Quote Originally Posted by mooyingmantis View Post
Nice! My old eyes just couldn't catch the fast motions in the first video.

But that is a good representation about the lines through the hips and shoulders. So, it is nice to see HK based mantis players demonstrating the "through the back" principle. In this case, I stand corrected.
Mantis is supposed to be fast. Brendan Lai used to say that your own moves have to be faster than you can see.

The student in that video was about intermediate level in application usage. He was the laziest of the 4 kids that I taught. Wouldn't bend his knees, wouldn't turn his waist, wouldn't stretch, wouldn't extend.

I would make him attack me and try to land that combination on my face. I'd pull his punch out of the air to let him know how slow it was.

As far as HK or whatever other Mantis, a lot of times I see people talk the talk when it comes to theory, but I want to see it in usage.