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Thread: Ng chan wing chun

  1. #661
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    I can see it OK. I've copied it to my Flickr account:

    Arrgh! Too late. That lady looks surprisingly like my mother. But the worst weapon she used against me was the feather duster. Ask any Chinese kid!
    Last edited by CFT; 08-31-2011 at 06:26 AM.

  2. #662
    Quote Originally Posted by CFT View Post
    I can see it OK. I've copied it to my Flickr account:

    Arrgh! Too late. That lady looks surprisingly like my mother. But the worst weapon she used against me was the feather duster. Ask any Chinese kid!
    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Feather dusters, sticks, swinging, long key chains-.. my Mom in Kolkata too. I ran away. Back in the very early 1930s in the midst of riots she received instruction from Pulin Behari Das- who is mentioned in Draeger and Smith.
    I have guru Das's books- in Bengali- have not had time to translate them.


  3. #663

    Lance-(see bracketed comments))

    Quote Originally Posted by lance View Post
    Joy , does Sifu Fong or Sigung Ho Kam Ming now about this Ng Chan Sifu ?


    I was thinking that if Ng Chan sifu would like to keep a low profile , I can understand that , but why is this moshe person posting about him .
    ((As Moshe pointed out- neither he nor his sifu were under an oath of silence))

    I heard about your Sifu Fong and Sigung Ho Kam Ming was a private student of the late GM Ip Man . Sifu fong is pretty fast too , that caucasian girl that demos with Sifu fong sometimes is that Sifu Fong ' s

    ((Simo is Chinese. The two women you see depends on whther pics are old or new- if old-
    Nancy McDonald- if new-Carina Cirrincione of Little-Raven Studios who makes superb custom made mok jongs among other things and is also a superb wing chun person))

    wife ? Take Care

    Joy Chaudhuri

  4. #664
    Chee and Moshe- I have understood the article quite clearly upto now. There is no question in my mind that Ng Chan was a close student of Ip man.

    Folks generally don't know Ng Chan or for that matter much about my sigung Ho Kam Ming.
    HKM knows completely IM kwan and do work. Master Ho also was learning the Leung Bik wing chun rather than than the Chan Wah Shon wing chun.

    I understand the leaking pole strike. After the bucket, a particular kind of stand was used for
    huen work. I have one copied from my sifu's.

    Ho Kam Ming was also a close student, though he did not live with Ip Man. HKM came for regular private lessons for years without any one else being there. Also very close to Ip man wiped his sweat, carried him on his shoulder to a hospital when transportation was slow in coming, saw him even in the morning when Ip Man died.HKM distanced himself from the politics of IM's students.But,
    HKM was on the VTAA board with WSL when it was newly founded.

    Apart from the push of Ng Chan as the only original wc--I am very glad to see the article pf Moshe's sifu and Che''s clear translation. It helps remove some of the accumulated cow webs in wing chun.

    Many thanks.

    joy chaudhuri

  5. #665
    HKM knows completely IM kwan and do work. Master Ho also was learning the Leung Bik wing chun rather than than the Chan Wah Shon wing chun.

    Apart from the push of Ng Chan as the only original wc--I am very glad to see the article pf Moshe's sifu and Che''s clear translation. It helps remove some of the accumulated cow webs in wing chun.

    Many thanks.

    joy chaudhuri[/QUOTE]

    good for you Joy that you analyse these posts the right way

    anyway ,i just want to point out again friendly and without any polemic purpose that concerning the leung bik version or leung chan ... up to wing chun there is only one way to practise it, not two

    you have to think about that

    so if for example ,we precised that the stance is with all the weight on one leg (this will have many implications for all the system)
    this could not be done another way ,because if its the case ,the different stance will oppose to the development of the system

    i dont want to speak to much about that or to mention others differences but for sure people have to understand that everything has been planed in this system .
    ip man told ng chan thats nothing need to be changed

    so to answer to somebody else wc is already modern from the beginning and yes need to be copied when you have the right teaching

    Last edited by MOSHE; 08-31-2011 at 09:58 AM.

  6. #666
    Quote Originally Posted by MOSHE View Post
    HKM knows completely IM kwan and do work. Master Ho also was learning the Leung Bik wing chun rather than than the Chan Wah Shon wing chun.

    Apart from the push of Ng Chan as the only original wc--I am very glad to see the article pf Moshe's sifu and Che''s clear translation. It helps remove some of the accumulated cow webs in wing chun.

    Many thanks.

    joy chaudhuri
    good for you Joy that you analyse these posts the right way

    anyway ,i just want to point out again friendly and without any polemic purpose that concerning the leung bik version or leung chan ... up to wing chun there is only one way to practise it, not two

    you have to think about that

    so if for example ,we precised that the stance is with all the weight on one leg (this will have many implications for all the system)
    this could not be done another way ,because if its the case ,the different stance will oppose to the development of the system

    i dont want to speak to much about that or to mention others differences but for sure people have to understand that everything has been planed in this system .
    ip man told ng chan thats nothing need to be changed

    so to answer to somebody else wc is already modern from the beginning and yes need to be copied when you have the right teaching



    Moshe, under that logic who's to say the ng chan version isn't the modified and Ho Kam Ming's version isn't the original?

  7. #667
    Moshe, under that logic who's to say the ng chan version isn't the modified and Ho Kam Ming's version isn't the original?[/QUOTE]

    because its not a question of logic but facts that happened during ki ping pun was living with ng chan

    before what we told ,you never heard about it

    even if hkm would have learned the leung bik one ,he would have never disclose it publicly

    and if he had ,we should be practising the same way ,and thats not the case

    and again ,even ng chan perfomed the exact leung bik system to only three men

    one who secretly but officialy ,received the system (it was done in front of ip man)

    and two others ,including ki ping pun
    but thats ki ping pun who had the deeper and the longest relation with ng chan

    for others ,we cannot say that he really teached a sha wah son version ,because he didnt received it

    it teached a lighter version of the leung bik system ,but still quite close to the original

    thats what ki ping pun and me are teaching

  8. #668
    Quote Originally Posted by MOSHE View Post
    Moshe, under that logic who's to say the ng chan version isn't the modified and Ho Kam Ming's version isn't the original?
    because its not a question of logic but facts that happened during ki ping pun was living with ng chan

    before what we told ,you never heard about it

    ((I had heard about Ng Chan but did not know as much about him as you have described))

    even if hkm would have learned the leung bik one ,he would have never disclose it publicly

    ((HKM did not go blabbering about what he knew- except for key students and some leaks
    from part timers-still is not really public))

    and if he had ,we should be practising the same way ,and thats not the case

    ((Here and there yes- but that does not mean that Ng Chan was more correct. HKM stayed in close contact with Ip Man till the very end. Some of the others were more episodic in attendance.
    Some were good fighters but no technically as informed as HKM))

    and again ,even ng chan perfomed the exact leung bik system to only three men

    one who secretly but officialy ,received the system (it was done in front of ip man)

    and two others ,including ki ping pun
    but thats ki ping pun who had the deeper and the longest relation with ng chan

    for others ,we cannot say that he really teached a sha wah son version ,because he didnt received it

    it teached a lighter version of the leung bik system ,but still quite close to the original

    thats what ki ping pun and me are teaching[/QUOTE]

    ((OK- as I mentioned interesting wing chun discussions and comparisons. Joy Chaudhuri))

  9. #669
    This (picture) is from the double headed pole altered into bayonet art. The central figure is performing the correct action, spear and body in union, the others are inadequate.


    joy chaudhuri

  10. #670
    [QUOTE=k gledhill;

    someone owes me $5 [/QUOTE]

    Check with the First Syntax Bank Of Ny-you may actually owe them $10-
    not in Euros.
    Greek bonds will not do despite long posts in Greek!!

    Joy Chaudhuri

  11. #671
    Back to Ng Chan wing chun- the subject of this thread.

    Moshe- in the posted picture of the girls with the bayonets- the girl in the front had her hands
    very much in a wing chun pole position. It's a good illustration IMO.The devil in the details.

    One key point where we differ- in my chum kiu turns I work on not swaying my axis. In one of the videos available on YouTube.. Ng Chan appears to be swaying his axis in turning from bong to lan.
    This is probably due to weighting differences in the legs.I strive for equal weighting for development.
    In action one adjusts to what is necessary.

    joy chaudhuri

  12. #672
    Quote Originally Posted by Vajramusti View Post
    Back to Ng Chan wing chun- the subject of this thread.

    Moshe- in the posted picture of the girls with the bayonets- the girl in the front had her hands
    very much in a wing chun pole position. It's a good illustration IMO.The devil in the details.

    One key point where we differ- in my chum kiu turns I work on not swaying my axis. In one of the videos available on YouTube.. Ng Chan appears to be swaying his axis in turning from bong to lan.
    This is probably due to weighting differences in the legs.I strive for equal weighting for development.
    In action one adjusts to what is necessary.

    joy chaudhuri
    he is doing wrong , the upper part of the body should never give sign of moving

    better to look the flow of his hands

    he would not offer a clean tao to people filming him.(like the ip man video of leon tin)

  13. #673
    Quote Originally Posted by MOSHE View Post
    he is doing wrong , the upper part of the body should never give sign of moving

    better to look the flow of his hands

    he would not offer a clean tao to people filming him.(like the ip man video of leon tin)

    Ok Moshe you can compare what you advocate with this:

    Enough for now.

    I will wait and see any discussion of the bat jam do of Ng Chan.

    joy chaudhuri

  14. #674
    This thread is gold.
    Two roads diverged in a wood, and I I took the one less travelled
    And that has made all the difference

  15. #675
    Ok Moshe you can compare what you advocate with this:

    joy chaudhuri
    I stopped reading after this bit!

    ........and the nature of the tones in pronouncing Cantonese terms. Rather than
    the more common interpretation of ―searching for the bridge‖ Fong
    prefers ―sinking of the bridge‖. The bridge is ―kiu‖- the less muscled
    bony front part of the forearm beyond the wrist and before the dense
    musculature of the forearm. It‘s a strong bridge between the elbow and
    the hand. A little sinking of the bridge can result in explosive power in
    the elbow, the hand and the bridge itself. Many of the key motions of
    chum kiu involve sinking the bridge.
    Funny that because I translate the "bridge" as being the path to your opponent! It has nothing to do with arm bridges. How different is that? Finding the most quickest and direct route to your opponent is Chum Kiu or have I got the wrong tones? There are many Bong sau's in CK........for sinking arm bridges huh? Kicks sink arm bridges eh? Maybe you are reffering to our own arm bridges??? What idiot would invent such things?? Ving Tsun is cleverer than that me thinks.

    Care to tell me which key movements in CK relate to sinking the bridge Joy? I can't think of one.

    If I have actually got my interpretation wrong I'm quite happy about it!


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