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Thread: Tell me about cussing in Chinese

  1. #31
    A couple more.

    1. Xia Liu. down stream, way low.

    2. Xia San Lan. same as above.

    3. Wu Lai. not dependable.

    4. Pi Zi. scoundrel, lie, trick, steal, etc.


  2. #32
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phil Redmond
    So if you dont' say a word in the correct tone you can end up saying something really bad.
    ... Or realy funny
    Quote Originally Posted by Oso View Post
    you're kidding? i would love to drink that beer just BECAUSE it's in a dead animal...i may even pick up the next dead squirrel i see and stuff a budweiser in it

  3. #33
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  4. #34
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    36th Chamber
    chou ni ma de bi.

    I gotta say, Chinese people have some potty mouths. I thought saying MutherFlubber allt he time was bad....
    He most honors my style who learns under it to destroy the teacher. -- Walt Whitman

    Quote Originally Posted by David Jamieson View Post
    As a mod, I don't have to explain myself to you.

  5. #35
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    You're writing your Chinese name wrong. MY GF just took a look at your sig and asked my WTF it meant. I told here your explanation about your Chinese name and she laughed and said that the way you wrote it just meant "west gate" and didn't mean that. The villian you are thinking of was named 西 not 西门。

    One more questoin for the thread though, I think Coach Ross may be the only one here who can answer this for me.

    What is "guai lo" in Mandarin?




    I can't figure it out and everyone keeps telling me different things.

    鬼佬 ?

  6. #36
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    Talking Cursing Civilization ...

    There are subtle differences in Cantonese usage of the terms describing the following thing:

    a thing with a head but no brain
    it has an eye but can't see
    it hangs around with 2 nuts
    it lives next door to an A Hole
    it's best friend is a C..t

    Ngon Gau - an erected c0c k but has no ho to stick into meaning stupid brute

    Bunh Chat - when there is a ho and the c0c k don't even know how to get it meaning ultra dumb

    Sei Ngun - when there is a ho but the c0ck just won't get up meaning impotant.

    So next time you curse make sure you know what you are referring to and don't mess it up. We don't want to be embrassed by it now, do we? LOL....

    Contraria Sunt Complementa



    CCK TCPM in Yellowknife

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  7. #37
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    Aug 2004
    No, the Xi Men Qing thing is just a joke because the pinyin is the same and the pronounciation is almost the same (just a tonal difference and my tones are not perfect). My Chinese name is "West Gate".
    Simon McNeil

    Be on the lookout for the Black Trillium, a post-apocalyptic wuxia novel released by Brain Lag Publishing available in all major online booksellers now.
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  8. #38
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    ttt from 2006!

    A good friend just brought this to my attention. It only makes marginal sense to me as I don't watch Firefly, but it's certainly worth sharing here.

    Firefly's 15 Best Chinese Curses (and How to Say Them)
    By James Daniels in Daily Lists, TV
    Thursday, November 4, 2010 at 8:08 am

    ​In just 14 episodes, Joss Whedon's sci-fi masterpiece Firefly managed to build one of the most devoted fanbases in all of nerd-dom. Properties like Star Trek or Doctor Who may have it beat in sheer numbers, but the Browncoats make up for this with their loyalty and tenacity. What is the secret of the show's appeal? Fans can and will explain the show's engrossing plotlines, fascinating characters, brilliant performances, realistic effects, and a unique visual aesthetic -- but if we had to choose one reason, it'd be the dialogue.

    Whedon created a vision of a human future where mankind speaks English primarily, with Mandarin Chinese added, as one might say, for "flavor" (i.e., profanity). Not only did the use of Mandarin help inform Firefly's future setting, it also often allowed the characters to express themselves in terms too absurd, obscene, or outrageous to be spoken in English. Here then is a collection of 15 of Firefly's most, well -- absurd, obscene, and outrageous lines ever delivered in Mandarin Chinese. Much thanks to the Firefly-Serenity Chinese Pinyinary for the translations.

    15) Stupid Inbred Stack of Meat
    笨天生的一堆肉。・ BUN tyen-shung duh ee-DWAY-RO
    On a visit to one of Mal's old Army buddies, Monty, on an uninhabited moon, Mal and crew encounter "Saffron", the beautiful con-artist who once tricked Mal into marriage, and nearly stole his ship (played by the absolutely magnificent Christina Hendricks); this time, she's taken the name "Bridget" and married Monty. A short tussle ensues between her and Mal (lucky *******) which Monty breaks up as Mal explains the details of their shared history. When Saffron, who had been denying everything, lets it slip that she knows Mal's name, Monty abandons her on the barren lunar surface. She screams this bit of Mandarin to the heavens as his ship departs. This phrase is also noteworthy for its use on the back cover of Serenity: The Official Visual Companion, where Chinese characters inform prospective buyers: "If you don't buy this book, your friends will think you're a stupid inbred stack of meat."

    14) Cow Sucking
    吸牛 ・ Shee-niou
    While helping Simon and River first infiltrate, then escape from, a hospital on the affluent Alliance core world of Ariel, Jayne relieves a security officer of his sidearm: a non-lethal sonic rifle. He proceeds to attempt to use said weapon to blow open a locked door, to absolutely no discernible effect -- thus prompting this response: "吸牛 high-tech Alliance crap!"

    13) A Baboon's *******
    狒狒的屁眼 ・ FAY-FAY duh PEE-yen
    During the big, climactic shootout with Niska's men in "War Stories," Kaylee was the only witness to River's terrifying proficiency with firearms (and her eerily nonchalant manner after killing three men in as many shots). Kaylee never said anything, but after River is discovered confusedly brandishing a loaded pistol, she fesses up and tells the crew what she saw that day. Jayne is understandably reluctant to accept Kaylee's version of these events, and expresses his incredulity by referencing primate orifices. Cow sucking and baboon *******s: We love Jayne.

    12) Extraordinarily Impatient Buddha
    真沒耐性的佛祖 ・ Jen mei NAI-shing duh FWO-tzoo
    Inara enlists the aid of the Serenity crew when a wealthy, evil douchenozzle (one of the numerous wealthy, evil douchenozzles who populate the Firefly universe) threatens a brothel run by her old friend Nandi (the lovely Melinda Clarke). Anyhoo, Nandi and Mal start getting cozy during their preparations for the coming battle, and after examining her impressive guns (insert pun here) they engage in a little pre-firefight bedsport. Nandi uses this phrase immediately prior to giving Mal a yard of tongue. From what we have come to understand, the phrase is supposed to express Nandi's frustration with Mal's gentlemanly attitude. Apparently, the Captain had the Madam quite hot and bothered -- and she grew all the more bothered the longer he took to make his move. We don't quite get how describing an Asian religious icon's lack of patience is supposed to make for good pillow talk, but spoken in a husky whisper by the likes of Melinda Clarke, we figure a page from the phone book would probably sound erotic.

    11) Dog ****ing
    狗操的 ・ Go tsao de
    More words of wisdom from the inimitable Jayne. When Mal and Zoe get delayed during a train job, Wash refuses to proceed to the scheduled rendezvous point where they would meet up with Adelai Niska, the arch-criminal who hired them (yeah, another wealthy, evil douchenozzle -- but this one's Czech). Jayne takes exception to this change of plans, and demands to know why they're not on their way to the "狗操的 rendezvous point" as he so eloquently puts it. Jayne Cobb: Mercenary Poet, this fall on AMC (you had your chance, Fox)!

    10) Panda ****
    熊貓尿 ・ Shiong mao niao
    The Canton settlement on Higgins' Moon is populated by "Mudders" -- indentured peasants who harvest mud from the bogs for processing into ceramics. Their drink of choice is a concoction called "Mudder's Milk", a fermented beverage similar to beer with enough protein, vitamins, and carbs to keep the workers nourished, and enough alcohol to incapacitate them at night. When our intrepid crew pays a visit to Canton on a job, Jayne is recognized by the townsfolk -- who due to a complex set of circumstances erroneously believe him to be a hero (they built a statue in his honor and everything). It's at the local tavern where Jayne is outed by the Mudders, and once they ascertain his identity, the bartender yanks the bottle of "Milk" out of Jayne's hand, refusing to let the Hero of Canton drink that "熊貓尿" and pours him a glass of the best whiskey in the house (given the overall condition of the establishment, we assume that "best" is extremely relative).

    9) Frog-Humping Son of a *****
    青蛙操的流氓 ・ Ching-wah TSAO duh liou mahng
    Simon plans a heist on a core world hospital as payment for the crew getting him and River access to equipment that may help Simon determine what the Alliance did to her. To pull it off, Mal, Jayne, and Zoe have to pose as EMTs. To make the ruse believable, Simon gives them a crash course in medical lingo. Mal finds this task rather challenging and uses this colorful phrase to express his frustration.

    8) Stupid Son of a Drooling ***** and a Monkey
    流口水的婊子和猴子的笨兒子 ・ Liou coe shway duh biao-tze huh hoe-tze duh ur-tze
    River's having a bad day and she's understandably reluctant to allow Simon to take her to the Infirmary, given her past experience with medical facilities. After her refusal, Simon attempts to calm her with a sedative from his kit, which she relieves him of and tosses across the room, nearly hitting a rather perturbed Mal. For no particular reason, she babbles out these lines.
    continued next post
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  9. #39
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    from previous post
    7) Have a ****-Throwing Contest with a Monkey
    跟猴子比丟屎 ・ Gun HOE-tze bee DIO-se
    Another gem from the episode "Heart of Gold." When Nandi calls on Inara to ask for aid in repelling Rance Burgess, the aforementioned wealthy, evil douchenozzle, we learn that she and Inara trained together at the same Companion House, but Nandi was expelled and Inara was ordered to shun her. Nandi reminds Inara of this fact -- in response, Inara offers this constructive suggestion of what the House could do instead of telling her whom she can or cannot associate with.

    6) Filthy Fornicators of Livestock
    喝畜生雜交的髒貨 ・ Huh choo-shung tza-jiao duh tzang-huo
    As a clergyman, Shepherd Book is usually denied the use of the kind of innovative vulgarity the rest of the crew enjoys. Sometimes, however, a particular sight inspires even a man of the cloth to throw down with the best obscenity slingers. Book offers this exclamation in response to crime boss Adelai Niska's reprehensible act of sending the Serenity's crew their kidnapped Captain's severed ear. Fun fact: the Firefly-Serenity Pinyinary offers translations of not only the entire phrase, but of the component words. We mention this in case anyone might be wondering if this translation is simply a more polite way of saying "Dirty Cow ****ers". It isn't. Foreign languages are fun, huh?

    5) Motherless Goats of All Motherless Goats
    羔羊中的孤羊 ・ Gao yang jong duh goo yang
    Another slice of pure Mandarin what-the-****ery, this time from Wash, who has the honor of delivering some of the most outrageous Chinese dialogue this side of a Beijing mental hospital. Wash mutters this under his breath when he learns that Magistrate Higgins has put a landlock on the ship -- his consternation doesn't last long, for only a moment after noticing the lock, it was removed. Only Inara knows why (she was hired to deflower the Magistrate's son, and accomplished making a man of him a bit too well for the senior Higgins' liking).

    4) Holy Mother of God and All Her Wacky Nephews
    我的媽和她的瘋狂的外甥都 ・ Wuh duh ma huh tah duh fong kwong duh wai shung
    This may be the most awesome phrase we've ever heard in any language; only its lack of vulgarity kept it from breaking the Top Three. Once again, it issues forth from the mouth of Wash. In "Our Mrs. Reynolds," we first encounter the deliciously devious ginger con-babe, Saffron. After leading Mal to the "Special Hell", she proceeds to the ****pit where she puts the moves on poor Wash. Only his devotion to Zoe keeps him from succumbing to Saffron's charms -- devotion that earns him a roundhouse kick to the head. This marvelous line is his singular response to Saffron's advances.

    3) Shove All the Planets in the Universe Up my Ass
    太空所有的星球塞盡我的屁股 ・ Tai-kong suo-yo duh shing-chiou sai-jin wuh duh pee-goo
    More magic from the loquacious Wash, who is growing jealous of the bond between Mal and his wife, Zoe -- forged during their years in the war and the jobs they've pulled together. It's right after the Ariel heist, and the crew is enjoying the fruits of a profitable take. Wash thinks he had a better idea on how they could have unloaded their goods, and when he asks Zoe what she thought of his notion, she parrots Mal's rejection. Wash's frustration culminates in this off-color outburst.

    2) The Explosive Diarrhea of an Elephant
    大象爆炸式的拉肚子 ・ Da-shiang bao-tza shr duh lah doo-tze
    Our penultimate entry is delivered by Mal, and once again, it draws its inspiration from the influence of Saffron. When Mal makes it clear that he's not interested in the accidental bond of wedlock he wound up in, Jayne, paragon of chivalry that he is, offers a perfectly reasonable deal. Jayne presents his most prized possession--a Callahan full-bore auto lock rifle with a customized trigger and double cartridge thorough-gage. He proposes an even swap, which by Jayne's reasoning is more than fair. This statement is Mal's assessment of Jayne's proposal, and really, who hasn't referenced explosive pachyderm feces when expressing complete incredulity? Happens to us all the time.

    1) Holy Testicle Tuesday
    神聖的睾丸 ・ Shun-SHENG duh gao-WAHN
    This is one of the shortest phrases on the list, but makes up for word count with sheer outrageousness. Remember, these phrases are originally composed in English (though the idea that they pick random Mandarin phrases with no notion of what they mean is quite amusing, and not difficult to believe). Therefore, Ben Edlund and Jose Molina, the writers of this episode, had to go to the show's translator, Jenny Lynn, and ask her how to say: "Holy Testicle Tuesday!" in Mandarin Chinese. ****, we'd kill for a job like that!

    As for context -- once again, Saffron brings out the most bizarre vulgarities imaginable in the Serenity crew: Mal and Saffron break into the palatial estate of Durran Haymer, an Alliance officer with an incredible collection of priceless antiques from "Earth That Was". These three words (or four in Pinyin) are how Mal chooses to express the impressiveness of Haymer's knick-knacks.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  10. #40
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    Aug 2007
    firefly was a good show. it ended before the story did, at fan request a movie was made to finish it all off named serenity. if you ever do find yourself watching it, watch the movie last.
    For whoso comes amongst many shall one day find that no one man is by so far the mightiest of all.

  11. #41
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    Commerce City, Colorado
    "If wishes was horses, we'd all be eating steak." ~ One of the many, many highly quotable lines of dialog from Firefly.
    Quote Originally Posted by Oso View Post
    you're kidding? i would love to drink that beer just BECAUSE it's in a dead animal...i may even pick up the next dead squirrel i see and stuff a budweiser in it

  12. #42
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    "Do you know what the chain of command is here? It's the chain I go get and beat you with to show you who's in command."
    For whoso comes amongst many shall one day find that no one man is by so far the mightiest of all.

  13. #43
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    "We're gonna explode? I don't wanna explode!"

    Man, I could quote Jayne all day!
    Quote Originally Posted by Oso View Post
    you're kidding? i would love to drink that beer just BECAUSE it's in a dead animal...i may even pick up the next dead squirrel i see and stuff a budweiser in it

  14. #44
    Join Date
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    CA, USA
    I don't know if it's an actual cuss word, but if I remember right, "lao er", which literally translates as "old" and "two", is the equivalent of "d1ck." When I was teaching English in Taiwan, as a joke, some of my young students tried to trick me into saying it, telling me in English to say "Older Two" in Chinese. But they found out I already knew what it meant.

    Biao zi (B!tch).

    I was told that Bao Pi means ball sack or ball skin. I had a British friend over there who told me he misplaced either his wallet or fannypack (Pi Bao), and was looking for it on a crowded bus, mistakenly saying out loud in Chinese, "Where's my bao pi? I can't find my bao pi!" He said his Chinese friend was trying to shut him up.

    I used to know some really bad stuff in Taiwanese, but have forgotten it. I left Taiwan nearly 19 years ago, so my Chinese overall is a bit rusty.
    Last edited by Jimbo; 11-30-2011 at 01:06 AM.

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