Quote Originally Posted by mickey View Post

This thread was actually inspired by TenTigers observation about income levels of people who own Harley Davidsons and how he was going target the money by joining their local chapter. I thought this was a really good and shrewd idea. Though I do NOT plan to travel the road of teacher by profession, it does not mean I am without ideas on how to bring in the money:

1- Give demos at your local golf club. Some clubs have a membership stretching three generations. That is A LOT of impressions. The key to success here is that you have to present it as a wholesome activity that benefits the person physically mentally and spiritually. Provide brochures and business cards. Similarly, you can go to the local churches, halls, synagogues, temples, mosques, and community centers.

2- Develop a special pilot program for ADD/ADHD children.

3- Demo at college campuses, high schools, elementary schools. At the high school and college levels you can look into developing a club that will teach basic training. A teacher's license may be required.

4- Take full advantage of conventions and cultural events in your area. Demo, Demo, Demo.

5- Social responsibility. Give back o the community and make sure the media is there to cover it. This can include the collection of unwrapped toys for children for Christmas, the giving of turkeys for Thanksgiving (this is pricey, team up with some other businesses), a clothing drive for the homeless. You do not just want people to know your name, you want them to know your heart, your basic goodness.

#1 Give a demo at your local golf club - No.... The people at your local golf club may not interested in MA. On a whole, your targeting is off a bit. You are not going to get any networking from these guys... their attitude is not MA oriented.

If you want kids, market your advertizing to their Mothers (Moms mostly are the MA descision makers).

If you want Teens, do demos at schools and malls where kids hang out.

If you want adults, market the males ages 25-40 with above average incomes (Males who work at burger king are not a good target).

#2 Create an add / adhd program - Again No... I have worked with Add / ADHD / Autism etc etc children. I have experience in this area because I have been teaching kids for almost for 20 years. You will need a phsyc degree to actually create a class for kids with these issues.

#3 Demo at a college - Again No... Most people between the ages of 14 and 25 are to busy with young people stuff. College is not the best place to find new students.

Your idea is right to go out and demo your school but your targeting is off. On a whole, people who want to do MA will seek it out. You just need to have your marketing out there so they see you first and contact you.
