Quote Originally Posted by Jimbo View Post
The Cultural Revolution was from 1966 to 1976; what is referred to as the modern, standardized 'Wu Shu' performance sport was started at least as early as the 1950s.
True. Somewhere around '53 it started getting standardized.
In the 70's much of what was being passed off as traditional was in fact standardized wu shu with a lot of hyper extension and decimation of martial practicality. IN the 90's it was all re-organized into what we more or less see today with an addition here or there.

In truth, the traditional kung fu, with the exception of North Shaolin and Eagle Claw is pretty non-fancy, real straight line of attack, good footwork etc. So much so that when people see it, they don't believe it's Kung Fu because you aren't flying through the air like a fooking monkey.