Quote Originally Posted by Bacon View Post
Well really the only thing you should aim at with fingers is the eyes. Any other tergets are pretty pointless to hit with the fingers (throat included). The problem is that mostly it's taught to strike from a distance to the eyes which produces a flinch reflex and can end up with the fingers hitting the skull. This is why most people feel they need iron finger training.

If you want to learn to use your fingers learn to gouge with the fingers or thumb once the hand is in contact with the face, preferably while controlling against a wall or in a dominant ground position. This will save your fingers, allow you to do a great deal of damage, and save you time doing worthless iron conditioning.
Finger training is not just for striking with the fingertips.

the side benefit from Iron Palm and Iron Finger training is a great increase in grip strength. You need to strengthen the entire arm from the shoulders down, people who feel they need only train the palms or the fingers without the rest of the supporting structure are just wasting their time as they will fail in application.

Maybe you should not talk about things you have no direct experience in.

Also the nerves in and around the throat are easy to hit with all manner of strikes, not just the fingers. And they can be very dangerous.