Quote Originally Posted by LaRoux View Post
Full contact does not mean UFC type events only. If those techniques actually worked, it would be very simple for the Ten Tiger guys to show them working in a full contact situation in their gym. Instead, the best they can do is show some patty cake with completely compliant partners.

Or how about you? Since you are claiming that they work, post your own clip of them working in a full-on sparring situation against resiting opponents. Very simple to do, since you are claiming these are legit.

Funny how everyone claims these techniques are valid, yet they can only make demos with them against complying opponents. Notice how you never see them used against resisting opponents in full contact settings.
I am a firm believer in the "pressure-testing" component of martial arts as well. Virtually all serious students of JKD whom I've encountered understand the importance of reality-based techniques. Full contact fighting events are beneficial for lots of reasons. Matt Larsen, the highly decorated and respected Army Ranger who developed the Combatives Program (MACP), utilizes ring competition due to the strong merits associated with such activity; not the least of which is the effective training of the mental component connected with martial arts and competition. However, he distinguishes that soldiers are not simply training for the ring, but rather the ring is merely one aspect of training to become part of the warrior group that comprises the military. The COMBATIVES program has a strong foundation in BJJ/CSW techniques.

Therefore, I reiterate that just because one doesn't see, on a frequent basis, a particular lock and/or takedown in professional ring competitions doesn't equate to those techniques not having a valuable place in a street-fight scenario where one statistically isn't going to go against a professional athlete who spends eight hours a day applying and countering grappling techniques. Furthermore, to suggest that not having video footage of applying certain locks/takedowns in a full-contact sparring match at a martial arts academy is proof that the technique doesn't work is faulty logic. But hey, to each his own. I'll continue working on my trapping and grappling since everything I have seen has been to my satisfaction of working in the real world.
