Quote Originally Posted by mickey View Post
ginosifu, if you want to box yourself out with a degree, it is your right to do so. I would simply consult with the professionals in the field about developing a program.

By the way, if you are going commercial, you do not want teens, you do not want adults, etc., YOU WANT MONEY!!

Effective salesmanship is about getting people to say YES. If not for themselves, then for those they care for. A positive impression is a YES in the making.


I do not box myself in. I do teach children with ADD / ADHD. I have been doing this for many years. As an instructor, if you do not posses the tools, skill or the know how to deal with these kind of children, then you are just blowing smoke out your as$.

Some of these kids are chemically "OFF", which means they will do things involuntarily without the ability to stop. Some of these kids "Can Not" learn in a class room environment because they disrupt the group too much. Some of these kids need a loving / caring smile, while others need a sturn hand. Some of these kids just act like they are ADD or ADHD but are just bad kids and are screwing with you.

If a MA teacher thinks they can just shove these kids in class with out any skill in how to handle them, he is fooling himself.

Effective Salemanship: Yes money is good but, I can sign most people that I come into contact with. That does not mean it is a good sale. You also can waste a lot of your time and money with ineffective demos and marketing. If I do a demo at a golf / country club and none of the members join my school... it was a waste of my time / money and effort.

I target all my marketing efforts towards people that are interested in joining a MA school. Just doing a demo at a place that does not have anyone interested in MA school is a gamble and probably in affective. You can not do mass marketing / demos and hope somebody calls you. You need a "Target", "Marketing Plan" and the a "Well Executed Plan".

@ Gene - Private lesson are good but in my neighborhood usually families can not afford private lesson. Every time I mention it, people either refuse to join (because of finances) or outright walk away and do not join.
