Originally posted by Knifefighter
Tigers, Lions, Wolves all will grab hold of prey and bring it down to the ground to finish it off. Prey will lash out with it's hooves; but
predators will grab on. Rule of thumb - Prey strikes - Predators grapple. There- that should end the wrestler vs striker debate once and for all."

Got this from Michael E. Reilly's web site. Food for thought.
Oh boy, this Reilly guy needs more time with the dicovery channel.

All the above animals use striking, clawing(nails) and biting(teeth;especially the wolf) to subdue their prey. NONE of the above have digits long enough to "grab". Big cats only hold down their prey long enough to bite into it. Most prey animals either run really fast or they have horns. When was the last time you saw a thomsons gazell(sp?) boxing?
Just goes to show, you can justify almost anything with a carefully worded anology. By most of the concensus here, clawing is not grappling. Yet, that is what all the above animals do.
Anacondas are the only animals that come to mind that actually grab to kill its prey. And, only on animals it can first bite on the neck. So, by the above statement clawing and biting are the ultimare martial arts. But neither are allowed in UFC. hmmmmmm interesting.