Quote Originally Posted by k gledhill View Post
its winning record , for me , is in every bar, nightclub I ever had to stop someone doing security work, never let me down.
Sometimes with more than one guy coming at me, in wild west bar fights scenes.....last man standing ? skinny me
I would get 'tested' by guys in security doing MT , boxing...all respected what I showed them.
In close quarter situations, clubs, bars, in situations where going to the ground isnt a good idea , for being jumped and kicked by more than one person is common...VT

I dont believe in VT for all things ether, so knowing my own ground work also came into effect on a few occasions . I do believe in x training if your going into sport fighting of mma.
and i know several guys doing security work who did just fine with MMA stuff or just thai boxing...couple even fight in the UFC now, the difference is whilst both sides have nice stories about winning on the street, wing chun seems to lack any evidence of it working well in the ring or the cage....strange that?

And MMA is as likely to mean clinch and hit or punch and throw as it is ground fighting