Quote Originally Posted by MOSHE View Post
some have been taught to build their wing chun by taking the movements of the taos and by trying to make it efficient with the modern training methods of the west ,kick boxing ,fitness and so ,,,

some have been taught by working on the rules which are the soul of the system till the system by himself bring to them all what they need

so there is two conceptions

two worlds
In my view, there is only one world; and it belongs to the person still standing, not the ones lying on the ground.

In a fight, all h3ll breaks lose, the complex techniques you practice breaks down. The only thing that carries you through are the correct habits you formed during training, your strategies and your attributes.

Your WC is your tool. You master it, not enslaved by rules and dogma. Be alive and active on how you can maximize it's true nature, not bound by just set movements.

Btw, I've been in TST's flat a number of years ago. I have seen his training equipments. His things, I don't have the authority to discuss it.