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Thread: Best Overall Wing Chun Book

  1. #46
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    I dont think Y Wu ever published his books yet i have been waiting for 12 years for him to do so .

  2. #47

    Best Overall Wing Chun Book

    Quote Originally Posted by wolf3001 View Post
    What is the best book for Wing Chun out there? I have a few but im looking for something that covers all the terminology in one book. I thought I read somewhere that the WC Museum was putting together a major book on all thing Wing Chun but now im not finding anything. I mainly want something that covers the techniques and theories behind the art. I have trouble with some of the terminology and would also like accurate English translations of the techniques. I have often times ran into issues with different translations for a technique. We have gotten into several discussions in class about the names of techniques and my Sifu is not always there.
    Wolf3001 , go to , it ' s all about wing chun and the Sifus and the lineages , etc .

  3. #48
    Quote Originally Posted by lance View Post
    Wolf3001 , go to , it ' s all about wing chun and the Sifus and the lineages , etc .
    Wolf and Lance- you can find a version of dictionary of wing chun terms here:

    Hope it helps.

    joy chaudhuri

  4. #49

    Best overall wing chun book

    Quote Originally Posted by Phil Redmond View Post
    One of my favorite books is "The Complete Wing Chun". I would be nice though if some WC Sifus would get together and do a book on each other's lineages. That would be a great seller since many people might not buy a book outside of their lineage but would buy a book that showed their lineage. The extra bonus being that they'd see other lineages as well.
    Phil , that would be nice , but I don ' t think so , better you go and do your own research on their lineages . Because as times goes by do you hear anything about people doing a complete research on the different lineages of WC , then turning it into a documentry DVD or book ? This is a big project that ' s why . But all we can ever for ourselves is do our own research on this subject .

  5. #50
    Firehawk4 have you checked out for The Ip Man Question eBook?

  6. #51
    Also please check out

    Hand Crafted Wooden Dummies at Affordable Prices!

  7. #52
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    I have the "Wing Chun Compendium Vol 1." which is excellent, and I also have a book called "Wing Chun Kung Fu, traditional chinese kung fu for self defense and health".

    The first is by a Wayne Belonoha, and the second is by Grandmaster Ip Chun and Micheal Tse.

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