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Thread: My boyfriend problems w/ kung fu

  1. #1

    My boyfriend problems w/ kung fu

    I have a boyfriend who I have been seeing for 2 years now. Before we met, he knew CMA were a big part of my life. Recently, he's been acting really jealous when it comes to my training time. For example, last night he told me I spend too much time w/ kung fu, and not enough time w/ him. He has also complained that my boobs were getting smaller from training. I guess it's all the cardio work

    For the last 6 months he's been giving me hell for all the time I spend at class. I'm about ready to tell him "see ya, and kiss these puppies goodbye." But, then again I'm not sure if he is just going through some moodiness or what.

    Any advice in what I should do?

    Jenny, I'm the one and only

  2. #2
    Hi Jenny.

    I think you need to have a good talk with him, and tell him how you feel about the whole deal.

    MA will have an impact on your private life, and you need to strike a balance somehow.

    I wish I could train more, but with Job, Wife & Child I need to spend some time with them aswell.

    Luckily my Wife is supporting my MA training as she knows it means a lot to me, but only aslong as I don't go overboard with time at the Kwoon.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Los Angeles, CA, USA
    You will get called a man at least once before this thread drops.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    Cool I have some questions on bagua and hsing yi

    How do you feel each methods strengths add to each other while sparring or in combat.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Human Realm

    D'OH! You gotta be more subtle....

    He has also complained that my boobs were getting smaller from training

    Can I say, GIVE-AWAY ?

    Not to mention, this thread will probably be one of the longest, and with most broken hearts
    Sorry for absense, lots happening.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Heres my personal opinion on the matter. I hope it helps.

    I take dating seriously. Any relationship thats not more important than things, even big things like MA, is a waste of time in my opinion, and I'm probably in the relationship for the wrong reasons.
    If I was ever in your situation, I would have to think deeply about how important this person is to me. Because if they are thinking about leaving me(or vice versa) because of something I do I have to make a choice. Thats the bottom line.

    It sounds to me like you've already decided that Its over if this isnt a phase, and hence you're saying that MA is more important to you. Then your decision is obvious whether or not it is easy.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    right here.
    just tell him you are straight now.

    besides, shouldn't he like the fact that you are ridding the earth of a set of man boobs?
    where's my beer?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    If he doesn't respect you enough to allow you to do other things you should seriously consider whether you want to be with him.
    "Martial Arts will help lead to d@mnation – Yes, d@mnation!"

    -Bible Truths.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Sebring, FL U.S.A.
    Another question ( you have to ask yourself ) is if you are spending to much time in it. A two year relationship is not some fling. He maybe jealous, or maybe he's not, and one might be spending a little bit too much time in MA. Well obviously he is at least a little jealous, or he wouldn't have made the breast comment. Why dosen't he train? Maybe if he gets into MAs, maybe he wouldn't be so jealous, he dosen't have to train in the same place as you. But he would be more supportive.

    Or maybe he's just PO'd cuz he's not gettin 'nuff nookie!!!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Dominican Republic
    Knock him out with a single palm or a Pi Chuan in the head and wait for a while...this forum is full of guys who find the Xingyiquan/Baguazhang, 23 years old combination very sexy...

    What was your number again?
    "I'm into murders and executions, mostly"

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 1970


    explain that this is your second passion besides him.. and that how much u train u wont drop interest in him. He should love ya just the same even if your melons shrinks a bit. Atleast your fit right? Then u teach him.. Teach him some simple stance/pi stuff.

    He's jealous coz he LOVE you.. That is a possitive thing but he must learn how to respect you properly. Talk about this.. Calmly, without fighting.

    I wish ya all the best!!
    All right now, son, I want you to get a good night's rest. And remember, I could murder you while you sleep.
    Hey son, I bought you a puppy today after work. But then I killed it and ate it! Hahah, Iīm just kidding. I would never buy you a puppy.

    "Three witches watch three Swatch watches. Which witch watch which Swatch watch?"

    "Three switched witches watch three Swatch watch switches. Which switched witch watch which Swatch watch switch?."

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Helsinki, Finland


    If thereīs one thing that Iīve learnt in my years of living in relationships, itīs this: donīt make sacrifices!!! Youīll only regret it later on. If he doesnīt respect you enough to tolerate your dedication to the arts, he obviously doesnīt deserve you. And complaining about your physique??? Thatīs just ungentlemanly. But just like olī red fists said, really talk to him, "put the cat on the table" (a Finnish proverb) and sort him out. And if you donīt reach an understanding, may you be strong!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Hartford Vt U.S.A.


    Filipe has the right idea!
    " Better to be a warrior in the garden than a gardner at war."
    "Ni hao darlins!" - wujidude
    "I just believe that qi is real and good body mechanics have been masquerading as internal power for too long." - omarthefish

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    San Antonio
    If you're Asian, you should dump your boyfriend and go out with Ryu
    I have no idea what WD is talking about.--Royal Dragon

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Toronto, Scarborough
    If they call you a man, don't sweat it......

    We have hade some men, who front like their ladies,on the forum dont take it personal, also welcome to the board!!

    skarbro -- you're in, brother. your sole responsibility -- mock temple kung fu. -rubthebuddha

    Its not what goes in a man that defile's him, its what comes out.

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