Quote Originally Posted by Ben Gash View Post
I simply don't understand your point????? It says where the school is in the title, and there are 3 separate buttons on the front page to take you to a street address.
Originally I had one point. Now I have two.

1. My original point was that I found your webpage to be unintuitive with the contact hard to find. I actually eventually did figure it out before CFT posted but I shouldn't need help from another poster to find the location of the school. It should be obvious. "Classes" was not intuitive for me. I scanned the page for something like "contact us" or "locations". My first attempt was "About Us" since that seemed like, of the 6 obvious links, the most likely. So I randomly clicked around and eventually found the school location. If the site is meant to advertise the school, I don't think it should have been that much work to find the relevant information. It was escpecially confusing because you have 'Contact' displayed prominently in the header. It suggests you are offering classes informally and have no physical location for your school.

FWIW, people England I suppose all know where Swindon is but I had to google it. Even so, just listing a city is not the same as an actual address.

Having explored the site more I can see that you probably felt, since you teach at 2 different locations, there wasn't room in the header for both addresses. A simple solution would be to put a big obvious link right underneath your email address (where there is clearly plenty of room) The link could be called something like, oh..I dunno..."locations" ?

But rather than asking what I meant, you chose to criticize me in all caps for your own websites failure to communicate. Which brings me to my second point:

2. The point made my my comment "suit yourself" was that, if I had a hard time finding the information I wanted on your website, and if the website was designed for providing that information...seems kind of silly to criticize the theoretical customer/client/student/etc. for not being able to find the information. A well designed website should be obvious and intuitive for the people it's aimed at. The fact that the site owner thinks it's all pretty obvious, is irrelevant.