Quote Originally Posted by Paddington View Post
Quite right. I will be sparring with them, primarily against archaeologists and medieval weapon specialists.
??? Are you a member of a film stunt team or something? I have seen a few of them build and develop in the UK over the years. Interesting reasons for wanting our blades...

Quote Originally Posted by Paddington View Post
Incidentally I acrimoniously left the Sifu I started with (all the way back to 1999-2000/1) in April. He received his knives as a gift from Ip Chun (VTAA more generally) as did the Sifus he created last year. All others were pretty much left to their own devices to find knives (not a good scenario). I could comment on the form taught there but I won't
Wing Chun knife fighting is not to be confused with playing with your blades in a form, or what you may see in the movies, especially when such a form has still to grow out of it's beginner stage.

I can guess who you are referring to here so will also refrain from comment. The knives should not be used as a gift of Sifu-ship IMHO.

But if you feel you are ready for the blades, then I can only recommend you find another skilled Sifu who can help guide you because fme they are not to be messed around with or picked up for the sake of it. Weaponry in Wing Chun is a very serious business and needs time and a skilled group to develop.

Let me know how you go...