If basic techniques like jab, cross, round kick etc are what we rely on, why do we have countless systems (Chinese, Japanese, Indian, SE Asian etc) developing specialized strikes like Mantis Hook, Cranes Beak and Pheonis Eye?

If basic meat and potatoe techniques are what we resort to when in sparring / combat sports / San Shou / San Da / Muay Thai etc, then why don't all systems look the same. Why is there a Wing Chun style and Eagle Claw style? Shouldn't they all look the same if when you fight it all looks like kickboxing?

The only answer I have come up with is that we (as modern people) do not practice enough to actually use any specialized techniques. What if the only people that ever used specialized techniques were military personal and those with Monastic life. These individuals may have had jobs as Martial Artists where they practiced fighting 10 hours a day everyday for years and years.

Quote Originally Posted by Frost View Post
what exactly needs adapting? There are formats that allow both open and closed fist strikes, that allow gloves and no gloves, that allow trapping locks etc

The question shouldnt be how do we adapt our kung fu, the question should be why do we need to
I have an issue with adapting my style to combat sport arenas. In my Monkey style we strictly use eye gauges, groin strikes, nerve strikes etc. If I remove these for any sport match, it is no longer Monkey style. I know I can do other techniques in sport matches but that is San Shou..... Not Monkey Style.

San Shou and San Da are Chinese sport combat. I think the question should be: How can we successfully use specialized techniqes in modern sport combat matches?
