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Thread: Sifu Medicine and Cancer

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Grand Rapids, MI

    Sifu Medicine and Cancer

    Sifu Ly (Li) Hoa Yen is always happy to work on students injuries, aches and pains. He always comes to class with his rolling carry-on bag full of his teacher's (Chui Chuk Kai) reference materials and mysterious TCM remedies in bottles, teas, etc. He worked on my knee before and after my ACL reconstruction surgery and my doctor was amazed at how quickly I healed compared to other patients. Yesterday, a classmate posted her story on Facebook.

    So here is a story I feel I have to share... Friday, my doctor looked at a suspicious mole on my arm and said it was skin cancer and that he would make an oncology appt. for me. Panic set in... Saturday we went to Tai Chi. I showed our Sifu (Master) and told him the doctor said cancer and Sifu agreed and put some medicine on it and rubbed it and felt around said"It not bad". He told me to keep the spot wet with cotton and Sifu medicine. This morning I had my doctor appt. and he shaved off the layers of the mole and looked at them under a microscope. I was there and he said "That's weird" and took another couple of layers off the mole until it was down to the skin and put it under the microscope. He studied it for some time then declared "Holy ****!" I freaked out and asked what is it? He asked if I knew what magnified cancer cells looked like. I said yeah and he had me look and EVERY SINGLE CANCER CELL was dead in all of the samples, just dead!!! My doctor said to just keep putting Sifu medicine on it and he gave me a prescription for chemotherapy cream as a precaution, but it is almost gone!!! My doctor agreed to come to class because he wants to meet Sifu!
    We always joke about what is in Sifu's tonics, elixirs, jows etc... probably others in Chiu Chuk Kai's lineage have them. We in his classes are just glad to benefit from his knowledge freely given!
    "The true meaning of a given movement in a form is not its application, but rather the unlimited potential of the mind to provide muscular and skeletal support for that movement." Gregory Fong

  2. #2
    If this is true that's great, there is a lot to be had from holistic medicines and homeopathic remedy.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Tampa, FL
    Is your teacher licensed to practice herbal medicine here in the USA?

    No offense, but for all those of us who practice legally, its a whole other thing to be talking about curing cancer with herbs without being a licensed and board certified herbalist.

    As licensed acupuncturists and herbalists we are NOT allowed by law to say we can cure anything. This is a federal mandate.

    Being unlicensed or unregistered does not give you the right to practice herbal medicine nor does it allow you to say you cure anything.
    Last edited by Dale Dugas; 12-19-2012 at 09:27 AM.
    Mouth Boxers have not the testicular nor the spinal fortitude to be known.
    Hence they hide rather than be known as adults.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    North, strong and Free
    Nowhere in the story did i get the impression anyone was making claims of curing cancer, specifically the Sifu. Just a story of someone's experience. Not sure why you need to bring this up.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Tampa, FL
    So here is a story I feel I have to share... Friday, my doctor looked at a suspicious mole on my arm and said it was skin cancer and that he would make an oncology appt. for me. Panic set in... Saturday we went to Tai Chi. I showed our Sifu (Master) and told him the doctor said cancer and Sifu agreed and put some medicine on it and rubbed it and felt around said"It not bad". He told me to keep the spot wet with cotton and Sifu medicine. This morning I had my doctor appt. and he shaved off the layers of the mole and looked at them under a microscope. I was there and he said "That's weird" and took another couple of layers off the mole until it was down to the skin and put it under the microscope. He studied it for some time then declared "Holy ****!" I freaked out and asked what is it? He asked if I knew what magnified cancer cells looked like. I said yeah and he had me look and EVERY SINGLE CANCER CELL was dead in all of the samples, just dead!!! My doctor said to just keep putting Sifu medicine on it and he gave me a prescription for chemotherapy cream as a precaution, but it is almost gone!!! My doctor agreed to come to class because he wants to meet Sifu!
    Ahh, Im sorry but cancer was mentioned in the store twice. Please look at the text above for proof that cancer was talked about and an anecdotal story about using somer topical herbs to cure skin cancer.

    Hence my asking if the teacher involved with this "cure" is a licensed health care practitioner in the state of Michigan?

    Sorry but unlicensed unregistered people should not be treating anything by anyone. And these kinds of stories should not be shared.

    As mentioned before Licensed Acupuncturists and Registered Herbalists are NOT allowed to say such things about any illness including cancer.

    Why its it okay for someone unknown unlicensed person to claim such abilities when the people who have taken the time to become licensed and board registered health care providers cannot?
    Last edited by Dale Dugas; 12-19-2012 at 10:30 AM.
    Mouth Boxers have not the testicular nor the spinal fortitude to be known.
    Hence they hide rather than be known as adults.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Lighten up, Dale. It's just herbs

    There's a whole apothecary of OTC herbal remedies available at many local markets. Are you saying I can't use them because I'm not licensed? We all know that you've earned your license - we get it, we really do - and we respect that. But herbs aren't regulated by the FDA, so your statement 'unlicensed unregistered people should not be treating anything by anyone' is excessive.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dale Dugas View Post
    Why its it okay for someone unknown unlicensed person to claim such abilities when the people who have taken the time to become licensed and board registered health care providers cannot?
    Actually, it is. You can lose your license. An unlicensed person has nothing to lose. That's the burden of a license. When I was a licensed EMT, there was a whole host of things that I could not do legally anymore because of liabilities. And that was over two decades ago, when such restrictions were much less stringent. If you wish the L AC and herbalist certs to be accepted nationally, you'll have to adopt the same restrictions as the medical industry.
    Gene Ching
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  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Panties in a bunch Dale!

    Relax, i meant that the Sifu was not the one making any such claims. I get it, you worked hard to get your certification/degree etc... but now what, you going to go to every kung fu school around and close them down if the sifu is practicing TCM without being certified. Those who've studied MA for a while have all had sifu's use some form of TCM to help injuries, it was part of the culture. Now that there is a possobility that they are taking money out of folks like you who have studied and attained something official, you get offended.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Dale Dugas View Post
    Being unlicensed or unregistered does not give you the right to practice herbal medicine nor does it allow you to say you cure anything.
    actually, as long as you don't claim to be any sort of licensed healthcare practitioner of any sort, you can pretty much treat with whatever modality you like (as long as it's not regulated or intrinsically illegal) and claim to be able to cure anything you like; to wit, unlicensed bodyworkers and energy healers make all sorts of fantabulous claims about what they do and what they treat, but as long as they don't claim to be doing PT, massage, chiropractic, etc., or perform a procedure that's limited to certain licenses (e.g. - manipulation) they can say or do whatever they want; so being unlicensed actually is not an impediment to that sort of thing

    or course, I personally have some concerns with unlicensed individuals practicing professionally (for $) or even pro bono (sifu's treating their students for free), mainly because they are not beholden to any sort of accountability if they practice negligently; if I go to an unlicensed herbalist and they give me something that has a bad effect, then hey, too bad for me, because there's no one I can go to to report them, and as long as they haven't broken any laws, there's nothing I can do; if I go to a bodyworker and they manipulate me in some way that has an adverse outcome, I'm out of luck, because as long as they didn't claim licensure, then it was my responsibility for accepting treatment; if you twist your knee in class and let your sifu treat you without going to an orthopod because he told you that he could fix it, if two weeks later you still have instability and u get an MRI and it turns out that you tore a ligament and require surgery, that's on him, but there's nothing you can do for recourse;

    and frankly, I am a little bit dubious about the whole skin cancer being miraculously cured, largely because patients often misunderstand / misinterpret / misreport what their docs tell them, so who knows what response the onco even really had (funny how, every time someone goes to a doc after having been treated "holistically', the docs are amazed, have never seen someone heal this fast before, etc.); also, since we don't know what the mole looked like under the microscope before the application of herbs, we can't be certain that it had any effect on the suspected melanoma; finally, I don't know any doc who would tell a patient to keep using something about which they had no idea of the components - if the patient ended up having a bad reaction later non, the doc is liable, because he advised using it without knowing what was in it; while anecdotal case studies are certainly valid and valuable, at the same time one needs must be cautious as to their accuracy hen it is based solely on the report of the patient;

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Grand Rapids, MI
    Geez people, lighten up! No one said cured, not even the doctor! He was just amazed that the cells from the samples were all dead before he gave her the chemo cream....and the doctor told her to keep doing what she was doing. I think he would love to know what is in Sifu's formula.... hmmmm wonder if this has happened to others or if there are studies? Anyway, Sifu is the first to say he is not licensed in any medical field, but he will share TCM remedies he feels can help.
    "The true meaning of a given movement in a form is not its application, but rather the unlimited potential of the mind to provide muscular and skeletal support for that movement." Gregory Fong

  10. #10
    lol some funny stuff here
    i think most of my opinion has been expressed by others already so no point in repeating it

    lets get back to the real topic?
    did the doctor ever visit the sifu?
    doctor take home sample of medicine/herb and examine it?
    any updates? was that medicine the cure for cancer?!?!?!?

    ask ur friend to update us please, this is interesting story!
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