Quote Originally Posted by Miqi View Post
Yeah whatever - I'm sure the MMA guy was so mad for no reason.

You know, we're all probably closer to the fantasist end of the specturm than the other end. It's just that some are so obnoxiously convinced that they're not - the "reality" is going to be either something like this video, or them crying sayig "I didn't mean it, I was only joking, I was just shooting my mouth off on the internet".

You know what, even if young MMA psycho is just goig to leather you for daring to calll yourself a martial artist, it might be wise to take that as your reality check, rather than trying to patch it by calling him a bad man. Yeah - he is a bad man. A very bad man. And I don't think he gives a crap about your Qi.
I see you wrote one irate post and then edited it to this other irate post.

You're obviously upset and are projecting a lot onto what I wrote. I see this as reflecting your own thinking, rather than mine. Come back when you've cooled down dude.