Quote Originally Posted by YouKnowWho View Post
XingYi is quite different from WC. You keep moving "even if you don't know what you are going to do yet". During your moving around and force your opponent to move with you, you may detect opportunity to attack.

Most XingYi guys like to walk 5 miles in the morning daily. They would walk with arms behind the back. This way they can move their spine. They also walk with "Chuan Yi". If we remove Yi from XingYi Chuan, we will have Xing Chuan. The word "Xing" in Chinese is "walk". IMO, the whole XingYi syetem builds on top of fast footwork. The "Tui Gong - legs ability" came from both ZZ and walking.

形意拳,又称行意拳、心意拳、心意六合拳,中国传统武术,与太极拳、八卦掌齐名,同属内家拳之中。打法多直 行直进,与八卦之横走,太极之中定有显著之差别.形意拳之短打直进用于战阵中最为适合,无花俏之招法,长劲 亦是最快.两军交战,千军万马中,要能有闪转腾挪之地不易,只有直行直进,走亦打,打亦走.如 黄河之决堤。

XingYi Chuan ... mostly used straight line attacking. It's different from Bagua cross walking, Taiji center position. The XingYi is suitable for battle field ... walking is fighting, fighting is walking, ...




Walking with your arms behind your back makes your body less integrated and is a bad practice in general. The swinging of your arms integrates your spine into movement.

The two styles look similar but who cares about the look. Hsing I people will say that the power generation is better in hsing I and that it is all offensive. Ever try to pi quan a boxer with a good jab? You'd better have some deflectiOn going on or you're going to walk right into bunches of punches. You can zig zag your footwork all you want but that will cause the puncher to just follow you. And he'll be able to turn faster than you.

Hsing I's misguided mentality comes from the one punch one kill mentality. I
going to surprise you and decimate you with a series of powerful punches...but not if I'm attacking too. Maybe if I stand there like a corpse you'll be able to pull it off.