Quote Originally Posted by Ray Pina View Post
Popular speech never needs protection.... critical speech. Ideas that challenge.... those are the ones that need protection and should be welcomed.

Contrary to my accusers.... my posts are on topic. My posts are about Kung Fu. 100%.... they're just not flattering.

To compare.... I would use pro football to highlight the fantasies of flag football enthusiasts who somehow proliferated that they possess higher ability, skill and physical attributes than those in the NFL.

I would point out: That if they want to be the best football player they could be they should follow the example, the training methods of the best universities and pro teams..... but that's crazy talk. That has nothing to do with flag football. They would have nothing to gain by learning explosive, catching, tackling angle drills by people who make a living doing these things.
Spare us the pariah act.

Nothing you say is original or as lofty as you think. Every single one of your salient points has already been discussed ad nauseum and anyone here who trains for real even a little bit is already of conscious of it.

You're like a constant repeat of the same three posts from a sub-literate bullshido thread from 2003.

Is that really all it takes to glorify your own ego? Regurgitate a few unsophisticated arguments that people worked out a decade ago and all of the sudden you're Thomas Jefferson.