Quote Originally Posted by Drake View Post
I also read once that people are more comfortable believing that everything is secretly being handled by covert operations than believing that we really AREN'T in control, and yes, some of those covert organizations totally dropped the ball.

People forget that the CIA and whatnot is ran by the same fallible humans... the same folks who also accidentally pour their cereal into their coffee in the morning because they are half awake. And the same folks who miss what, in hindsight, were clear warning signs.

For a lot of people, the thought of superhuman covert operatives is easier to deal with.
I have never fukced up my morning cereal. To do so in my household would have ended up in homicide.

That's sort of the same argument I use against creationists. It is infinately more comfy to believe that you are and/or will be in the hands of some great power that loves you. Please. lol. You a christian Drake?