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Thread: KL22 targeting strategy

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Louisville Kentucky
    Quote Originally Posted by imperialtaichi View Post
    This is reposted from my Facebook "Kulo Wing Chun 22 Sansau" page:

    "Ok, I always talk about attack. But what are we attacking? Target selection as follows:

    1. The target MUST shut down the opponent immediately: either by the amount of damage, or destroying his balance/structure/momentum or disrupting his psychology.
    2. The target must be easy/fast/convenient.
    3. The target must give you opportunity to continue your domination/control over your opponent.

    Do not attempt to go for the "kill shot" as initial target unless it also satisfies the above criteria. Once you dominate your fight, you will have plenty of time to neutralize your opponent however you please."

    Quote Originally Posted by imperialtaichi View Post
    Ok, I always talk about attack. But what are we attacking?
    Take every fake as a real attack, and from their attack the attack. Don’t just go on defense when someone moves, but concentrate more on ‘Da’ or attacking the attack simultaneously striking and blocking when someone runs fakes.

    If one continue to step back defensively because of fakes (no heart) his/her opponent will always keep them chasing hands, thinking more on blocking rather attacking.

    Remember, when you take your opponents fakes as a real attack and while following through with your own attack, then your opponent is only faking himself out.

  2. #17
    Join Date
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    Louisville Kentucky
    No one knows when someone is faking or not, but if one sees that pattern just think more on attacking the attack; this way, when he fakes, it will only hurt him/her rather than becoming a supplement within his –or- her arsenal.

  3. #18
    Join Date
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    Sydney Australia
    "attacking the opponent's attack" is what I always say.

    The other thing, I don't do "simultaneous defense and attack."
    "Attack is my defense".

    Dr. J Fung


  4. #19
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    Louisville Kentucky
    Quote Originally Posted by imperialtaichi View Post
    "attacking the opponent's attack" is what I always say.

    The other thing, I don't do "simultaneous defense and attack."
    "Attack is my defense".

    That’s cool,

    I’ve kind of figured that out; when I talk about attacking the attack, I’m talking about ‘kune sue kue’ as well (fist parries fist), using offensive movements as a defensive counter parts through bridge walking, which is usually taught in the Hong Kong systems.
    Last edited by Ali. R; 05-24-2012 at 08:12 PM.

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Louisville Kentucky
    If one attacks without bridge contact –or – without the idea of blocking while shutting down fighting lines (bridge walking), he would never gain control of his opponent’s center of mass allowing him/her to move their feet freely in defense and without being hit.

    And if one’s feet are faster -or- the same as yours and without contesting one’s offensive/defensive fighting lines with the idea of shutting them down; by his/her feet being faster than your, believe me his/her hands may be also.

    If your opponent is a headhunter it would make your fight a lot easier. By him/her making an attack without taking over one’s offensive/defensive fighting lines (free hands), he/she will be creating a bridge right to his/her own head, then walk that same bridge right to his brain.

    And if you don't take over the fighting lines (bridge walking); as your skill level is the same -or- less than your opponent’s, it would be tit for tat and you will take a lot of hits/strikes, while turning the fight mostly into a counter punch match.

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