veils where working can take place and be very effective. These types of workings promote great internal learning for myself. This whole Wiccai debate was not meant to seek followers or to make a quick buck - it was to make a physical commitment. It was a faith and dedication to something I have been working on for almost a decade now and it is still in its infancy. Having said that, I hope some day to have a few very able bodied serious individuals to train with in order to expand Wiccai. All things in time. I know it works, but people have to open to going inward.

    Now that I know who you are, welcome. As far as healing, I will send you a private e-mail to answer your questions. I will also send you my experiences with healing and where I am headed with it. Look forward to seeing you in person soon.

    Last edited by PhoenixPangaryk; 01-19-2002 at 09:05 PM.

  7. #52
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Georgia, USA
    Bruce Lee2,
    By "dark side," I mean those forces of nature responsible for change, and the methods of manipulating and directing those forces to manifest my will. Satan is a symbolic representation of those forces, many of which are to this day still considered "evil." It was my studies of these things that led to my studies in Dim-Mak.

    I remember Vampire: the Masquerade. I bought a copy of the original rule book when it first came out because I loved vampire stories and stuff. I ended up trading it to a friend because no one else wanted to play the thing. And live action role-playing was limited to events like SOLAR. Nowadays, I see people playing the live role playing part of the game everywhere, and the game is on everyone's lips. I might still play it every once in a while had someone 10 years ago showed some interest in the game besides me. Truth is, I'm fed up with role-playing games. Role playing is much more fun when it's not a game.

    Balance is very important. There is a duality to nature that cannot be denied. Those who do so stagnate their development. I don't see why anyone would purposely limit their development, but there are some out there. Maybe it's out of fear. Fear is most definitely a motivating factor, a trigger of certain behaviors and attitudes. But if you curse someone, and they deserve it, nothing harmful can come your way because the balancing forces of nature are doing right work in punishing that person. So what's to be afraid of? This isn't directed at anyone in particular, I'm just voicing an opinion.

    I have some plans of my own that I am going to set in motion once weather and circumstances are right. If all goes well, within the next year or so, I'll be announcing the fruits of at least one of the projects. Hopefully, members of the martial arts community will be interested.

  8. #53
    I have some plans of my own that I am going to set in motion once weather and circumstances are right. If all goes well, within the next year or so, I'll be announcing the fruits of at least one of the projects. Hopefully, members of the martial arts community will be interested. [/B]

    Anything that might interest me? If you ever want to bounce information off of me or ask me to attempt the application of some new technique, you can reach me privately if you wish. i would only give honest, true feedback based on my experience.


  9. #54
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Georgia, USA
    It's nothing in that vein, actually. It's more of a specialized product. But if I come up with anything technique or training method-wise, I'll definitely keep you in mind.

  10. #55
    Braden Guest
    Phoenix - Just wanted to say how jealous I was that you live in Hope. I believe it's perhaps the most beautiful city in the world. I had no idea there was any martial arts community there at all.

    Just as an aside, I once saw a wolverine directly assault a pack of wolves. Drove them off. Very stunning little creatures.

  11. #56
    Braden Yes, Hope is an amazing place. We just received about 10 inches of snow last night. The kids love it (but it is hard to pull 4 at once on a sled!)

    Amazing you were actually able to observe a wolverine in action. Pound for pound, perhaps the most ferocious on the planet. All things for a reason and you observed this for a reason. I'm jealous.


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