Quote Originally Posted by Robinhood View Post
The idea is right, but usually the methods don't get the right results, all arts try to get this connection that they are talking about, but are usually done in the wrong way or context and don't give right results.

As an example, the siu Lin tau is to develop Jin where jin is the change of force. It is to refine the force. But many end up with clamping the knees, fix the elbow trying to secure the force via the hold on to a particular structure.

This act might seems improve The power or force but it actually kill the development of the ability of the change of force vectors or flow.

Long term practice of ths will make one lost one's natural athletic ability and limit one's mobility and ability of change in force vectors within a small space or displacement. One just kill the inch Jin development.

Thus, The six bow is jammed, the six directional force is limited to a forward direction only. With that happen one expect one turn into a bulldozer and crash through everything. However, in reality, it will not even work when facing a stronger more altheletic person.