Quote Originally Posted by Lucas View Post
sanjuro, i know, knows all too well exactly what we're saying. he's a smart fighter and has a long history in traditional arts so there is no way he couldnt. i know hes making a point about the relation of traditional arts with the public at large. mma is what the trend setter is, and its the method attracting the majority. I feel that cma in general is getting to the party late, and unfortunately has some serious cultural baggage it needs to shake off. but in defense of cma, the majority of guys you talk to you go 'hey, what do you think about sanda/sanshou?' the response is usually; 'san wha?'
Quite correct.
Those of us that have had the good fortune to be exposed to PRACTICAL TMA KNOW there is "nothing new" under the sun.
The fact is, however, the the next generation is being exposed to only one type of MA that is effective - Sport combat and principally MMA.