Monday 9/12/2011
Yoga tonight
think i'm getting better, some of it still hard.
left shoulder bugging me a bit in the back (left rear delt).

pepper encrusted tuna steak for dinner.
diet's going pretty well.
was 240.6 for my last weigh-in, 11.6lbs overall.

think i'm going to switch up the schedule.
not a huge fan of the krav maga class.
their fitness classes are cool, but the martial art itself is kinda "meh" - just not my mentality.
I'm going to try to switch out thursday's KM level 1 class with All-in-all-out.
Depends on whether or not All-in-all-out has the KM 1 prereq like the Fit-to-fight class; which requires you to pass the km1 test before you can take it.
new schedule would look like this:
monday - yoga
tuesday - muay thai
wednesday - cross fitness (cross training)
thursday - all-in-all-out (more crosstraining) [or the cardio bag class]
friday - muay thai