tough break Gino. hard to say about to him and find out what he says.

but, this might be an opportunity for you and Sifu Ervin to sit down and evaluate what you both want the event to be and what sort of political hoops you're willing to jump through.

I've enjoyed every trip to Sifu Ervin's tournament and to the ill-fated mantis 'conference' in '05 that he sponsored at his school. I've not met many people in the martial world with the integrity of Sifu Ervin and his group.

Everyone makes great points about both the 'medium contact' BS you see and the need to make any full-contact event safe for the fighters. I've never worried about general safety at the GLKFC. But, in general, the CMA world does need to update to modern safety precautions...most especially the Lei Tai events in the kuoshou world...that equipment is dangerous.