Wasn't Ray the guy handing out flyers for his own BJJ seminars after just a few weeks of training at Renzo's?

Not to mention, doesn't he claim to have trained with Chan for 5 to 7 years, but by Chan's own admission he trained there sparingly for about a year, and IIRC he was told to not come back?

Isn't this the same guy who also challenged Emin Boeztepe to a fight, and when Emin Jedi-mind-tricked him and invited him to just participate in the seminar he was on his way to teach, Ray took that to mean Emin saw Ray as an equal?

And didn't he attended a Matt Hughes book signing, and after sizing Hughes up, was confident "he was just a man" and that he could probably take him?

And, of course, let's not forget, doesn't he also profess to be a "world class" surfer?

But hey, let's not let that get in the way of all the magazines that should be clamoring to interview an 0-5 fighter who is carrying Chinese Martial Arts on his shoulders...