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Thread: The existance of Squirrel Kung-Fu?

  1. #571
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    Specialty Weapons of Squirrel I

    234 lbs (morning/0400HR)Saturday 10 November 2012 Today is Sunday

    Originally, thought it cute to claim the mind. There is that, yet I continued to and chose a more real item. A railroad spike.

    I happened to have one and thought its rounded head could block; it has a short blade with points at each end of that;held in my fist it extends beyond-with the rounded head on one end and the points-ended blade. The heaviness weights the fist(the fist should be or become conditioned holding the railroad spike as the spike has four long edges that the palm might press on when connecting a punch).

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  2. #572
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    Squirrel Special Weapons:Squirrel's Use of Rattan/Iron (foot) Rings

    Next under weapon-type thingie:

    rattan ring--fits diagonally across the chest and back simultaneously, with a grip or indicated grab-place.

    I seldom have money. But when I saw them in the Kung-Fu supply store I happened to be able to get one and hoped for the other later. I ended-up with one and then set my sights on a metal ring and would wear either when I was out and about.

    They were gotten based on being nonlethal. Seen in a movie with Samo Hung as a monkey practitioner. Also, in Return of the Five Deadly Venoms (where they were not Venoms but cripples).

    The use was as a tonfa--flipping or wrist delivered moves. Punch with ring extended. Punch with ring retracted. Mostly it was developmental tool-even the weapon looking use was just developmental. Use as a weapon would be chancy--being slow to use until the wielder had strength at that ring weight-ididn't get there, but in Squirrel it's about the development, developing. Using a weapon type-of-thing suggests one is lacking in ability to defeat the aggressor without such extensions--a voilation of My arrogance. So weapons in Squirrel are not to be applied as weapons, but developmental tools to edge-up my physicalness to better address the whatever-whatevers.

    I used my forearm as levers/wedges and would pry the rattan ring It did get broken from my repeated working it with my arms a test would be to see if I can do it again. But initially it would now be a Squirrel thing to have a ring [I have to understand not all would be willing to go around with one as it might be socially wierd] perhaps person has on at a centralized location. I deal theoretical Squirrel--if things was the talkies someone Squirreling would wear a rattan or iron~ring over the shoulder or around the waist while out-and-about.

    I use it to rest my arms. Putting one or both through-my arm angled as if in a cast.

    I also considered it a posture check so it helped me be mindful of my posture and wore on me forcing my body to resist it develops the core and related areas.

    I was still exploring it when as a driver I was asked to not wear it in public. But as tender of a house I was not really to wield it in the house-plasce[plus it could slip as I bent or reached and might bang-into something or force me to choose trying to catch it and thereby allowing something else to knock against something.

    I was not using the iron rings[I wore to on you buy so much that someone at the Kung-Fu School came across a hollow metal ring of a similar size. With that I have two and treasurde the gift of the second metal ring. I would wear both-one about the waist; one about the torso.

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  3. #573
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    Comming back from 243 lbs
    @235 lbs last night

    It is other than knowledge, but application of Understanding.

    We might Know, yet do other than understand. With that we do as we understand. Seeing how that worked and having a Feeling about it, perhaps we acquire Comprehension(s).

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  4. #574
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    Primary Feature:Standing While Getting Attacked

    When I realized that I would model my concepts for a Kung-Fu around Squirrel, I went into the house. Put down my bags and books~ then stood in the clearing in the middle of the livingroom floor. I stood mimicking the squirrel I saw outside. I began the Squirrel's First Form. I thought from here, what are likely attacks? What are good responses to those attacks? And that is how I would work through the first form of Squirrel.

    That moment I began, I only got a few moves come-up-with before I realized [at least it seems that way from here, now] Squirrel would be a collection of breathings with holds and movements with development as an interest. There are around eleven breathings(exercises/practices) in Ernie Moore Jr.'s, Kung-Fu (attempt) Squirrel which are from a Tall Squirrel Stance.

    How to name the postures to tell others? Choose a defended name or have no name. The idea was more I show you. Convey my understanding and you get from that what you do. I feel you have as much as you got and learn how to better convey-for you. Or understand to let you learn from living with it and practice.

    I say defended name relevant to this; the primary stances in Squirrel have been Tall Squirrel Stance which could be considered High Squirrel Stance-But then it might get said Ohhh he's High...Upper Squirrel Stance leads me to Lower Squirrel Stance which seems hitable by something like So your techniques are lower level...phrases taken out of context for an unfavorable conveyance is why-ish I say defended name.

    Last edited by No_Know; 01-14-2013 at 10:59 AM. Reason: missing letter l...
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  5. #575

    Thumbs up Inspirational Thread

    Great work, progress and determination No_Know. Keep at it and never give up. Your journey is an inspiration

  6. #576
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    I have me to work on. I have chores around the house daily. I have obligation to move in the community-awy from the house. I'm saying this along the line of priority and distraction.

    I think about what to write here at the forum, but do other than write. Chronicaling has importance and it might be something to bypass distraction and keep on going good ways.

    sanctamus brings up a Squirrel concept of sharing true thoughts. When one likes something about someone say so to that person. I found in Life holding words and it can hurt to hold it. but sometimes people need a ping--they can need contact with humanity. Recognition of anything attractive-nice-good-great-smart-inspirational... can charge a peron back into living whereas they were in a place of going but riding the edge of a path and willing to drift off the path to a way of typically unpreferred Loss.

    I noticed I could play a game console game or computer game or online game and stay up fine doing that for quite a while. I got from that decades ago that there is a way of thinking Ia person might be able to a person might choose and activate to be productive longer in a day.

    In Squirrel I thought to manage from bad situations. Hunger, Fatigue,Thirst, Hurts,Pursuit, Tired...
    Hunger going without one looses hunger. With this going without one seems to also loose Fatigue, one can loose Tired. A person can go without food for day and live. In Squirrel there is Going on well without. Food is the thought of flavor and if I can recall favorite foods I've eaten before I might be able to bring that understsanding up again and momentarily loose the hunger because Hunger is a push Taste makes. in perhaps some cases.

    I was working on doing without sleep well for days but got work and rathered to maximize my working leaving my experimenting to when there is a lack of jeopardizing work. I factor in being wrong.

    I'm finding that Pain sometimes means push further. Also on distraction There's thinking this out in typing [keystroking], now comes prioritizing. Being with my arthritis hips and tight legs it takes longer than it did to get around. The compensation would be greater preparation.

    For me there is, enjoy eating, enjoy sleeping. Enjoy good moving. Enjoy breathing where I am with the Universe near to me as Nature in the wind and Sunlight and trees and ground and being part of All-That-Is.Be Humbled by kind acts towardsme and have thm matter by accepting that it can be helpful to allow others to help and we share living. Sometimes I keep going steady by not doing what I can through struggle. I help to keep another's going smoother. Someone might do that for me I got some learning that I might should accept.

    243 lbs (yesterday)
    238 lbs (this morning)

    I walked more comfortablly three weeks ago, and last week. Once both of those times and for less than ten seconds but it gives me direction for how to work with my legs and what I think is significant understanding that there might be a way to something or other-not sure how good . Can't say for sure but It's really nice to strategize and get benefit of greater comfort with my legs.

    One curent study is learning my legs--I think of Li the Cripple with the Iron Staff. This from a maual on Eight Immortals Kung-Fu form of South China and me needing a cruth to get around inside the house (when I go out I use either a walker or a standard crutch depending on the terrain or environment I expect to be in with my understanding of maneuvering with each).

    Ernie Moore Jr.

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  7. #577
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    I had a feeling like wet bread when it expands and is soft on the edges. A body straining in its use might do this. It is uncomfortable to move, but I have an understanding that tightness follows. I must not just move what easily moves, but move as I will to move going to the edge of discomfort riding the edge and sitting down in the living room on the couch of the House of Discomfort. This should stave-off rigid immobility that comes from being a victim of very used muscles or some-such.

    I should perhaps pull my muscles apart from one another as sorting noodles in the movies before cooking[Chinese older times talkies].

    Today I'll look at Hands-Over from right knee to outside right leg above ankle. Inner thigh near knees. Front thigh near knees. And outter front hip (major place that when released yields greater comfort sort-of-thing).

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  8. #578
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    237 lbs

    Was 237 lbs in 2010 also.

    Been trudging along.

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  9. #579
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    Special Circumstances-ish

    238 lbs two nights ago

    I had circumstance to eat less often for three weeks. Any gains I had I think I'd have lost at the end with two Cubano Americanos (sandwiches). I find I like to eat and will eat all I can get my hands on- ish. Eating is other than about being hungry. Some it's about taste-flavor urge. Samples will work if I recognize this. Example-beveraging I can get six to eight good swallows out of a quarter or fifth glass of milk or other nonalcoholic beverage [Note: milk and fruit juices can become alcoholic if left unrefridgerated or lift around to long or some such. So old/warm fruit juice might register as alcohol in a breathalizer perhaps.

    The weight of what I am about to eat can show me how much I am about to weigh. Forgetting mySelf-ish, Addressing weight gain by watching what my intake is I violated a Squirrel concept of Eat what you would like as much as you would your body becomes more fit Through Squirreling or perhaps in general it will crave less and tolerate differently. Eating naturally should become more healthy seeming.

    I still like to work with reducing actual weight by understanding better waste management of defacating and massage of the intestines and spine and buttocks and the such to move-out gathered waste and waste in general.

    Certain foods also might lend themselves to excretion by sweat, feces, or urine.


    From the situation I gleened a thing called Prinzmetal's Angina. Ernie Moore Jr.'s Kung-Fu (attempt), Squirrel Ponders matters ans resolves--Squirrel's:The Nature-of-a-Thing.

    Keeping the Heart warm might stave away the situtation of Prinzmetal's Angina--containers with very warm water placed on the chest over the left anterior descending artery
    Last edited by No_Know; 03-26-2013 at 04:24 PM. Reason: m to n
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  10. #580
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    238 lbs two nights ago

    Passed two mornings I pressed my thigh from the hip...My Thinks: health of the muscle relies not on the use of the muscle but the moving of the muscle--muscle washing-against the grain. Initially to clear or reduce bone spurring scour or polis the ends of the bones.

    To merely Be I loose. If I don't fight I can better survive...Ne-Pas. There are those who will seek the meek and hurt and hurt and continue. I can resist but other than tolerate some amounts. Now I leave meak and continue on to being greater--other than best--better than before or maintain Good-as-I-got.

    I realized more crutch exercises. These evolve from Squirrel's Stair Dragon. Squirrel's_Stair_Dragon

    As far as the thigh pressing there is a very hard cord there-pressing this string allows for lengthening and greater comfort. My pressing related to crinkling sounds like falling into notches and less tightness here. This might be Squirrel's String Theory--cramps, Prinzmetal's Anginaand low functionality of my legs--where tightness inhibits-ish--pressthe stringto limit contraction of string then use limb to lengthen that side of the string. Release and the string is longer the tightness is less.

    Extention of Squirrel's String Theory-Once normal, outside of hindered apply Squirrel's practice of less-tensening and extreme posturing...Squirrel someting-or-other from addressing other than yielding to contracting..blah, blah blah I thought the lines through the joints should be kept extended conciously eternally effort it by awareness and being there but other than forcing-ish.

    There is a Squirrel thing to yield to a cramp, that afterwards that muscle will squeeze to a greater level and when released it is more flexable and more resistant to cramping...But it frigging -not-diggin'-it-can hurt.

    With Hurt Life One might change one's perception of Hurt. I breathe and do other than call it hurt for cramps at least. Recognize it's there but have no name for it. Look at it be there but no naming. Breathe and whatever whatever.


    Redefine pain to hurt less. Cramps can be developmental. Exhale when damaged to reduce oxygen. But there are instances to breathe Mind into Pain.

    Working stuff-out...

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  11. #581
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    Dentist Oral Surgeon Related to Hip Surgery

    236 lbs. yesterday

    Went to the oral surgeon yesterday. Referred by the dentist Friday-ish. and needing dental input because the University surgeon wants chances of infection eliminated and with evident oral vulnerabilities person wants that addressed before going ahead with surgery for the first of two hips for hip replacement.

    It's like ten teeth or more to get extracted.

    Having seen a scene wgere a person removed person;s own teeth I'm addressing that thought and how to execute that. Im thinking of getting back to cleaning my teeth and keeping in mind to protect my mouth...A Squirrel concept that the body makes what it needs just comprehend how you'd like things and it looks to resove it and takes steps to do so.

    I should also see myself with many of my teeth missing and damaged..and me continuing to bald.

    In Squirrel I realized that my vanity kept me from areas. But that they were areas I might end-up. I just took longer to get there as I would have been pouting.

    The evaluation is is having a weak resource better than following the common path...people give advise as good but are seldom there after the fact to back-up their initial push. There might have been cases where people were 100% about pat answers that later they might say they didn't know and just said what they heard is the standard answer for that because they wanted to help yet note, No_Know (Didn't Know).

    Last edited by No_Know; 04-03-2013 at 06:48 AM. Reason: Capit'l b
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  12. #582
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    238 lbs. this morning

    Got to do another video(just the shoot, not edited)
    No_Know working-out Thought on Walking as Previous


    Audio got better.
    Last edited by No_Know; 04-05-2013 at 10:26 AM. Reason: agb end
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  13. #583
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    236 lbs (day before yesterday)

    Stronger in my thighs yesterday for a bit. The effort to exercise looses me my strengthsoon after. Gain from recouping can be hours (eight) to the next day or next next day.

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  14. #584
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    Squirrel's Shape Control:Intake

    237 lbs

    Recalled a Squirrel thinking for addressing shape...swallow food less chewed--the harder it is to digest because it is chewed-up less allows one to fill-up faster on less substance.

    No_ Know
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  15. #585
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    240 lbs last night~

    I use the location of pain to isolate where I need to fix. Squirrel does much with locomotion. I'm getting a list of moves based on circumstance.

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