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Thread: Weird stuff in TCM...... List it!

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    dried tiger penis - used to treat impotence and increase ones jing essence... or so i have heard.

  2. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by TenTigers View Post
    there was a MLM company called Metagenics
    didn't Spencer Gee used to sell their stuff?

    Quote Originally Posted by chusauli View Post
    , Blue Poppy,
    I think Flaws was one of the first to produce quality stuff outside of any Chinatown setting - he was "old school" NYC TCMA from what I recall...

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Slight OT

    But it mentions one of my fav herb names, ***** goat weed, and it's from JA so that just had to be posted here somewhere.

    Introducing Carib Producers Jamaica Ltd's Power Wine
    Published: Thursday | December 3, 2009

    Zhang CZ et al. In vitro estrogenic activities of Chinese medicinal plants traditionally used for the management of menopausal symptoms. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. - Peta-Gaye Clachar/Freelance Photographer

    Power Wine is a fortified wine infused with herbs which have been used for centuries - originally as medicinal and later as popular beverages. These herbs used in this rice-based wine include ***** goat weed, Siberian ginseng and yohimbe.

    Customer Benefits

    Better tastes profile than all the leading competitors (Jagra, Magnum, and Mandingo). Best served cold.

    Power Wine gives a faster buzz than competitive brands.

    Power Wine is a great mixer.

    Power Wine is made from rice wine and not cane musk like the competitors'.

    Product Message

    Power wine consists of ingredients that promote endurance, energy and verve. Power Wine also contains 20 per cent alcohol and herbal extracts which give it its distinctive taste. In fact, Power Wine gives you that get-up-and-go feel and the needed vim, vigour and vitality for a night of partying.

    The size of the bottle is 200ml and it is available at all popular retail outlets.



    2 parts Power Wine

    1 part Red Bull

    Stir and savour the mellow flavour


    2 parts Power Wine

    1 part Mackeson

    Stir and savour the mellow flavour


    2 parts Power Wine

    1 part Red Bull

    1 part Mackeson

    Stir and savour the mellow flavour

    What is ***** Goat Weed?

    Other names: Epimedium, Yin Yan Huo

    ***** goat weed is a leafy plant that is native to Asia and the Mediterranean region. It has a long history of use in traditional Chinese medicine. According to folklore, ***** goat weed's reputed aphrodisiac qualities were discovered when a Chinese goat herder noticed increased sexual activity in his flock after they ingested the weed. It has helped men suffering from erectile dysfunction and women with sexual dysfunctions.

    Animal studies indicate that ***** goat weed may work by increasing nitric oxide levels, which relax smooth muscle and let more blood flow to the ***** or clitoris.

    ***** goat weed also appears to act by inhibiting the PDE-5 enzyme, which is the same way that the popular drug Viagra works. Some evidence suggests ***** goat weed may modulate levels of the hormones cortisol, testosterone and thyroid hormone, bringing low levels back to normal.


    Oh MH et al. Screening of Korean herbal medicines used to improve cognitive function for anti-cholinesterase activity. Phytomedicine.
    Stir and savour the mellow flavour. JAH!
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  4. #34
    Join Date
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    The real thing!

    This just struck me as funny. Of course, we all know that soda was traditionally distributed as a medicinal - carbonation was a key element in many early tonics. And the original Coke has a special very medicinal ingredient.
    China's cure for the common cold: Coca-Cola and ginger
    December 16, 9:28 PM Asia Headlines Examiner Glen Loveland

    HAERBIN, CHINA – My first winter in China I got a terrible cold and was surprised when a Chinese friend of mine told me he had the perfect solution: hot Coca-Cola and ginger. My first thought was, “I don’t want warm Coke!” But in China, most people drink carbonated beverages and even beer at room temperature. Most foreigners in China are often reminded by their friends that cold drinks are “bad” for them.

    When he ordered the Coke and ginger concoction from the waitress I was even more surprised by her lack of reaction to what I considered a strange brew. She barely blinked an eye and in a few moments a scalding Coca-Cola mixed with sliced ginger were placed in front of me.

    Ren Yong, or Nick, is from Haerbin in northeast China. Haerbin is well-known for its sub-freezing temperatures in the winter. He told me that locals believed that ginger – a long time staple of Chinese traditional medicine – could help curb the cold and that the sugar and caffeine in the Coca-Cola would help efficiently pump the ginger through my system.

    While I remained skeptical of the cure claims that had obviously not been reviewed by the Food and Drug Administration, one thing was undeniable – it tasted good! I discovered that boiled Coca-Cola is actually thick – almost like syrup – and doesn’t taste nearly as sweet as I thought it would. Crunching down on the ginger slices delivers a real burst of heat that does make your sore throat feel good. Within minutes, my nose was running from heat, which Nick said was a good sign. My body was expelling the virus!

    While I don’t think Coca-Cola is responsible for this innovation, the company has long known that embracing cultural traditions in China is a path to success. In 2007 the company opened The Coca-Cola Research Center for Chinese Medicine at the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences in Beijing.

    "We see this center as an important step in strengthening our innovation pipeline for beverages that contribute to well-being," said Dr. Rhona Applebaum, vice president, chief scientific and regulatory officer of The Coca-Cola Company. "This collaboration will ultimately help us bring the insights and benefits of Traditional Chinese Medicine to consumers all over the world. As the world's largest beverage company, we can add global reach and world-class marketing skills to help promote Chinese wisdom in preventive holistic health through new and innovative beverages."

    Whether or not Coke and ginger cured my cold, I did feel much better. Since that first winter in China, I’ve been served many more glasses of this unique mix of traditional Chinese medicine and Western invention.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  5. #35
    Join Date
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Cane Toads

    Who eats toad meat?
    Chinese medicine market sought for cane toad poison
    By Phil Mercer
    BBC News, Sydney

    Australia's most notorious pest, the pervasive and poisonous cane toad, could soon end up on dinner tables and in medicinal treatments in Asia.

    A representative from a Queensland meat processing firm is travelling to China next month to negotiate an export deal.

    There are an estimated 200 million cane toads in Australia, where they pose a major threat to native wildlife.

    Reviled in Australia, the cane toad is a popular ingredient in a range of traditional medicines in China.

    Its toxins are used as a heart stimulant and as a diuretic as well a remedy for sinusitis and toothache.

    The animal's skin and organs are also thought to have powerful therapeutic qualities.

    Therapeutic toads?

    John Burey, an entrepreneur in the northern state of Queensland, believes there is significant demand in China for exports of live toads - both for meat and their healing properties.

    "The Chinese have been using cane toads with their skins... in traditional medicines for many, many years now. I thought there was a possibly an opportunity there to try and turn a pest into something that might be profitable," he said.

    Mr Burey is due to travel to Beijing next month for talks with prospective clients.

    Various quarantine and licensing formalities will have to be sorted out with both Australian and Chinese authorities before exports can begin.

    Cane toad venom is present throughout its body and is produced as a milky liquid from large swollen glands located over its shoulders.

    It can kill dogs and cats, as well as freshwater crocodiles and large snakes.

    It can also cause temporary blindness and excruciating pain in people if the poison gets into the eyes or mouth.

    These warty creatures are native to the Americas. They were brought to Queensland in the 1930s in an unsuccessful attempt to eradicate beetles that were destroying sugar cane plantations.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  6. #36
    Wolf nipple chips!

    Ocelot spleens!

    Badger's ear lobes!

  7. #37
    marmoset cuticles

    chocolate dipped cactus spikes (go great with wolf nipple chips)

    woolly mammoth mammaries

  8. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by taai gihk yahn View Post
    chocolate dipped cactus spikes (go great with wolf nipple chips)
    I serve those every year at my Super Bowl Party!

    Are you going to be able to make it this year?

    Bring the family.....every year we have a designated Heimlich and CPR person and I don't have one yet for this weekend!

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    In 1920 physicians would inject sliced monkey testicles into athletes.

  10. #40
    Join Date
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    dead baby pills

    Ministry investigates pills made of 'baby flesh'
    Updated: 2011-08-10 07:55
    By Zhou Wenting and Liu Mingtai (China Daily)

    BEIJING / CHANGCHUN - The Ministry of Health said on Tuesday that it has launched an investigation in the wake of a media report in South Korea about capsules from China - made from the flesh of dead babies - being used as stamina boosters.

    Deng Haihua, spokesman of the ministry, said on Tuesday that the ministry has instructed its provincial agency in Jilin to look into the case.

    Deng said China has strict management of disposal of infant and fetal remains as well as placentas.

    "Any practice that handles the remains as medical waste is strictly prohibited," Deng said.

    According to the country's regulations, medical institutions and their staff are prohibited from trading corpses.

    The Global Times reported on Monday that SBS, one of the three major national television networks in South Korea, broadcast a documentary on Aug 6 about the appearance of capsules from China containing dead baby flesh.

    According to the report, the TV program warned that some of the capsules were taken by Koreans.

    The television team claimed to have been to China, found the hospital that sold the materials, and taken video of the manufacturing process.

    It quoted insiders saying the "tonic" capsules are mainly sent to South Korea through members of the Korean ethnic group in China.

    The ethnic group mainly inhabits Jilin, Liaoning and Heilongjiang provinces.

    A test from the national customs office and institute of scientific investigation in South Korea showed the content of the pills received by the television team was 99.7 percent identical with humans, the program said.

    It was not reported which hospital or city in China the team visited.

    Phone calls to Customs in Jilin went unanswered on Tuesday.

    A professor at the Third Hospital of Jilin University said he has never heard of such cases in his two-decade career.

    "It's hard to comment, because it looks like a rumor," said the professor, surnamed Zhang. "This is impossible from my professional judgment."

    Three traditional Chinese medicine experts and obstetrics doctors in Beijing and Shanghai contacted by China Daily said they have never heard of such cases and it seemed senseless.

    It has long been a folk tradition to eat placentas in China. Placentas are believed to make up sperm and support the sufficiency of blood in traditional Chinese medicine.

    In China, placentas belong to mothers of newborns. Medical institutions will handle a placenta if a mother gives it up or donates it. Nobody is allowed to sell or buy placentas according to the regulation from the Ministry of Health.
    As for placenta eating, I'll default to the great sage Cecil Adams on this one: Is there really such a thing as ... placenta stew?
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  11. #41
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by GeneChing View Post

    As for placenta eating, I'll default to the great sage Cecil Adams on this one: Is there really such a thing as ... placenta stew?
    I have heard that Cantonese people make a placenta soup- but I have never been to Canton and asked. Next time I'm there I will ask if they have any recipes

    I'm very curious about it myself and although have heard about it- have not had serious discussions with my partner about doing it. Regarding it as the only "meat" or flesh that does not require killing is an interesting way to put it for the article you linked. Still- as a non-meat eater I will surely be looking into health effects before eating it from both Chinese Medicine and scientific analysis of contents of it before I decide it is for me.

  12. #42
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    New York
    dragon bone=dinosaur bone

  13. #43
    Join Date
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Ox vomit

    Sick ox coughs up highly valuable TCM ingredient
    Global Times | 2012-11-8 20:15:05
    By Agencies

    A yellow ox in Bijie, Guizhou Province, recently spit up two large gallstones, worth about 40,000 yuan ($6,408), Shenzhen Evening News reported on Thursday. The stones, known as calculus bovis, are very valuable in traditional Chinese medicine.

    The animal's owner, surnamed Yang, bought the ox for 3,000 yuan a year ago. On October 29, Yang was herding the ox, which had been ill, when it suddenly spit up two odd-looking stones, each weighing about a half a kilogram.

    Yang took them to Bijie Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine on November 4. Several doctors agreed that they were calculus bovis, worth 40,000 yuan.

    "When I saw that my ox had become so weak after such an investment, I thought I'd lost out. But now, I have gained a fortune, " Yang said.
    Okay, to be fair, these are ox gallstones, and we all know bull bile is the source of taurine, the key ingredient in so-called power drinks like Red Bull (thus the 'bull'). I wonder if yak bile has similar properties. If a yak spit up a gallstone, would it be yak yak?
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  14. #44
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Coming from China

    I've heard web rumors about human fetuses (feti?) being used in TCM soup.
    Smuggling of Human Flesh Capsules on the Increase in Korea. Even Reports of Dog Flesh?
    16 hours ago by Andrew Miller

    Earler this week, Japanese website Niconico ran an article suggesting that the capsules containing ground up human fetuses are being smuggled into Korea.

    As shocking as it sounds, this is not the first time such stories have appeared online. Incheon International Airport Customs and Excise Department reportedly made public the discovery on 31 March this year.

    According to Niconico’s report, the same airport’s Customs and Excise Department, the amount of illegal health foods confiscated in 2012 totaled 1,715 items (486 kilograms). Of this figure, dead baby fetuses that were turned into pill-sized capsules, termed as “human flesh capsules”, made up a total of 47 cases. Perhaps even more alarmingly, a total of 20,663 of the capsules were confiscated in the same year; over twice the amount recorded in 2011. The problem becomes even more concerning when one considers that this year alone has already seen the confiscation of 3, 235 of the same items.

    The capsules are produced and consumed by foreigners outside of Korea, but for purposes of being passed to friends residing in Korea they are often carried in hand luggage or sent via international mail. What’s more, while human flesh is admittedly the most shocking of smuggled ingredients, dog, cobra and toad flesh have also been discovered in powdered form inside of smuggled capsules. The extracts from toad flesh are known for its hallucinogenic properties. It is the first time that dog flesh has been confirmed among the confiscated items.

    Human flesh capsules are smuggled into Korea via China and have a demand on Seoul’s black pharmaceutical market as medicine purported to be able to heal a wide variety of illnesses. Reports of demand for this type of flesh were first published in a Korean monthly magazine where they shocked many citizens around the world.

    Since the story appeared on April 1, we, too, were a little unsure of this one. Sources suggest, however, that it’s genuine.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  15. #45
    Join Date
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    SF Bay Area
    Quote Originally Posted by bodhitree View Post
    Flying squierrel (sp?) poop (wulingzi)

    Earth Worms (Dilong)

    Deer Tails

    Locust Shells

    Sea shells

    What else? I know I'm missing some!
    My mom told me of one when I was a kid.

    huang zhong huang

    That's when a cow takes a dump, and a dog comes by and craps on top of that.

    Don't know what it's used for though.

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