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Thread: Eel up the pee pee = Traditional Chinese Spa Treatment

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Eel up the pee pee = Traditional Chinese Spa Treatment

    This so deserves it's own thread here.

    Eel enters man's ***** in spa treatment, is surgically removed

    One unusual spa treatment resulted in a painful mishap as an eel traveled up a Chinese man's *****. The treatment was thematically similar to so-called 'fish pedicures,' which use fish to eat away dead skin on the feet.

    By Amina Khan, Los Angeles Times / for the Booster Shots blog

    September 16, 2011, 7:11 p.m.
    Yes, you read that right. A Chinese man had to have an eel surgically removed from his bladder after a mishap while undergoing an unusual spa treatment.

    Zhang Nan, a 56-year-old resident of Hubei province, was bathing with live eels, in the hopes that the tiny, serpentine critters would nibble away layers of dead skin, revealing more youthful-looking skin below.

    It's similar to those unusual pedicures that have fish eat dead skin off people's feet -- except that you're fully submerged, and you're probably naked, and there are eels all over you.

    Anyway, Nan felt a sharp pain, realized a 6-inch eel had entered his ***** and was wriggling up through his urethra. He tried to pull it out but its tiny body was too slippery to hold, and it disappeared up his ***** and into his bladder, according to the story.

    This, the writer points out, is not the first time such an incident has been described: A teenage boy had to undergo emergency surgery to remove a 0.79-inch fish that climbed into his urethra while he was holding it and urinating.

    (Superfluous health advice of the day: Don't hold live animals while you're relieving yourself. No matter how good an idea it seems at the time.)

    Freakish as this sort of accident sounds -- and it is, of course -- there's actually a particular type of fish that has a reputation for bladder-diving. According to a Kansas State page on parasitology, there are some types of parasitic catfishes in the Amazon (mostly in the genus Vandellia, and commonly called candiru) that have been known to invade the human urethra, often while humans are urinating into a body of water.

    For the record, though, most men out there should be more worried about bacteria and viruses entering the urethra than eels doing so. For some perspective, here's a rundown from the Cleveland Clinic on some of other, more common conditions affecting the *****.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  2. #2
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    Jan 1970
    List of places I don't go because of communicable disease.

    #1. The public pool
    #2. Buffet Restaurants
    #3. Spa services
    #4. Open tables of food at business events
    #5. Hospitals (unless it's ICU for me or a loved one)
    #6. Children's birthday parties. (I went to these up until about 15 years ago, no more!)

    I stay away from these the most as much as possible.
    Kung Fu is good for you.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Eel up the pee pee vs. boycotting children's bday parties

    That's a bit of a leap there, DJ. I would not compare an eel up the pee pee with a communicable disease. I would not compare an eel up the pee pee with anything. I imagine that an eel up the pee pee is a completely unique experience that cannot be compared to anything.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  4. #4
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    My hovercraft is full of eels

    Found the original story, w/ pic.

    Mark Pangallo - 13th September, 2011

    Eel removed from man's bladder after entering ***** during beauty spa
    An erratic eel wriggled its way up a man's ***** and into his bladder following an accident during an unorthodox beauty spa treatment in China.

    Zhang Nan was bathing with live eels to cleanse his skin when one rogue serpent took a liking to his manhood.

    Foreign object: The dead eel is placed next to the surgical tool used to remove it from Zhang Nan's bladder (Picture: CEN)

    The eel treatment in question is a similar concept to the popular London spas that offer fish pedicures.

    Thinking that the eels would make him look ten years younger, Nan dived into the water and let them feast upon layers of dead skin.

    But after laying in the spa bath, Nan felt a sharp pain and realised a small eel was working its way up his urethra and into his bladder.

    'I climbed into the bath and I could feel the eels nibbling my body. But then suddenly I felt a severe pain and realised a small eel had gone into the end of my *****,' the 56-year-old from Honghu, Hubei province said.

    'I tried to hold it and take it out, but the eel was too slippery to be held and it disappeared up my *****.'

    (OK, that's enough cringing now... it's horrible, though, we know...)

    Rushing himself to hospital, the man underwent a three-hour operation to remove the six-inch eel which was dead by the time doctors found it.

    Surgeon Jin Wang said that, because of the eel's slippery nature, it was able to make a smooth entry into the genitals of Nan.

    'The diameter of the urethra in a man's ***** is just a little narrower, but because eels are quite slippery, its body worked as a lubricant and so it got into the ***** smoothly,' he said.

    (Really - stop cringing - we can see you...)

    Believe it or not, Nan's case follows a similar incident when a 14-year-old boy in India had to undergo emergency surgery.

    In a case study published by urologists Dr G Vezhaventhan and R Jeyaraman, they described how they removed a 2cm-long fish from the boy's bladder.

    The teenager said that while holding the fish he had gone to the toilet and, while urinating, the fish had 'slipped from his hand and entered his urethra'.

    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    CA, USA
    This reminds me of that feared species of little fish that will swim up a man's penus (or other orifice) if it can. It's been said that if you pee in the river, the fish will even swim up the urine stream, work its way into the penus and lodge into the urethra. Myth or fact? IDK. I do know the fish are real, and it has definitely happened. There was even a show (was it River Monsters?) that showed a guy this happened to, and the fish was preserved in a glass tube. Obviously, it had been removed surgically; the fish's fins/spines made it impossible to be removed otherwise.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    The Candirú fish

    Allow me to cite the great sage of Straight Dope, Cecil Adams
    Can the candirú fish swim upstream into your urethra?
    May 19, 2000

    Dear Cecil:

    In the past I have heard tell that you should never pee in the Amazon River lest a certain fish swim upstream into your ***** and lock its fins in place in your urethra. Of course I always dismissed this as a tall tale spread by the natives to scare tourists. However, I read recently in the newspaper about the candirú fish, which allegedly does just this. Please gimme the straight poop.

    — Chase Kimball, via the Internet

    Cecil replies:

    Can't blame you for your skepticism — this is one of those stories you want desperately not to believe. Here's a description from a 1973 article in Urology by John Herman:

    One of the strangest [stories from the Amazon concerned] a fish that was urinophilic and could swim up the urethra or into the vagina of the unwary native who urinated while bathing in the Amazon. It was said that this fish, known as candirú [in Brazil; as carnero in Spanish-speaking countries], was long, thin, and capable of forcing its way into the body's passageways following the trail of urine. Once inside it would eat away the mucous membranes and tissues until hemorrhage would kill it or the host. It was also said that even if one caught the fish by the tail, once in the urethra it could not be pulled out because it would spread itself like an umbrella. Indeed, rumors had it that penectomy was preferred to the misery and pain associated with leaving the fish in the urethra!

    Yeah, I know. I crossed my legs too.

    Herman's article is titled, "Candirú: Urinophilic Catfish, Its Gift to Urology," which doesn't seem like the world's most sensitive take on the subject. However, the author refers not to the financial opportunities for urologists but to an anti-candirú folk remedy useful in treating bladder and kidney problems. More on this below.

    Are stories about the candirú true? Although many mentions of the candirú can be found online and in popular books and magazines, scientific accounts of the fish and its unfortunate habits are old and suspiciously few. Most of what we know comes from the 1930 book The Candirú by Dr. Eugene W. Gudger of the American Museum of Natural History, plus a couple additional articles published in the '40s. All sources insist that the incredible story is true, but for evidence they rely mostly on vague second- or thirdhand reports from missionaries, doctors, natives, and the like. Even the doctors' accounts tend to lack persuasive detail, although one article (Lins, Journal of Urology, 1945) claims a U.S. navy surgeon named Charles Ammerman operated on three candirú victims, in one case slicing into the bladder to extract the fish.

    Whatever the truth may be, there's little doubt the candirú, formally known as Vandellia cirrhosa, is capable of the attacks described. A type of catfish, the candirú is known to lodge in the gill cavities of larger fish, where it subsists by sucking the blood of its host. Specimens average three inches in length and a quarter inch in diameter. A fast, powerful swimmer, the fish is smooth and slimy, with sharp teeth and backward-pointing spines on its gill covers that make it virtually impossible to remove. Still, it's difficult to imagine how even the most agile of fishes could squirm into someone's ***** during a brief dip in the water, and in fact one account says women are much more likely to be candirú victims due to the greater dimensions of the female aperture.

    One suggestive bit of evidence is a folk remedy used by Amazon natives, namely the green fruit of the jagua tree, Genipa americana L. The juice of this fruit is brewed into a tea and drunk hot, supposedly causing the skeleton of the fish to dissolve and resulting in its expulsion from the victim within a couple hours. Early observers scoffed at the effectiveness of this concoction, but in 1945 urologist Eugenio Lins reported that a synthetic version of the brew had dissolved bladder "incrustations" in a dozen patients and suggested that it might do the same for kidney stones.

    Some elements of the candirú legend are clearly exaggerated. There are no confirmed reports of deaths or penectomies — several cases of the latter are thought to have run afoul of piranha. It's uncertain whether the candirú is actually "urinophilic," and as far as I know, no one seriously maintains that it can swim out of the water and up a urine stream. Just the same, next time my yacht cruises down the Amazon, I'm not peeing over the side.

    One last thing. Lest you think the candirú is all bad news, one visionary has proposed them, apparently seriously, as a key prong in a "fish-based security system" for the South Pacific — see The idea is to dig a moat around your house and stock it with candirú, piranha, and electric eels. "Should the housebreaker fortuitously not be attacked by the electric eels or the piranha," we read, "then there is a good chance that he will suffer the invasive penetration of the candirú into the urethra." OK, you might lose a few pets or small children, but at least your silverware will be safe.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by GeneChing View Post
    I imagine that an eel up the pee pee is a completely unique experience that cannot be compared to anything.
    except for another eel up the pee-pee...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    How about an eel up the anus?

    No, this is not a bawang quote. Although, once you read it, I'm sure you'll agree that it just might as well be...

    Man Put in Serious Condition as Eel Invades Anus
    3 hours ago by Master Blaster

    Monopterus albus also goes by the names “swamp eel” or “rice eel” and is a nocturnal carnivorous fish which feeds on frogs, shrimp, and turtle eggs. They have bristle-like teeth and sometimes are colored bright-yellowish shades.

    At this point, you all must be thinking, “Gee, that sounds like it would feel great on my butt.” However, we urge you to stop and strongly consider the pitfalls of introducing an eel to your anus.

    To clarify our point, here’s a horrifying and disgusting story from China.

    This story comes to us from a miniblog written by an unnamed female doctor in China. It begins with an unidentified male who, like we all have, wondered what an eel to the bum would be like.

    Before continuing the story it should be noted that the swamp eel is able to breathe air and travel across short distance of dry land. In addition, they are able to avoid drought and provide self-defense by burrowing deep into the muddy soil.

    So, when placed in what a swamp eel would clearly consider a threatening situation it followed instinct and burrowed deep into something muddy.

    The adult eel — which measured 50cm (20″) and weighed about 600g (1.3 lbs) — proceeded into the man’s colon and punctured it, requiring the man to be rushed to hospital for emergency surgery.

    In a surgery that took all night to perform, the eel was successfully removed from the colon. According to the blog it was still breathing when it was extracted.

    The man is currently recovering in hospital. There is no word on the fate of the eel.

    So next time you or someone you know want to put swamp eels or any kind of burrowing flesh eating animal in or around your rectal cavity: Please stop!

    Consider something inanimate like a wire or pressurized air hose, or consult your local gastroenterologist who will certainly recommend “nothing” as the best thing to insert.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2007
    The state that resembles a middle finger.
    anyone ever watch that show River monsters? They had something on there about a guy in south America that had some kind of fish with barbs swim up his *****.
    Originally posted by Bawang
    i had an old taichi lady talk smack behind my back. i mean comon man, come on. if it was 200 years ago,, mebbe i wouldve smacked her and took all her monehs.
    Originally posted by Bawang
    i am manly and strong. do not insult me cracker.

  10. #10
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Slightly OT

    WTH?!?! srsly?!?

    Man shoves live eel up his anus to cure constipation, nearly dies after eel burrows through intestines
    BY ALEX LINDER IN NEWS ON APR 20, 2017 12:55 AM

    Hoping to cure his constipation, a Guangzhou man recently inserted a live eel up his anus. Unfortunately, it just made his insides worse, a lot worse.
    The 49-year-old man surnamed Liu stumbled into a hospital in Baiyun District last week in severe pain from the mother of all stomach aches. Doctors saw that Liu's stomach was swollen up to an abnormal size and immediately rushed him into surgery, Guangzhou Daily reports.
    During the operation, they were surprised to find a 50cm long eel swimming around inside him. The eel had broken through his intestines, creating a mess inside his abdominal cavity that nearly killed him. Fortunately, doctors were able to extract the eel and save Liu's life.

    Later, he told the doctors that he had heard that a live eel was an effective folk remedy for constipation, and decided to give it a shot. So that's one lesson learned.

    Back in 2010, a man in Sichuan died after a friend inserted an eel up his anus "as a joke." The eel gnawed away at his bowels, causing agonizing injuries which were eventually fatal.
    [Images via Guangzhou Daily]
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Under the old oak tree

    those ****ed folk remedies!

    eel is better for constipation after it's been stuffed with glauber's salt (aka mang xiao) and barbecued with a rhubarb root (aka da huang) based sauce. works every time.


    PS don't try this at home, kids!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    In the Amazon, there is a spiny creature that follows ammonia of pee to its source and it has been known to cause obstruction/stricture of the urethra.
    Solution: Do not pee in rivers and streams. It might even reach USA due to open borders (LOL) and global warming so watch out

    Go ahead and deny it! BTW There has been an increase of infection of people who play in mud and those who swin in stagnant bodies of water as a highly infectious organism has become stronger due to extended warmth of open water.
    What does one think will happen when EPA ****s down, US corporation refusing to clean underground water sources and oil companies frack like there is no tomorrow.
    We will surely be 4ked!

  13. #13
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    The animation in this news vid made my's been a rough day...

    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Wait...someone else tried this?

    Am I gonna hafta make a separate 'eels for constipation' thread?

    Cuz I will...

    DIGESTIVE HEALTHPublished 46 mins ago
    Man tried to cure constipation by swallowing live eels, wound up in emergency surgery, report says
    By Alexandria Hein | Fox News


    Stick with prune juice, kids.

    One man in China found himself on the operating table after he swallowed live eels. He believed that it would help relieve his constipation, only for the sea creatures to tear through his intestines, causing a serious infection.

    The man, who was not identified, was admitted to Jiangsu Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine on Jan. 9, just one day after he tried the do-it-yourself approach, AsiaWire reported. He was complaining of intense abdominal pain, and the staff recognized that his body was going into shock, according to the report.

    The man swallowed the eels believing they would cure his constipation. (AsiaWire)

    A CT scan showed the skeletons of eels in his abdominal cavity, and he was sent in for emergency surgery to remove them.

    “We opened him up and noticed a large amount of fecal water mixed with blood,” Dr. Sun Haijian, deputy head of general surgery at the hospital, said, according to AisaWire. “There was severe swelling and we found two very thick swamp eels at the bottom of his abdominal cavity.”

    Surgeons had to open his abdomen and remove the sea creatures after they ate a hole through his intestines and caused a massive infection, which could have killed him. (AsiaWire)

    Haijian said they also measured a 2-centimeter hole in his colon, and another in his intestine which required fixing. Haijian said his patient was lucky to have sought medical attention when he did, as a leak in the digestive tract can cause serious infections that are sometimes fatal.

    At least one of the eels removed was still alive, according to the report.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

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