Listen up.

I don't ever want to hear you insulting Kash Sifu again. I am extremely disappointed, insulted and angered that you should imply that Kash Sifu is a fraud. How dare you! You yourself know he is not a
fraud. Your Sifu, Master Livingston, a man whose skills you recognize, is junior, from the same teacher, to Kash Sifu.

How dare you say that Cloud Forest is a sham! For you to suggest, "I'd just start pounding on him and his seniors untill they were crying and begging for forgiveness like the little babys they are..." is despicable and quite frankly very dangerous, politically for the internal Tai Tzu style, and physically, should he or any of his students ever meet you. And its a sack of bull****. You know very well he would **** you up. You are talking out your ass and you're going to make some people very angry.

You do not have the authority to criticise nor question Kash Sifu. You are a brown sash. You are not even a master. And seeing as how he's the 36th
patriarch as accorded by Chao, Yuh Feng, you really need to shut your mouth.

You need to understand that Sifu is the Chang Men Jen for the internal Tai Tzu style. And accordingly, he can appoint anyone to any position he wants. It's his style. YOU are not ENTITLED to anything. Get that straight. He could teach Ballet if he wanted and call it Tai Tzu. Why? He's the head of the style. You don't like it? Jump in a lake. Again, you are not ENTITLED to anything. Remember that.

If you don't like Cloud Forest, then that's your choice. But don't talk ****.

Mohammed Al-Gailany