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Thread: Beauty Pageants

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by GeneChing View Post
    I used to live in SF. If you only knew how many men I've seen fooled. Some of them were never the wiser...

    It would work for what you'd use it for.
    Not big on blondes or skinny chicks but I know what you mean.
    I've met a few that, well...honestly...are far more beautiful than most natural women I have met.
    Know a few that were strippers too and I am talking headliners.
    Psalms 144:1
    Praise be my Lord my Rock,
    He trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle !

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by GeneChing View Post
    I used to live in SF. If you only knew how many men I've seen fooled. Some of them were never the wiser... :
    I think Gene just confessed. His soul is now cleansed.
    He most honors my style who learns under it to destroy the teacher. -- Walt Whitman

    Quote Originally Posted by David Jamieson View Post
    As a mod, I don't have to explain myself to you.

  3. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by GeneChing View Post
    Here's some pix of Talackova.

    Shes local. It's been in the paper everyday. Sure looks like a woman. I think it should be illegal to engage in sexual activity without disclosing a sex change first. I dont grudge any lgbt's but i most certainly don't want to be part of thier club. live and let live in this respect.
    You can really do damage to a person by having them find out the hard way they slept with another man. when it comes down to it, surgery or not, they are still men. nothing can change that. if they want to pretend, im fine with that, but they really cant be sleeping around and not saying anything about it. thats just wrong. It should be treated like a sexual assault.

  4. #34
    i'll say this much: if you go out with a girl who says she can't naturally lumbrificate, run.

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Syn7 View Post
    Shes local. It's been in the paper everyday. Sure looks like a woman. I think it should be illegal to engage in sexual activity without disclosing a sex change first. I dont grudge any lgbt's but i most certainly don't want to be part of thier club. live and let live in this respect.
    You can really do damage to a person by having them find out the hard way they slept with another man. when it comes down to it, surgery or not, they are still men. nothing can change that. if they want to pretend, im fine with that, but they really cant be sleeping around and not saying anything about it. thats just wrong. It should be treated like a sexual assault.
    This reads like an argument.

    Do you begrudge them their lifestyle and being or not. You say you don't, then you make a point about how you think they should be charged for...having sex with a willing partner?

    Say you got a hand job in a dark room and didn't see who was doing it to you?
    First, what are you doing in dark rooms getting hand jobs?
    Second, how can you fault someone for being what they are? I don't think there is any question whatsoever regarding disclosure with Transfolk. You are creating a scenario that doesn't exist to build off some other fear you hold about people who take this way.

    If all a person looks at is the surface, they will never understand the person. Ever.
    If a person only looks at an issue in a precursory glance, they will never fully understand. Just saying.
    Kung Fu is good for you.

  6. #36
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    I dunno about you guys, but I'd rather f@ck this:

    than this:

    He most honors my style who learns under it to destroy the teacher. -- Walt Whitman

    Quote Originally Posted by David Jamieson View Post
    As a mod, I don't have to explain myself to you.

  7. #37
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    This thread is totally going the wrong direction...

    ...but I can't resist contributing to its downfall.

    May 1, 2012, 12:46 pm
    Koovagam, India’s Largest Transgender Festival, Opens

    Harani, center, a transgender from Tiruvannamalai district in Tamil Nadu was crowned the first runner-up at the beauty pageant held a day before the Koovagam festival, April 30, 2012.Ayush RankaHarani, center, a transgender from Tiruvannamalai district in Tamil Nadu was crowned the first runner-up at the beauty pageant held a day before the Koovagam festival, April 30, 2012.

    Senthil Thomgon is a 36-year-old bellman at the Balaji, one of only a handful of air-conditioned hotels in the dusty city of Villupuram, 162 kilometers southwest of Chennai. The city has a few dosa restaurants and one bus station, which serves the small farming villages that dot this particular region of Tamil Nadu. “I was born here – and I will tell you that on normal days, nothing ever happens,” Mr. Thomgon says. “Villupuram is the silent city.”

    But these are not normal days and his neighborhood is anything but silent.

    It’s Koovagam: an annual religious festival for hijras, India’s male-to-female transgendered people. The festival celebrates the myth of Lord Krishna taking female form in order to marry Aravan (also called Iravan), a warrior who fought the Mahabharata War with the five Pandava brothers against their rivals, the Kauravas. Aravan volunteers to be sacrificed in order to ensure the Pandava brothers’ success on the battlefield, but wishes to marry and spend a night with a woman before he dies.

    While Koovagam is officially only a two-day affair – May 1 and 2 this year – the festivities in Villupuram often go on for weeks. No one takes attendance, but the number of hijras flocking to the city easily number in the thousands – at this point on some streets in Villupuram hijras seem to outnumber non-Hijras by two to one.

    It’s the largest gathering of male-to-female trangendered people in India, and arguably one of the most singular cultural celebrations an open-minded traveler could ever hope to encounter, where an influx of hijras, eunuchs, and cross-dressers swarm these usually desolate streets seeking spiritual cleansing, friendship and sometimes casual or paid sex. According to locals like Mr. Thomgon, the festival has been running for over a hundred years now – but it has only started to acquire fame over the past few, as attendance has soared because of more word of mouth in the Internet age.

    Villupuram is the closest area with lodging near Koovagam – the rural village the festival is named after. The festival is held in Koovagam because of the presence of a shrine dedicated to Aravan.

    Thanks to Villupuram’s convenient locale, the city has evolved over the last 12 years from merely supporting the traditions of Koovagam to actually hosting some of the festival’s most popular elements. Two beauty pageants, one in the morning and one at night (winners from both are crowned “Miss Koovagam”) are held on the day preceding Koovagam’s formal opening and religious ceremony.

    In each pageant, elaborately dressed transgender contestants from cities and small towns throughout India lip-sync and perform dance routines to classical Hindi music, golden-era Bollywood songs, or sometimes raunchier, more contemporary Tamil fare. Hijras often live in clans, or families of their own kind, and friends and “sisters” raucously cheer on their local stars. In this year’s morning event, Shakila, a hijra from Chennai, danced for her 10th consecutive year. It was her 15th time attending the festival. She claims to be 30, but appears somewhat older. She also claims that her dance once earned her a photograph inside the pages of National Geographic.

    Shakila, a transgender from Chennai, Tamil Nadu holds a dance pose. She has been dancing every year at the Koovagam festival for the past ten years.

    “I call my dance ‘Aquila Shaquilla,’ ” she said, gesturing dramatically with long, spreading arms. “It releases me.”

    Some newcomers, however, have more practical ambitions. Joanmohi, a graceful 23-year-old hijra from Assam who has been studying Indian classical dance fairly seriously for several years, was excited to showcase her training in a public setting during the evening’s program. Unfortunately for Joanmohi and the other dancers, Koovagam takes place on the full moon night of the Tamil month of Chitrai – a time that is generally regarded as the most humid and punishingly hot period of the Tamil year.

    Dancing under bright stage lights wearing an elaborate, bell-adorned costume in a poorly ventilated room can prove to be a significant challenge for even the most determined performer. “It was very hot up there,” Joanmohi said, panting and streaked with sweat after her performance. “But I finished it.”

    These beauty pageants, not to mention the massive influx of hijras, journalists, documentarians, and male admirers who trail their every step, constitute a major boon to Villupuram’s economy. Hotels are full. Restaurant workers pull overtime, and shopkeepers turn a hefty profit.

    M.S. Velu, 75, along with his 16-year-old-grandson Pugamendhi, runs a small shop beside the hall where the morning beauty pageant is held. The shop has an advantage – a working refrigerator stocked with cold drinks. “For one day a year,” Mr. Velu said, “I have really good business.”

    Not everyone in the silent city, however, is as enthusiastic about the changes Koovagam presents to the local community. Outside of a run-down bar on the edge of town called the VVA Lodge, decorated with back-lit pictures of semi-nude women, a male admirer could be seen presenting liquor purchased inside of the bar to a hijra who waited patiently in an auto-rickshaw. Despite the bars’ risqué choice of décor, hijras are not permitted inside. Shahairaj, a waiter at VVA, explains. “It’s a family place,” he says of VVA Lodge. “We don’t allow those types in here.”

    Some other bars closer to the center of town that do allow hijras are transformed into pickup joints by an influx of sex workers, and would-be johns. On the streets outside of these bars, men aggressively tease their more provocatively dressed guests. Hijras who wear short dresses, and clacking heels become easy targets for physical and verbal abuse in the shadows of Villupuram’s poorly lit streets. “Some men here respect us,” says Achu, a bright-eyed young hijra grad student from Kerala. Others, she said “are not so nice.”

    Inside the more protective confines of the dim, smoky, unventilated bars, transactions for sex last until closing time, or in the case of one bar, until the police finally arrive to break up the action and take bribes. The radically sexual environment seems at odds with almost anything typically seen in modern India – and especially anything situated in such a remote, rural region of the country.

    Ambika, a 49-year-old hijra from Salem who has been visiting the festival annually for the last 35 years, connects the erotically charged environment to a newer, more liberated generation of India’s transgendered population. She said she doesn’t bring her boyfriend here because he doesn’t like the way the modern dress, exposing too much flesh.

    Many hijras have nothing to do with the pick-up scene, and are here instead to spend time talking with friends and fellow travelers in restaurants and overcrowded hotel rooms. Reshma, a 23-year-old hermaphrodite who traveled from Delhi to the festival couldn’t contain her happiness when asked why she’s been traveling to Koovagam for the last five years. “Where else can I meet friends from all over India and receive the lord’s blessing?” she asks.
    I remember encountering a band of hijras while traveling by train in India. They would make a public nuisance of themselves until someone would pay them to go away. They didn't hassle us as we were clearly foreigners and traveling cheaply as opposed to the deluxe high class train cars.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  8. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by David Jamieson View Post
    This reads like an argument.

    Do you begrudge them their lifestyle and being or not. You say you don't, then you make a point about how you think they should be charged for...having sex with a willing partner?

    Say you got a hand job in a dark room and didn't see who was doing it to you?
    First, what are you doing in dark rooms getting hand jobs?
    Second, how can you fault someone for being what they are? I don't think there is any question whatsoever regarding disclosure with Transfolk. You are creating a scenario that doesn't exist to build off some other fear you hold about people who take this way.

    If all a person looks at is the surface, they will never understand the person. Ever.
    If a person only looks at an issue in a precursory glance, they will never fully understand. Just saying.
    It is NOT a willing partner if it's all under false pretenses to begin with. I have no issue with people being who they are and doing what they want as long as they don't trample other peoples rights. If you love a woman who was a man that's fine.

    It's way more common than you're implying. It's all about disclosure. I feel that way about a ton of subjects. Transparency is righteous, privacy is only sacred because without those rights people would seek to abuse others. If you want to change your sex, fine, if you want to keep that a secret, fine, but disclosure is important when there is a sexual relationship. Like it or not, 99.9% of people fooled would feel violated and I personally feel that everyone has the right to not be violated by another. There is a pretty big LBGT community here and it is a current topic here.

    Oh, and it was an argument. Prolly why it read like one...

    Would you be upset if you had a one night stand with a woman who you later found to be a man or a transexual?

    Look man, I'd be pi$$ed if somebody misrepresented themselves in ANY way that caused me discomfort. If I did that to another I don't feel I would have any right to whine about the consequences. And let's be honest here, more often than not the consequences are the transexual getting beaten within an inch of their life.... or more. Not how I would handle it, but a reality none the less. I'm not gonna front and say I feel this way for their safety, I feel this way cause I feel it's the best way to prevent discomfort all around and if I'm not mistaken that is the whole point of a community is it not? find middle ground and get along as best we can hopefully to all mutual benefit?

    To answer your questions, if you are having relations with unknowns in the dark you have no ground to stand on with any complaint. And the second one, I don't fault people for who their are as far as sexual orientation and personal whatever but I do find fault in lairs and criminal faul in lyers causing damages. Correct me if I'm wrong, I'm no lawyer, but there is a ton of precedence in when it comes to lying and damages. The only question is whether a person should or should not feel violated by being lied to by a sexual partner causing you harm of sorts.

    It would be the same the other way around too, if a transexual would feel violated by a non transexual then a lack of disclosure caused damages. If somebody says "oh eah I was a man, it's all good I'm what you want". I suppose you could argue that not disclosing is very different than lying where damages are concerned, and I would be willing to take that into account at sentencing. Just like with anything else.

  9. #39
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    Ok, back OT

    Follow the link and you'll be rewarded with a pic of Koini Vakaloloma.
    Fiji beauty contest marred by ugly accusations
    Thursday, May 17, 2012
    Shiri Ram / Associated Press

    Torika Watters, 16, lost her crown as Miss World Fiji after criticism that she looked too Western to represent her country.

    First came complaints that the winner of the Miss World Fiji pageant looked too Western to represent her country. Then her age came under scrutiny. And now, with the 16-year-old's crown lost, one of the judges says the contest was rigged from the start.

    The pageant has turned into a fiasco in this South Pacific nation of about 900,000. The pageant's director is avoiding questions as fans of the fallen beauty queen, Torika Watters, flock online to support her.

    Watters was crowned Miss World Fiji last month by an international panel of judges led by New Zealand supermodel Rachel Hunter, winning the opportunity to represent the country at the world competition in China in August.

    Soon after, however, dozens of people posted messages on the Miss World Fiji Facebook page questioning whether Watters, who is of mixed racial heritage, represented Fijian beauty or was simply a mirror of Western ideals.

    Two weeks after she won, Watters wrote on her Facebook page, pageant director Andhy Blake told her she couldn't compete for Miss World because she is too young. The international competition requires contestants to be at least 17 years old, but Watters said Blake previously assured her "it was fine" because he had received prior approval for her entry from international organizers.

    Organizers of the Fijian event over the weekend announced a new winner: 24-year-old Koini Vakaloloma.

    A message on the Miss World Fiji Facebook page Tuesday said Watters had voluntarily stepped down and that reports connecting the decision with racism or her age were untrue.

    Another of the six judges, Fijian fashion designer Hupfeld Hoerder, said Wednesday that the judging was a sham.

    He said there was no note-taking or judging criteria during the competition and that from early on, Blake had pressured the judges to name Watters the winner. Hoerder said he tried to argue with Blake to no avail and, in protest, refused to attend the final night's crowning ceremony.

    Hoerder said the contest has painted Fiji in a bad light and that the country shouldn't send any representative to China.
    The bottom line? The Miss World pageant will be in China. It's all part of my master plan behind this thread.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  10. #40
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    more beauty pageant ugliness

    Miss Pennsylvania gives up crown, claiming beauty pageant was rigged
    Associated Press
    Posted: 06/06/2012 11:12:10 AM PDT
    Updated: 06/06/2012 12:23:37 PM PDT

    Miss Pennsylvania, Sheena Monnin, competes during the 2012 Miss USA Presentation Show on Wednesday, May 30, in Las Vegas. (Darren Decker/Miss Universe Organization/AP Photo)

    PITTSBURGH -- The Miss USA pageant representative from Pennsylvania resigned her crown claiming the contest is rigged, but according to organizers the beauty queen was upset over the decision to allow transgender contestants to enter.

    A posting on Miss Pennsylvania Sheena Monnin's Facebook page claims another contestant learned the names of the top 5 finishers on Sunday morning -- hours before the show was broadcast.

    Monnin claims the other contestant told her the names of the top 5 she spotted on a planning sheet for the telecast -- and she decided to step down as soon as those same contestants were named during the show.

    "In my heart I believe in honesty, fair play, a fair opportunity, and high moral integrity, none of which in my opinion are part of this pageant system any longer," Monnin wrote in one of her Facebook posts.

    Monnin, of Cranberry, Butler County, did not immediately respond to a Facebook message from The Associated Press.

    Donald Trump, who runs the Miss Universe Organization, called Monnin's claims that the pageant was fixed "totally ridiculous" in a live interview Wednesday on ABC's "Good Morning America" and said the pageant organization plans to sue Monnin for making the "false charge."

    "We're going to be suing her now. She made a very false charge and she knows it's a false charge," Trump said.

    Pageant organizers confirmed Monnin resigned, but said it wasn't for the reason she claimed.

    According to a statement from the Miss Universe Organization, the contestant who Monnin claimed saw the sheet vehemently refuted Monnin's account.

    The statement includes text from an email organizers said Monnin sent citing the decision to allow transgender contestants into the competition as the reason she's resigning.

    A transgender contestant was initially denied entry to the Miss Universe Canada pageant, but Trump subsequently overruled that decision.

    Miss Rhode Island, the pageant's winner, Olivia Culpo, told WPRO-AM she knew Monnin "fairly well" because contestants were often positioned alphabetically by state. She said Monnin's original resignation was based on her stance on the pageant's policy on transgender contestants and called it "strange" that Monnin is now saying something else.

    "It's a little iffy to me," Culpo said.

    Trump downplayed the role transgender contestants had on that Monnin's decision, even though pageant claim that was her motivation.

    "I don't think that she had an issue with that," Trump said. "I think her primary issue is that she lost and she's angry about losing. And frankly, in my opinion, I saw her barely a second and she didn't deserve to be in the top 15."
    Trump. Like he's the one to judge beauty.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  11. #41
    Beauty Pageants are just so amazing! You get the chance to see a lot of beautiful women from different countries competing in one title. All are deserving but there's only one who deserves more to get the crown. My favorite of all time is Ms. Universe 2011, Ms. Angola. She has the beauty inside and out and brains that made her on top of the competition.

  12. #42
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    That post needs pix, poshmissy

    I'd websearch Ms. Universe 2011, but I got distracted by what I hope to be my next career move - official Chinese beauty pageant nipple checker.

    China beauty contest wants nipple checks
    2012-09-07 13:34

    The 2012 Miss World beauty pageant was held in Mongolia on 18 August. Yu Wenxia of China walked away with the crown.

    Beijing - A Chinese beauty contest requiring candidates to have nipples spaced at least 20cm apart sparked a storm of criticism on the Internet on Friday.

    "Why more than 20cm? I honestly don't know who came up with these figures," said a user on Weibo, China's version of Twitter.

    "How can beauty standards include breast distance? Do they take women as toys?" Judging women by such rigid criteria is so 'out'!" said TV personality Yang Lan on the microblog.

    The contest, aimed at crowning 10 university students in central Hubei province, drew from traditional Chinese and modern Western standards of beauty, a contest staff member was quoted as saying in the Global Times on Friday.

    He added that contest organisers had conducted research on the Internet to determine the criteria.

    In addition to considering traditional measurements like chest, waist and hips, the contest also said the space between candidates' pupils should be 46 percent of the distance between their pupil and their ear.

    China has hosted a slew of beauty pageants, including six Miss World contests, in the past nine years. Its candidate Yu Wenxia won the title when the international competition took place in northern China last month.

    "These beauty contests are absurd," said another Weibo user.

    "On what basis do these so-called judges use their own standards to measure beauty?"
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  13. #43
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    More ugliness

    Just in time for Halloween 2012

    Redlands to get reprise of Zombie beauty pageant
    Ed Castro, Staff Writer
    Posted: 09/13/2012 04:36:27 PM PDT

    Brianna Maynard, 28, of Redlands, takes the stage last year as "Zombrie" after being announced as the winner of the first annual Miss Zombie Pageant. (File/Micah Escamilla, correspondent)

    REDLANDS - A.J. Herrera may have stumbled onto something. Redlands may indeed be a zombie kind of town.

    Herrera, who runs comic book publishing company Forbidden Panel, is preparing to host its second annual Zombie Beauty Pageant.

    "Last year was just fantastic," Herrera said. "I thought to myself `Redlands sure is a zombie town."'

    The Zombie Beauty Pageant will again be held at the Fox Event Center. It is scheduled for Oct. 28. Contestants will be asked to meet with pageant organizers on Oct. 3.

    "Last year I looked into the crowd and everyone was smiling and having a good time," Herrera said. "Everyone had their cell phones. The response was so phenomenal. We hope to repeat that excitement."

    Herrera said there was about a crowd of 200 at last year's pageant. He hopes to top that number this year.

    "What we would like to see is a bigger crowd than last year," Herrera said. "And more contestants."

    Still, last year's event surpassed expectations.

    "I was absolutely surprised," Herrera said. "I understand not a lot of people are into this. When I did it, I expected a couple people and to have some fun. The reaction was such a total surprise. I was floating around for a few days."

    So far there are eight confirmed pageant contestants, including the six who competed in last year's event. That group includes last year's winner Brianna Maynard.

    Herrera said there are tentative plans to include a junior division in the pageant for younger children.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  14. #44
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    More Chinese beauty pageant controversy

    But this one isn't about nipples; It's about udders.

    August 20, 2012, 11:43 PM HKT
    A Model Controversy: China’s First ‘Dairy Cow Beauty Pageant’

    Bikini models pose with dairy cows during the Miss Dairy Cow Pageant on August 18, 2012 in Shuozhou, Shanxi Province.

    For years China has been known for its generous deployment of bikini models to spice up industry conferences and meetings. But news that scantily clad models were recently recruited to enliven the country’s first “dairy cow beauty pageant” is being described some as utterly — or should that be udderly? — ridiculous.

    Designed to promote the dairy industry of Shanyin County in the central Chinese province of Shanxi, the weekend contest pitted more than 200 cows against each other based on looks, milk and pedigree.

    The concept is a strange one even for a country with more than its fair share of mystifying events. But it’s the eight bikini models hired for the bovine pageant – and made to pose awkwardly next to, and even milk, the cows – that has churned the controversy.

    Photos of the girls — all of them, perhaps understandably, wearing masks — spread around traditional and social media websites on Monday, and even earned an editorial on the website of the Communist Party mouthpiece People’s Daily.

    While noting that the popularity of beauty contests has been rising (China’s Yu Wenxia won the Miss World pageant over the weekend), the editorial argues that in this case things seem to have gone a bit too far. “Beautiful girls have far greater ability to attract attention that the milk cow contestants,” it reads. “How do you think that makes the cows feel?”

    The editorial also calls attention to one model who said given the natural setting of the dairy farm, posing in a bikini felt “harmonious.”

    The article allows the girl might simply have been embarrassed and making excuses, but reserves little sympathy for the organizer of the conference, who it sarcastically declares must have a peculiar understanding of what adds excitement to an event.

    On Sina Corp.’s popular Weibo microblogging service, most users milked the ample potential to make puns about the contest, but a few were more critical of the proceedings. “Shanxi’s ‘cow models” — an inconceivable objectification of women,” wrote one user posting under the screen name Ariel_Meow.

    Organizers of some Chinese promotional events have recently tried to move away from reliance on bikini girls — in one case replacing them with cross-dressing men. But given the success Shanyin had in drawing attention to its dairy industry over the weekend, China likely hasn’t seen the last of the cow belles.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  15. #45
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    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Brazilian Beuaty Pageant Murder plot

    I don't mean to sound insensitive, but this has the makings of a great movie.
    Beauty pageant loser 'admits plot to shoot dead rival who won (after she hired her boyfriend as a hitman to prove he loved her)'

    Alini Oliveira, 21, won competition in Cariacica, Brazil
    She beat Adayane Matias, 20, in final round of contest
    But Oliveria was shot dead before music video filming
    Gunman said to be Matias's boyfriend Deivid Correa
    Her dance partner Juliermeson Baston 'also involved'

    By Matt Roper
    PUBLISHED: 04:18 EST, 30 September 2012 | UPDATED: 10:20 EST, 30 September 2012

    A contestant in a Brazilian beauty pageant has allegedly confessed to plotting the murder of the rival who beat her in the competition.

    The winner of the glamour competition in Cariacica, south-east Brazil, was to star in the music video of a well-known local band.

    Dark-haired Alini Oliveira, 21, beat Adayane Matias, 20, to first place in the final round of the contest.

    Dead: The winner of the glamour competition in Cariacica, south-east Brazil, Alini Oliveira (pictured), was to star in the music video of a well-known local band

    But she was shot dead in a hotel garden on September 21, just hours before the filming of the video was due to take place.

    The gunman was allegedly Deivid Correa, who later turned out to be the boyfriend of Matias, the woman who came second in the competition.

    Matias and her dance partner Juliermeson Baston, 20, later confessed to planning the murder, according to police chief Adroaldo Lopes.

    He told Brazil’s Gazeta TV channel: 'They thought that Alini had robbed them of something that was rightfully theirs.

    'Adayane became depressed and convinced her boyfriend to kill Alini to prove that he loved her.

    Contestant: Adayane Matias, 20, (pictured) was beaten to first place in the final round of the competition by Oliveira

    'She believed that once she was out of the way she would be called up to replace her.’

    Following the murder Baston is alleged to have sent a text message to Matias saying 'now you can have some ham with your breakfast' - 'ham' being Brazilian slang for 'dead body'.

    In an interview with the Globo TV station, Baston said he and Matias, who danced together as a duo, believed that if she won a place on the music video it might lead to the break they always dreamed of.

    Confessing to the murder, he said: 'It was a moment of desperation. We wanted recognition as dancers. Our attempts at making it big never came to anything.

    Partner: The gunman was allegedly Deivid Correa (pictured), who later turned out to be the boyfriend of Matias, the woman who came second in the competition

    'So Adayane came to a consensus with her boyfriend. She told him she would be happy if he did this for her, so he did what he did.'

    Mr Lopes said that Matias and Baston ordered the death of their rival after reading posts on Oliveira's Facebook page about the video shoot.

    According to Mr Lopes, Correa implicated Matias and Baston in the crime after hearing that Matias had claimed their relationship was over.

    He said: 'There were clear contradictions in the statements made by all three.

    'Involved': Matias and her dance partner Juliermeson Baston, 20, (pictured) later confessed to planning the murder, according to the police chief

    'In a new statement, Correa told us that his girlfriend didn't only know about the murder, but also planned the crime with the help of her dance partner.'

    'Correa told us that his girlfriend didn't only know about the murder, but also planned the crime with the help of her dance partner'
    Adroaldo Lopes, police chief

    The trio are alleged to have planned three attempts at killing the model, including opening fire on a bus she would have been travelling in to the video shoot, but Correa complained innocent people would also have died.

    Before shooting her twice in the back from a motorbike in the hotel garden, Correa is believed to have tried to find Oliveira at her house and at the gym where she worked out.

    Correa, Matias and Bastos have all been charged with first-degree murder
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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